marry a noble wife

Chapter 415 Diagnosis

Chapter 415 Diagnosis (7)
But no, no matter how far their boat rowed, they never saw her surface, as if...she was a stone, once she fell into the water, she sank to the bottom.

There seemed to be her helpless and beautiful struggle in the dark place. If he had known this, he shouldn't have pressed her to let her go, and she would not have died here.If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have brought her here. At least, he could still see her bright smile occasionally...

Is Yi Ren really going to die because of his greed?He was remorseful, couldn't help grabbing An Zicheng's collar, and said in a low voice: "Why did you tell me those words? Why did you have to force her? If her fate can help me become an emperor, why is she dead now? ?tell me why?"

An Zicheng said in shock: "Your Highness, I didn't expect her to be so strong, I thought she would be afraid of death, I thought she would have a sisterly love, Your Highness, it's really unexpected..."

Tuoba Yue let out a mournful cry, and kicked him into the water, "Go and find her, no matter what, you have to find her tonight."

This scene fell into the eyes of the three people who were hiding behind the hill not far away.The three of them discussed in low voices while no one was paying attention.

"My lord, although I couldn't hear what they said, it seems that the young man in the hu suit couldn't bear the humiliation of His Royal Highness, and now he committed suicide by jumping into the river." Boss Du said with a wretched smile that knew the ambiguity.

Gao Kan, a 50-year-old military doctor with a mustache, stroked his mustache, "We didn't mean to see Taisun bring someone from the capital, so mysterious, we thought we could see some earth-shattering secrets , I didn't expect to see His Royal Highness's grandson forcing the little beautiful boy to break his sleeves. Although it is surprising, but this one is good, there are many in the capital, ahem, there is no creativity, loose and tight, Lord, you Anyway, the poisonous wound has healed up, so let's withdraw tonight. The affairs of the Tucker tribe can't be delayed any longer."

Tuoba Yue stood on the bank, staring at the river, and asked an irrelevant question: "Do you think that little thing would really be so stupid to die by himself?"

Gao Kan's face darkened, "Master, we are talking about going to the Tak clan immediately."

Tuoba Yue said to herself, "In my opinion, she must have gone upstream."

He suddenly smiled, "I knew it, she has a lot of skills, maybe she is swimming happily in the bottom of the water now. Let's go, Boss Du, Gao Kan, let's go into the water a little ahead to find her. It's hot, and the water here is extremely cold, so we can't let her swim for a long time alone."

As he said that, he took the lead to go west. Boss Du and Gao Kan looked shocked. The prince must have been confused by poison, right?To actually go into the water to play with His Highness Taisun's little molester?

Tuoba Yue calculated the swimming speed of ordinary people, and after walking a certain distance, it was estimated that it was almost the same. He believed that his nephew would never find it again, so he waved his hand, and the three of them jumped into the water, calling softly: "Jiuya... ...Jiuya..."

Boss Du and Gao Kan were even more surprised. Could it be that the prince knew the child molester of His Highness the Grandson?The two of them felt that something was wrong, no wonder the lord had acted indifferently for so many years, it turns out that he likes men!
The two of them were numb with shock at the same time, and hurriedly got into the water to town, this thing is too horrifying.

Jiuya swam vigorously in the water, just when she was getting exhausted and ready to float up to take a breath, she heard the sound of the water nearby, she couldn't help being horrified, could it be that Tuoba Yue expected her to swim upstream, Has someone chased him over?

She couldn't help cursing secretly, found a dark place, quietly exposed her head and took a few breaths of fresh air, then immediately got into the water again, and continued to swim forward vigorously.

Tuoba Yue and Boss Du touched the water for a long time, but there was no sign of Jiuya at all.Boss Du and Gao Kan climbed ashore, panting, "It's too bad, I made a mistake this time, and with such a big river, where can I touch people? Who knows where they were washed away by the current?"

Tuoba Yue also climbed up at this time, twisted the wet clothes on her body and sat down to think hard. Jiuya would definitely not be a person who seeks her own death. Tuoba Yue didn't hold her back with fishing nets downstream. It's strange to go upstream.But why not?

His eyes searched the dark river surface, and his ears listened silently. Except for the singing of insects and frogs, he could not hear the sound of water splashing at all.

Could it be that he misjudged the place?

He looked back at Boss Du and Gao Kan, and his heart flashed. Could it be that she thought that Tuoba Yue's men were still chasing her, so she didn't dare to show up?

He couldn't help secretly blaming, it must be like this, poor little Jiuya must still be swimming desperately in the water now.

He immediately ordered: "You two are not allowed to make a sound from now on. Stand one half a mile away and guard the shore. If there is any movement in the water, you are not allowed to make a sound until someone comes ashore. calls me."

Boss Du gouged out his nostrils, "Master, it's just a broken sleeve, why do you need to spend so much effort?"

Tuoba Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, got up and walked along the shore.Boss Du and Gao Kan had no choice but to line up silently, drenched all over, and wait on the shore.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiuya could no longer paddle in the water, her hands and feet were limp, and she finally surfaced, wanting to swim to the shore, but she had no strength left.

She clenched her teeth and tried to move a few times. Under the moonlight, she had already seen the river bank. She exerted force, and then her legs finally could no longer move. Only then did she know that she was very lucky to hug a rotten branch that fell into the water and rotted.She cursed secretly, subconsciously hugged the rotten branch tightly, and passed out.

Tuoba Yue and Boss Du listened to the movement in the water all night, but they didn't find any movement.Boss Du and Gao Kan yawned, but Tuoba Yue's mood became more and more depressed. Could it be that something happened to Jiuya?
He couldn't help walking back and forth along the river bank until it was dawn, when he suddenly saw a black shadow floating on the river not far away.His heart tightened, could it be her?

Hurriedly walking over, she saw someone hugging a rotten tree branch, under her loose long hair was her unique lotus green beard, he quickly got into the water, and whispered: "Jiuya..."

(End of this chapter)

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