marry a noble wife

Chapter 421 I Should Call You Uncle

Chapter 421 I Should Call You Uncle (6)
Jiuya gritted her teeth with hatred, "It really is Fu Changting, that beast keeps denying it, he commits crimes without a woman for three days, and he's planning on you, he's going to be cut!"

Yudie wiped her tears, "When I got here, I woke up and wrote a letter immediately, asking Wu Tuo to send it to Xinyi, but looking at the situation just now, he clearly didn't send the letter, how did the young mistress find it?" came here?"

Jiuya smiled and said, "Isn't that God's intention? I also came here out of nowhere."

She then told all the things that happened in Xinyi, and the two kept sighing. At the end, Jiuya touched her stomach and said with pity: "It's been hard for you during this time, but is the stomach okay?"

Yudie was silent for a while, "It turns out that the young mistress knows, so it's good."

Jiuya looked at her, "Then what are you going to do with Han Ziyaw?"

"What can I do? Since he doesn't want to marry me, I can't make things difficult for the child..."

"He didn't say he wouldn't marry you. I asked him, and he said that as long as you want, he can pay homage to you at any time."

Yudie sneered, "Baitang? He thinks I rarely pay him a visit? Yuru, Huaniang, he likes to play with those women every now and then, how can I be willing to be insulted by him like this? I would rather be alone with this kind of man than never won't marry."

She spoke decisively, clearly she had already made up her mind.Jiu Ya sighed inwardly, what a silly girl, since she had such intentions, why didn't she make it clear to Han Ziyao at the beginning?But it's true, who doesn't have the feelings of a girl, usually sees Han Ziya as serious, and never sees him flirting with the girl, who knows that he is a playboy?
Jiu Ya patted her hand, "If that's the case, then let me raise you. No matter what, I am your natal family. If Han Ziyao doesn't change, you will never forgive him for the rest of your life."

The corner of Yudie's mouth was filled with a bleak smile. After so many days of contact, wouldn't she understand Han Ziya's personality?Even if he agreed with his mouth under the pressure of the young mistress, and he would not cheat physically, but in his heart, he would definitely have a lot of resentment towards her.What she wants is to be happy with each other, this kind of resentment is not what she yearns for.

On the same day, Jiuya took the pen and ink and asked Tuoba Yue to write a document that outsiders could not read anyway, and then shrank in Yudie's tent. This trip to the East actually yielded a lot.

Early the next morning, there was noise outside. After Jiuya and Yudie washed, Wu Tuo swept in like the wind. Seeing that Jiuya was still there, he was stunned for a moment, then turned to Cautiously walked in front of Yudie, "Yudie, that girl Mingli has brought someone here, can you fight for me?"

Yudie didn't start, saying she was very angry.

Wu Tuo is tall and has dark skin, but his face is pure. He came forward and pulled a corner of Yudie's sleeve and shook it coquettishly: "Yudie, please, I know I was wrong. I didn't send you a letter. Are you afraid that you will be taken away?"

When he said this, he blushed and said to Jiuya: "You won't really take her away this time, will you? I...I like her so much."

Yudie blushed and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense," Wu Tuo argued with wide-eyed eyes.

Jiu Ya only found him interesting, and couldn't help asking: "You said you like her, but why do you like her? What is there about her that you like?"

Wu Tuo looked hopeful, "Does it mean that if I tell you, you will agree to let her stay?"

Jiu Ya was noncommittal, "It depends on whether you answered well or not, and it also depends on your performance."

Yudie's face was already flushed, she stomped her feet and said, "Young Mistress!"

Wu Tuo glanced at her, rubbed his head and said in embarrassment: "I like her to be good-looking, and I also like her to write well, and she always speaks in the same way, like my queen mother. And... and , she likes to read, I think she looks the best when she reads, prettier than my queen mother...Anyway, there are countless counts, is this okay?"

Jiu Ya had an idea right away, this naive boy is no better than Jack Crow, straightforward, hearty and cute, if...he can tolerate the child in Yudie's belly and concentrate on it, he is the perfect candidate.

Thinking of this, she straightened her face and said, "Why does the prince want to win Princess Mingli?"

She had asked Yudie about Princess Mingli last night. Although Yudie had not been here for a long time, because Wu Tuo was harassed by her every day, she occasionally heard some stories about Princess Mingli's life from the servants around her. .

This princess Mingli lost her mother since she was a child, and under the pampering of little King Helei, she has the same personality as a boy.Not only is she good at horseback, but she also practices martial arts with similar warriors every day.She also likes to read Chinese poetry and books, which is much better than her two elder brothers, and she is loved by little King Helei, and even spoiled, she often tells her that she will be the queen of the Hatu tribe in the future.

Such a princess has an unrefined hobby, that is, she likes beautiful men.Among the warriors in her tribe who practice martial arts with her, as long as there is any handsome one, she will have her fingers, but no one dares to disobey her. First, because she is a princess, and second, she is very skilled. Will be killed.

Of course, despite this, people in the Hatu tribe dare not discuss it casually. The news is suppressed, but the people in the Tucker tribe know a lot.

Wu Tuo rolled his eyes and snorted: "Mingli beats me every time but doesn't win, this time she found a helper somewhere, and made a bet that if I lose her in two rounds this time, I have to promise her one condition. In fact, what's so great about agreeing to a condition, it's just a loss to her, and it would be embarrassing to ask her to make a condition. I lost to that person yesterday, and now I can't lose again no matter what. It's a draw, she hates me Nothing."

Jiuya winked at Yudie, "Okay, depending on the true temperament of the prince, I will promise to help you on behalf of Yudie."

Wu Tuo was overjoyed, but Yu Die was puzzled.Jiuya shook her hand secretly, and said in a low voice: "You must use your best words to win that person. It will help me a lot. I know you can do it."

She knew that Yudie would use a pen to practice calligraphy when she was free, and Yudie could read since she was a child. She must have been educated when she was in Chaosheng before, but she had a bad fate and sold herself with her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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