marry a noble wife

Chapter 417 I Should Call You Uncle

Chapter 417 I Should Call You Uncle (2)
Fu Yu laughed, and then he took her hand, and started looking for a way around, looking for a way home...

She couldn't remember how long she had been looking for, until her body warmed up, she suddenly felt the fear of falling from the clouds to the ground, opened her eyes without warning, and the top of her head turned into a blue shaking car roof.

She rolled her eyes and felt warm and comfortable all over her body. She already remembered the time when she was still in the water before. Could it be that she has been rescued?
She sat up immediately, and when she looked down, she saw Tuoba Yue in a lake blue robe meditating with her eyes closed on the other side of the cushion.

He was actually saved again.

She sat up and crawled in front of him, shaking her hand in front of him, seeing that he didn't respond, and was about to retreat, when he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he pointed to the opposite side, "Sit."

Jiuya sat down as she said, and said embarrassedly, "Thank you for saving me again."

Tuoba Yue didn't respond to her words, but just said indifferently: "So you are already married, who are you married to?"

Didn't Jiuya expect him to mention this suddenly?How did he know she was married?

At this time, she felt that it was better to tell the truth, "The person I married... I should call you uncle now. I'm sorry, we are late in recognizing relatives." Originally, she wanted to recognize relatives after returning to Beijing, I didn't expect to meet him again here.

Tuoba Yue's gaze stayed on her face, "Uncle?" His eyebrows twitched, "Could it be that you are married to Fu Yu?" Suddenly, what happened in the carriage last year was vivid in his mind. , isn't there already a sign?

Jiu Ya nodded, not knowing what to say, she just said vaguely: "Last year, you went out suddenly, and many things happened in our Song Mansion, and in the end, my mother decided to marry me to Fu Yu..."

Tuoba Yue's complexion changed, and she turned a little transparent, "Then what about the letter I left for you? I clearly asked you to wait for me for at least one year, at most two years, and I will go back to marry you. This is the same as writing a marriage letter. Why don't you wait? Am I so out of your sight?"

Jiu Ya was taken aback, "You left me a letter? No, I didn't see the letter you left me."

"What? Didn't you see the letter?" Tuoba Yue angrily threw a white porcelain bowl in front of her on the wall of the car, and the porcelain bowl shattered and fell to the ground.He turned his head and stared at her, "Do you know that I went to your Song residence on the night of my expedition and wanted to see you, but your mother didn't allow it. In order not to spoil your reputation, I didn't force it. So I put Leaving her to pass on the letter to you, I never imagined that she would be so bold that she dared to withhold my letter!" At that time, he warned her like that, but he never imagined that the woman was not afraid of death?

Jiuya was stunned again, she really didn't know there was such a detail.No wonder, seeing her this time, Tuoba Yue would so naturally ask her if she came to visit him. It turned out that he already regarded her as his fiancée...

Tuoba Yue suddenly supported her shoulder, his voice hoarse, "Tell me, when did you and Fu Yu get married?"

She whispered: "December last year."

Tuoba Yue felt cold, last December?Afraid of Xiao's mischief, he repeatedly told his aunt to visit her from time to time, but the aunt didn't say a word.The queen mother also knew what he meant, why didn't she mention this matter in several correspondences?Why do you have to hide it from him?
He slowly let go of her, with no expression on his face, knocked on the wall of the carriage, the carriage stopped, he jumped out of the carriage, walked silently to the side of the road, and stood under a poplar tree with his hands behind his back, letting the breeze slowly Blow the hem of his robe.

Jiuya was watching his every move, at this moment, she couldn't feel any emotion from him, not sad, not angry, only... an indescribable bleakness and loneliness.

After all, she really didn't know this man.

But now it is too abrupt to say anything, she has become someone else's wife after all.

She found the boots that had been cleaned and put them on, then walked behind him, and said softly: "Thank you uncle for saving me again, I'm going back to Zhangzhou now, let's say goodbye."

"Do you know that you have been in a coma for a few days?" Tuoba Yue said suddenly, without saying anything about the uncle she called.

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, "More than one day? How many days would it be?"

"Three days, you have been in a coma for three days." Tuoba Yue turned around, and the expression on his face had returned to a smooth conversation. He smiled, "Grandson Tuoba Yue has been sending people to Liushutun Looking for you nearby. I guess, he will come to arrest you immediately when you show up. Are you still planning to go to Zhangzhou now?"

Jiuya thought for a while, "My sister and Phantom in Tsing Yi are still waiting for me at the governor's house of Zhangzhou, Mr. Jiang. If I don't show up to report their safety, they must be worried, and I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Phantom in Tsing Yi can't wait for her, so she must send a letter to Fu Yu to make him worry, which is not good.

"I have asked Boss Du to stay in Zhangzhou to find your sister, so that they don't have to worry about your safety." Tuoba Yue said softly: "Because you are unwell, I have to drive you away from the cold and poison, and I have to hurry, so We are now on our way to the Tak tribe, and there is at most one day’s journey to the eastern prairie. Alright, we’re here now, since we’re here, let’s settle down, don’t even think about it, let’s get on the bus.”

Jiuya took a step back, as if she wanted to distance herself from him, "Why did uncle take me to the Tak tribe without my permission? Even if I have cold poison, I am a doctor, just wake me up, I can heal myself."

Tuoba Yue looked at her without saying a word, and after a while, she said calmly: "Since you are my junior, you should obey the elder's arrangement."

He got into the carriage by himself, Jiuya's face was cloudy, what should I do, do I really want to go with him to the Tak tribe?Jin Yun... don't know what's going on now?An Zicheng, she gritted her teeth secretly, she must let him die badly.

She got into the carriage at last.

On the eastern prairie, the Tak and Hatu tribes originally belonged to the Helei clan. Later, the old King Helei died prematurely. The queen was unable to suppress the dissent of the royal elders, and was forced to divide the Helei family into two, each occupying the north and the south. , The achievements of today's Tak and Hatu.

Jiuya learned from the Great Xia Chronicles that she had read that the Tak and Hatu tribes were mainly nomadic, a horseback ethnic group, and their folk customs were tough.Because it is located in the east, with Rouran in the north, the supplies are quite poor, so a large number of cattle and sheep will be exchanged for daily necessities in Daxia every year.However, the two clans and Daxia did not become very close because of this trade. In the border area, if the people from all sides were a little careless, there would still be small-scale group fights.In Daxia, due to the chaos in the northern Rouran every year, it was difficult to take care of it, so they turned a blind eye to the situation in the east.

(End of this chapter)

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