marry a noble wife

Chapter 416 I Should Call You Uncle

Chapter 416 I Should Call You Uncle (1)
There was no response, so he swam over and touched her chest first, it was warm and her breath was weak, obviously she had passed out from exhaustion.

He hugged her off the branch, and then swam to the shore with her in his arms, and said loudly, "Gao Kan, she has been found."

Gao Kan and Boss Du sat up from the ground at once, and ran over quickly. They saw that the one who was hugged in the arms of the prince was not a young man, it was clearly a pretty little girl.

The two were delighted, Boss Du went to find a place to shelter from the wind, Gao Kan took Jiuya's pulse, frowned slightly later and said: "It should be an injury on the body, soaked in water all night, cold air invaded, need to be treated with medicine immediately, otherwise it will bad thing."

Tuoba Yue said in disbelief: "Your half-baked medical skills, can you do it? Don't misdiagnose, that will be a bad thing."

Gao Kan stroked the mustache on his mouth and coughed, "Why is Master so distrustful of people? Well, warming her up is the right way."

Boss Du quickly found a bear den in a wilderness. He beat the bear couple away with three punches and two kicks, and then brought the patient in.

Tuoba Yue put Jiuya on a pile of hay, and Boss Du wanted to find firewood to burn the patient, but Gao Kan grabbed him, "She's already chilled into her internal organs, and once she's roasted, she's gone to the bone. Don't even think about pulling out the cold poison."

Boss Du rolled his eyes, "Then what should I do? Could it be that my sweetheart is so sickly that I don't open my eyes?"

Tuoba Yue also looked at Jiu Ya's sticky wet clothes, under which the woman's uneven body was wrapped.He looked away with a gentlemanly face, coughed and said: "No matter what, I have to light a fire to dry the clothes on her body. If she is wrapped like this, she will be sick if she is not sick."

Boss Du chuckled, "Master, this is a good opportunity for you. I'll light the fire, and you can take it off for her after a while, take it off."

He turned around laughing and left, Gao Kan also had a calculating face, Tuoba Yue said to Boss Du angrily, "Am I that kind of person who has no quality? You are the only ones who are so wretched."

Boss Du laughed even louder, quality is nothing.

After a while, he picked up a lot of firewood, set up a frame, lit up the fire, and went out. Gao Kan had already slapped his buttocks, saying he was looking for medicine.

Tuoba Yue disdained that they looked down on him so much, and didn't take off Jiu Ya's clothes, but moved her closer to the fire.He is definitely a gentleman and magnanimous, he does not take advantage of others' dangers, and only guards her by the fire.

Her face quickly turned red, and he turned her body from time to time, allowing the moisture on her body to dry slowly one by one.

However, until noon, her clothes were dry, and she was plunged into the cold again, her body was still shivering slightly.

He pressed against her back to send his true energy, once the fiery true energy entered, it was like a meat bun beating a dog, and it disappeared.He was startled, and quickly stopped, right, the cold was terribly severe.

Waiting left and right, and finally waiting until it was dark, Gao Kan walked in slowly, empty-handed, without a blade of grass.

Tuoba Yue hurriedly told him the previous situation, and Gao Kan took Jiuya's pulse again, after a long while, finally sighed: "I told you not to use fire, you have to use fire Roast, her body is a pure yin body, well, the cold is all in the bones, and it is hard for a god to save it."

Tuoba Yue frowned, and looked him up and down, "Your appearance makes me think that she will not be hopeless. Tell me, what conditions do you want to raise?"

Gao Kan stroked his mustache and smiled, "I still know me best, and there is indeed another method, that is, I use your pure yang internal energy to dredge the meridians of her whole body, and then run for 32 weeks to drive out the cold air in her bones." .”

Tuoba Yue was in a dilemma, "But the situation just now was very bad. I'm afraid that before I connect to her meridians, I will exhaust my internal energy and die."

"Let me tell you a way." Gao Kan whispered a few words in his ear.Tuoba Yue looked at the woman with a pale face in the firelight and groaned, Gao Kanyu patted him on the shoulder earnestly, "The master here has the highest skill, and her physique is extremely strange, I can't delay any longer, otherwise I won't be able to survive tonight, die It’s not good, Lord, let’s sacrifice your profound internal strength.”

Tuoba Yue's eyes flickered in the flames.

In the darkness, Jiuya felt that she suddenly became light and floating, and she could float around with her heartbeat. She only felt that her whole body and mind felt at ease.Then she saw a beam of light like a searchlight suddenly shooting down from the sky.She couldn't help but floated over at once, the beam of light was suddenly retracted, and she was actually transferred to another place that was bright and upright.

There is no distinction between heaven and earth here, and there is a glistening white light in the entire field of vision, which is not dazzling and makes people feel white.And among these pure whites, there are quite a few men in white clothes with veils on their heads walking around slowly, as if unconscious.

She just felt strange, what kind of place is this?Haven't seen it before?She drifted slowly with those figures, feeling very happy physically and mentally. She floated carefreely with the person in front of her, wondering where this person was going to go?

Finally, she saw a jasper gate inlaid with gold and jade. The gate was open, and two holy and benevolent people with indistinguishable male and female faces stood on both sides. They let the figure in front pass, then looked at her with a smile, and at the same time made a gesture of invitation .

Jiuya was about to go in without hesitation. At this moment, she suddenly heard a voice calling her not far behind. She turned her head, but there was no familiar face.After listening to the cry carefully for a while, I felt it was familiar, so I turned around to find the source of the sound.

Finally, she came to a black and white hall, and she finally found the source of the sound. It was a man standing on the stone floor below who was calling her.She rubbed her eyes, trying to see who that person was, but it turned out to be His Royal Highness King Qi among the people she knew.But in the blink of an eye, she turned into Fu Yu.

His voice was so eager to call, she suddenly trembled, and then she remembered that Fu Yu was her husband, and she had married him as his wife.But now why is she here, but he is below?Could it be that she is dead?It is said that this is what the dead look like when they go to heaven.

Hearing Fu Yu's urgent call, she smiled slightly, and floated down immediately, took his hand, and said affectionately: "Xianggong..."

(End of this chapter)

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