marry a noble wife

Chapter 420 I Should Call You Uncle

Chapter 420 I Should Call You Uncle (5)
"You are cruel and ruthless. You want to restrain my father at every turn. Do you think he is a piece of paper?" Tuoba Yue put down his cup and stared at her for a moment, "Leaving this aside, what are you sure about letting me come here?" Didn’t achieve your goal? Do you think you can expose me with just one word in front of others?”

Jiuya said slowly: "I dare not, I know that I am a soft-spoken person, and others will not believe what I say. But now, uncle can go to the Hatu tribe to see, who is the Han who defeated Prince Wutuo just now?"

Tuoba Yue was slightly moved, "Who is it?"

"If my guess is correct, it must be Grandson Tuoba Yue."

Tuoba Yue's complexion changed, and she couldn't help shouting: "You did something good?"

Jiuya rested her chin innocently, "I didn't do anything, but when I knew that my uncle was going to come to the eastern Tak tribe, I paid attention to it. If I want to find a stable life from my uncle, I must pick it up here. Negotiations will only happen when the time comes, otherwise, when my uncle takes a high position in the future, our status will be very different, and there will be no conditions for negotiation."

Tuoba Yue squinted her eyes, "Then Tuoba Yue wants to arrest you, yet you still dare to pluck his hair, you really are quite courageous."

Jiuya smiled and said: "Don't dare, I'm not good at other things, but I like the exciting thing about snatching food from the tiger's mouth."

She also took a cup and poured wine, probably Tuoba Yue would die of anger now, and would be furious, he kindly saved her again and again, but she was plotting against him behind his back, anyone would have strangled her to death.

So she wants to drink to strengthen her courage again.

It's just that after she finished drinking a glass of wine, he didn't come to pinch her. She couldn't help sneaking a look at him, but his expression made her jaw almost hit the table.

He kept looking at her with a half-smile, watching her peeking at her, and then said softly: "Jiu Ya is really Jiu Ya, she can't fake it at all. Well, I promise you now, but I want to see, you How to settle Tuoba Yue again, I hope your means will not disappoint me."

Jiu Ya was so disturbed by his smile, she probably counted all her ten generations of ancestors in her heart, but she couldn't control that much, "But please don't worry, uncle, there is no three-thirds, dare not go to Liangshan, let alone Tuoba Yue is extremely despicable, in order to contain me, he dared to touch my sister, I must double the debt and let him pay it back!"

Tuoba Yue's eyes were full of admiration, "Okay, I'll wait and see."

Jiuya was overjoyed, and immediately wanted to sign the document, and keep it as a proof of the present in the future.

She went out to look for pens and inks, and when she got out of the tent, she saw two girls holding cups and plates, and asked, "Do you have pens, inks, papers and inkstones, can you lend me some?"

One of the girls knew that she was a distinguished guest, and said respectfully: "We servants don't have pens, inks, papers and inkstones. In the vicinity of the king's tent, except for the queen who often writes, they are rarely used. You can borrow them from the queen."

Jiuya frowned, and a girl next to her seemed to be afraid that she would disturb the queen, so she thought for a while and said, "I remember that when the girl brought back by Prince Wu Tuo came, people bought pens, ink, paper and inkstones, why don't the servants take the girl over there ask?"

This is the best.Jiuya asked her to lead the way, and the girl led her past several tents before stopping in front of a smaller tent.Before entering the door, I heard a man yelling from inside, "Why did I write like you, and I became a ghost? Did you use some kind of magic trick? I don't agree, anyway, if I compare with that girl Mingli tomorrow, You have to play for me, I don't want to practice this Lao Shi Zi."

This is clearly the voice of Prince Wu Tuo.Then a beautiful female voice sighed and said, "Prince, why don't you learn to write? You are going to be a king in the future, and you have a lot of documents to review. If you don't learn now, do you want me to replace you for the rest of your life?"

"Why can't you replace me for the rest of my life? Yudie, you can stay in our Tak clan, be my princess, and stay by my side forever..."

Hearing this, Jiuya finally couldn't bear it and rushed in one step, shouting anxiously: "Yudie..."

Sure enough, after she lifted the curtain, she saw Prince Wu Tuo leaning on a low table covered with pens, inks, papers and inkstones. He was looking sideways at the woman sitting next to him with an impatient and pleading look. .

The woman's face is elegant and clean, even though she is dressed in colorful clothes, Jiu Ya recognized it at a glance. It was Yu Die who suddenly disappeared in Xinyi.

Yudie heard her calling, turned around suddenly, saw Jiuya, immediately got up, staggered and rushed over, surprised and said: "Young Mistress...why are you here..."

Jiuya hugged her, and said in surprise and joy: "Yudie, Yudie, is it really you? Is it really you? I thought you were gone... Oh my god... I saw you here ,Great……"

She wept with joy, and Yudie also hugged her and jumped, shouting: "Did the young mistress receive my letter?"

Jiuya pushed her away and said strangely: "Letter? What letter? Did you write to me?"

Yudie said anxiously: "After I get here..."

Before she finished speaking, Prince Wu Tuo came over and interrupted: "This is the person you miss every day? Alright, alright, you catch up on the past, I'll go first."

He turned around and slipped out the door with a guilty conscience, Yudie said angrily: "Wu Tuo, did you not send my letter at all?"

Wu Tuo slipped even faster, Yu Die stomped her feet, Jiuya grabbed her, wiped the tears from her eyes, and asked: "You are obviously in Xinyi, why did you come here? I thought you were fu Changting was killed, and everyone was very sad."

Yudie sat on the felt blanket with her, but the tears in her eyes fell straight down like broken beads, sobbing: "It's not that the servants came here on purpose to worry the young lady, it's really..."

She was almost speechless, Jiuya patted her on the back to calm her down slowly, after a long while, Yudie said slowly: "I was preparing dinner in the kitchen that day, I didn't want the second master to come into the kitchen suddenly , he made a move on me, and I wounded him with a kitchen knife. In the end, I was still knocked down by him, and he carried me out with a sack. On the way, I heard the voices of jackdaws and my uncle, but No matter how I called, they couldn't hear them. The second master wanted to molest me when he took me to the lee of the river, but fortunately, he was seen by Prince Wu Tuo who was chasing a wild fox. He led people and beat the second master away on the spot , I was so frightened at the time, he took me all the way back to Tucker..."

(End of this chapter)

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