marry a noble wife

Chapter 412 Diagnosis

Chapter 412 Diagnosis (4)
It turned out that Liujiatun was not a big place as imagined, but a small fishing village built by seven or eight fishermen in a small mountain valley.The small fishing village can be said to be located in an extreme Fengshui treasure land, surrounded by low hills on all sides, and a river leading directly to the river in the southwest, so that the fishermen in the small fishing village can survive.

She thought for a while, then whispered: "The other party told me to go alone, but the one who really listens to them is a fool. You two go now, I don't care how you hide, but when I give the order , you two must desperately take my sister away. Of course, I will ask Mr. Jiang for help. You don’t have to worry about my safety. I can assure you that I will escape unscathed. After that, you will wait in the Governor’s Mansion I, I will come to meet you."

Tsing Yi Phantom was extremely helpless with this order, but they only had to carry it out.

After they left, Jiuya went to Mr. Jiang's study again. After a while, Mr. Jiang came out with a heavy face and arranged for a team to take her to Liushutun.

At this time, the sky was about to get dark, Master Jiang's men sent Jiu Ya to the entrance, and they retreated automatically.

Jiuya stepped into the mouth of the hill, and saw a bright red sunset hanging on the treetops in the western sky. In the blue twilight, several farmhouses smoked from drinking smoke, and the small fishing village was shrouded in mist.

In front of seven or eight huts built opposite each other, uncaged chickens and ducks are still looking for food, and little cats are still chasing and playing with little cats, but no human voice is heard.

Jiuya walked slowly inside, and finally, after walking past a bamboo rack with fishing nets hanging out, she saw a few people.

A girl was tied to a chair and sat with a big ball of rags stuffed into her mouth. Apart from whining from her throat, her desperate eyes were filled with tears.It was Jin Yun who was right.

And behind her, there were three people standing. The first one was An Zicheng who had suddenly disappeared from Xinyi County. On his left and right were two men in silver clothes whom he didn't know.

An Zicheng stepped out with his hands behind his back, with a mocking smile on his handsome face, "The county magistrate is very trustworthy, and he really dared to come here alone for the sake of his sister. He is really a lonely hero, which is very admirable."

Jiu Ya narrowed her eyes slightly, it turned out to be him?

She glanced at Jin Yun, then at An Zicheng, her eyes flashed coldly, did this guy not want to live anymore, and actually came up with this dirty trick to deal with him?
She approached slowly, and said with a faint smile: "An Zicheng, why do I feel that you are getting more and more dirty? You can do such a thing, are you worthy of being called a man?"

An Zicheng stood in front of Jin Yun, and laughed, "Why can't I call it a man? You can ask Jin Yun later, if I am strong as a man? She screams like she wants to die..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a loud slap hit his face.An Zicheng froze there, Jiu Ya felt a pain in her heart, this son of a bitch, actually insulted Jin Yun?She couldn't help but slap her again. An Zicheng grabbed her arm and said angrily, "How dare you hit me? You don't know what to do!"

Jiuya raised her chin, her gaze pierced towards him like an ice edge, her teeth were cold, "Beast! Why are you doing this to her? What can you do to me? Why are you doing this to her?"

An Zicheng had some scruples in his heart, even though Jiu Ya beat him, he didn't dare to be rough on Jiu Ya.He suppressed his anger and replied word by word: "Beast? Why am I a beast? I have already decided to marry her, and we can become relatives in the future. What did I do wrong?"

Jiuya kicked his knee, "Do you think you will marry her if you marry her? Do you think you can control her by cooking raw rice? Beast! I call you a beast or an insult to a beast, An Zicheng , remember, I will kill you!"

"You want my life? Do you want your sister to be a widow? Then you come, I'll wait." An Zicheng narrowly avoided her kick, threw her hand away, and warned: "Tell you, if you want to stay For her life, just obediently enter this room immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for sending your sister to other men to ruin."

The anger in Jiuya's heart was burning fiercely, she looked at Jin Yun, secretly hating herself why she didn't kill An Zicheng earlier?She just felt sorry for making Jin Yun suffer such a crime because of her.

Jin Yun shook her head with tears streaming down her face, and the whining sound in her throat was even more hysterical, clearly telling Jiuya not to listen to An Zicheng's words and enter that room.

Jiuya was crying in her heart, her face suddenly turned cold, she pointed at Jin Yun and said, "Let her go, I will follow your orders and go in."

An Zicheng's face twisted, "That's impossible, let her go, will you still be obedient?"

Jiuya sneered, "I'm a weak woman here, so I'm up to you? If you can't agree to such a little request, then..." She suddenly took out a dagger from the bottom of her sleeve and pointed it upside down to her chest, "You want to use it? It may be difficult to achieve my goal."

An Zicheng stared at her, he didn't expect her to be so fierce, her face as smooth as jade, under the faint skylight, was so dazzling, like a bright pearl born from dust.Up to this moment, he had no choice but to regret beyond measure. Back then, he knew her fate clearly, yet he was still greedy and dissatisfied. He agreed to marry Jin Xia as his concubine after he had demoted her.It's because he is ignorant, how can a woman with such a fate be incomparable to an ordinary woman?And now...

He couldn't help but look back at the place where the door was half-hidden. By the window, he vaguely saw a pair of deep and quiet eyes. Seeing that the eyes were slightly closed, he turned his head and said, "Okay, let Jin Yun go."

The two big men untied the rope on Jin Yun's body, Jin Yun tore off the cloth in her mouth, and staggered towards Jiu Ya, but Jiu Ya didn't catch her, she just shouted: "Take her away!"

At this very moment, two figures came quickly from behind a mound. Jiuya had already noticed that the nearby roofs were covered with crossbows, and she only hoped that the Phantom in Tsing Yi would take Jin Yun away from the dangerous place soon.

The Phantom in Tsing Yi did not dare to disobey, and quickly took Jin Yun away. Seeing them disappear behind the mound, she breathed a sigh of relief. An Zicheng quickly handed over her dagger, and she went straight to the hut without his invitation. go.

Pushing open the door, the darkness in the room made it difficult for her to adapt to it for a while, but before she could see clearly, the door was slowly closed behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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