marry a noble wife

Chapter 414 Diagnosis

Chapter 414 Diagnosis (6)
He paused every word: "Tell me, where is King Qi now? Don't say he is in Luyi, or in the capital. With his mind, he will never stay in those two places obediently."

Jiuya was secretly startled, she didn't expect that the grandson of the emperor could think so fast, knowing three things with one thing.

She suppressed the pain on her wrist, shook her head and said: "I have never met King Qi, don't take it for granted."

She then changed the subject and said calmly: "Your Highness, I hope you will let me go now, because... just five miles away from Liushutun, all of them are Lord Jiang's people. And before I came, I had already let me go. Tsing Yi and the others left the book, if I don't go back, don't let them expose the fact that His Highness colluded with Mr. Zhang and the King of Nanping to harm Fu Yu, and that His Highness has ulterior motives and wants to take his wife by force. I believe that after such news spreads all over the world, Your Highness With such an immoral person, it will be extremely difficult to sit on the throne of the emperor in the future!"

Every word she said hit Tuoba Yue's heart heavily, he grabbed her waist tightly, and said through gritted teeth: "You are quite courageous!"

His gaze was almost murderous, but Jiuya was happy and unafraid, raised her chin high, deliberately provoked him and said, "Since I dare to come, I will naturally be prepared. Sitting and waiting for death, letting me take advantage of me is definitely not my style. Your Highness, Master Jiang is stretching his neck five miles away and waiting for my news. If you are a person who can do great things, you can take care of the overall situation. I hope you will let me go now."

Tuoba Yue looked at her with bloodshot eyes, and the anger gradually melted into water in her bright eyes.Yes, only this kind of smart woman who can distinguish her own situation and find an advantage in adversity is worth his time.Before, she was fascinated by Fu Jiushi's mysterious and glamorous appearance, but now, her calmness and resourcefulness gave him a strong feeling that he wanted to possess her together regardless of whether she was dressed as a man or a woman.

It turned out that this woman not only has an outstanding appearance, but her mind is also enough to win people's hearts.

He lowered his head and fixedly looked at her, her smooth forehead, delicate nose, white jade cheeks, pink lips... He couldn't help but invade, he longed to use her softness to iron out the pain in his heart Restless...

Jiuya sneered, turned her palms over, and a poisonous needle was stuck in her throat, "If Your Highness dares to treat me lightly, I will die in front of you immediately!" How could her poisonous needle be hidden in one place?If you want to kill the enemy, you must prepare in many ways.

Tuoba Yue was stunned, she felt more uncomfortable than killing him than the needle in her throat seemed to be on the apex of his heart.

His pupils shrank a little bit, and after a long while, he slowly said: "Do I make you so bored? I just... just want to kiss Fangze to relieve my long-term lovesickness, and you want to be so decisive? "

Jiuya backed away step by step, "Every part of my body belongs to my husband only. If you invade me, I will have no face to see him, so I would rather die than keep my innocence!"

Tuoba Yue secretly tightened his fists, and his tone became calm, "Then you die, you die, I will take your dead body to Fu Yu, he has a deep affection for you, and he will definitely let you go when the time comes." If I am sure, he will be captured without a fight, and I will immediately let him go to Huangquan Road to find you. Then I will take your dead body and offer a reward to the King of Qi. In order to let you go to the ground, he will definitely go into danger alone and want to snatch your dead body Go, and he will still become my defeated general. So, if you want to die, just go ahead and die. My benefits are countless."

Jiuya really admires his indifference, but she has figured out human nature, and she is willing to gamble with him.

She raised her head, "Okay, Your Highness really does great things. He won't be caught up in the personal affairs of his children. He does things cleanly. I admire you. Then, I will die in front of you now, and those things behind me are also my responsibility." I can't worry about it, as long as I have a clear conscience, I can be reborn as a human being in the next life."

As she spoke, she pressed the poisonous needle into her skin, and Tuoba was horrified, "Stop!"

The needle tip was about to pierce her skin, Tuoba Yue stared at her needle tip, and suddenly smiled bleakly, "Okay, you are brave enough, you have won me, if you want to leave, you can go, I will not force you again. "

Jiuya said loudly: "You tell the people outside to get out of the way."

Tuoba Yue followed his words and raised his voice: "You all step back fifty steps!"

The sound of distant footsteps came from outside the house, Jiu Ya stepped back vigilantly to the door, opened the door, and went out along the base of the wall.

Tuoba Yue followed up slowly, with the sadness of losing in his eyes, "Why must you be so ruthless to me? Since you were ruthless, why did you show up in front of me back then? You stole my heart. In the future, do you want me to be so ruthless? Am I living as a heartless person?"

Jiuya was not moved by his words at all, she walked from several rooms to an open space, and then climbed the mound, heard the sound of gurgling water, a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she felt the bright moonlight , looked at Tuoba Yue who had been following her ten steps away, "Your Highness, thank you for sending me here. From now on, Your Highness will never use my dead body to embarrass my husband."

Tuoba Yue shouted anxiously: "What do you want to do?"

Jiu Ya didn't answer him at all, she suddenly turned around and jumped, her body hopping like a light butterfly.

Tuoba Yue flew forward without hesitation, and said in a miserable voice: "Come back! I won't let you die—"

Jiuya slammed into the bottom of the water with a thud, she knew that Tuoba Yue had chased after him desperately, but how could she let him catch up?She held her breath and paddled westward in the dark bottom of the water. Usually, people who can't swim fall into the water, and they will definitely be washed eastward by the current.And she has always been in a deep boudoir, who would have known that she would swim?She goes upstream, and if she doesn't poke her head for a while, who can catch her?

Tuoba Yue explored the dark bottom of the water, but he didn't even touch a single hair of her. He jumped out of the water anxiously and shouted: "Hurry up, light up the torches, more people will come down, we must save them."

An Zicheng organized people on the shore to rescue her, but as countless people jumped into the water, the search area was expanded, and there was no trace of the woman at all.Tuoba Yue was so anxious that he was soaked in the water and didn't even want to wake up. Someone had already untied the fisherman's fishing boat and hung up the net to search around. He stood at the bow of the boat, holding a torch, hoping to see even the slightest trace of her struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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