marry a noble wife

Chapter 422 I Should Call You Uncle

Chapter 422 I Should Call You Uncle (7)
But it doesn't matter whether she can win or not this time, as long as she shows her self-worth and makes Wu Tuo treat her differently, that's what matters.

And again... She smiled secretly, she was going to plant the seeds of evil for Jin Yun's revenge now, and after returning to the capital, all these accounts should be settled one by one.

After Jiuya taught Yudie how to win the other party face to face, she went out to find Tuoba Yue. Some things still need to be resolved by force, and he is now allied with her, and only by looking for him can he get the greatest support.

She didn't find him in his tent, nor did she see Gao Kan, she couldn't help being a little surprised, where would this guy go?
Just as he was about to walk away, he heard voices coming from behind the tent, among which the low and magnetic voice was clearly Tuoba Yue.She got out of the tent and wanted to go around to the back, but there was no sound from her feet, but Tuoba Yue's shout came from the other side, "Who?"

Jiuya guessed that it was too late to back off, so she stepped forward generously. Behind the tent, it really was Tuoba Yue, while in front of him stood Queen Helei. The two of them were talking in low voices just now, and now they saw her coming , turned to look at her.

Jiuya smiled calmly, "I'm looking for my uncle, I came here when I heard the voice." She didn't say anything else, this uncle clearly has a secret, she had better pretend not to know.

Queen Helei walked over with a slight smile, her eyes soft, "I heard that your name is Song Jiuya, and you are also known as a miracle doctor?"

Jiuya said respectfully: "I dare not, I just know a little bit."

Queen Herley touched her hand and then her face, her fingers were clean and warm, "She is a good girl, I don't know why, I feel happy for no reason when I see it, and I discussed with the king last night, can I put her Do you stay with us in Tucker for a little longer?"

Jiuya only felt that this queen was the most gentle woman in the world, so she couldn't help but caressed the back of her hand, and said with sparkling eyes: "When I see my husband, I will definitely come to Tak with him in the future, as long as The king and queen don't dislike it, no matter how long they stay."

Queen Helei smiled, she nodded, stroked her forehead again, and said softly: "If you have time, before you leave, can you also see me?"

Jiuya opened her eyes wide, "What's wrong with you?"

Queen Helei pressed the top of her head, frowned slightly, and said, "This is where it hurts from time to time, especially on nights when it thunders and rains. I took some medicine, but it didn't get better."

Jiuya nodded heavily and said, "I will check carefully for Madam this afternoon."

"You guys have something to do, so get busy." Queen Helei walked away slowly, leaving behind a faint fragrance.

Tuoba Yue came over, "What do you want from me?"

Jiuya smiled and raised her face, "I may need uncle's help with something."

Tuoba Yue walked out calmly, "It's definitely not a good thing, don't do it."

Jiuya chased after him, "Although it's not a good thing, it will be of great help to uncle."

"It will be of great help to me?" Tuoba Yue stopped and looked at her sideways, "You have always done things that hurt me and benefit you, and you are pulling out the little abacus in secret, maybe One day I will be sold by you, and I am still happily counting the money for you, you are so smart and cunning like a fox, I really can't believe your words."

Jiuya's face froze, couldn't she, she gave him such a bad impression?

"Come on, what do you want me to do for you?" Tuoba Yue finally didn't really care about her, and asked in a soft tone.

Jiu Ya immediately pointed to the bustling place ahead, and said mysteriously, "You'll know when you get there."

In an open space in the middle of the tents, two tables have been set up, each covered with rice paper, complete with pen and ink.Around the table, there were many herdsmen watching the excitement.There were old and young, women and young adults, all of them had excited faces, and some even shouted, "The prince will win! The prince will win! The prince will win!"

And just behind the two tables stood the people who were about to have a competition between the Tak tribe and the Hattu tribe.

On the left, Prince Wu Tuo arrogantly chatted and laughed loudly with the warriors around him, "Don't worry, although this king accidentally lost yesterday, but today he has invited an expert, the girl over there will definitely not be able to beat me. She wants to fight with me." Make a condition, wait for the next life, haha..."

"That's right, how could the prince lose to Princess Mingli? If the prince loses, wouldn't it sweep away the prestige of our Tak tribe? No matter what, we can't lose."

They were making a lot of noise here, while on the right, a girl with big eyes and red lips stood behind a group of warriors holding a whip in her hand, her eyes were wild, and there was a condescending smile on her lips.Beside her, stood a man in brocade robe and golden crown. The dark blue nine-python golden dragon soaring cloud robe was pressed with black sunshine brocade with dark patterns and wide edges. The hidden luster of the brocade rust was as deep as sea water when the sleeves were flicking, and he was as cold and solemn as jade. The pair of pupils on his face are like sea water, deep and secluded, reflecting the vast grassland, his eyes are endless.

"Your Highness, please don't worry, that boy Wu Tuo can't invite a decent person. Although his queen mother is okay, she is an elder after all. How can he have the nerve to participate in the fights of us juniors? Later, as long as he loses, I directly proposed that Tucker assist His Highness to attack King Qi, how dare he refuse?" Princess Mingli laughed wantonly.

Tuoba Yue's eyes were deep, "I'm worried, my Uncle Wang has come first, if he has already negotiated with King Dahelei, even if Wu Tuo begs him, I'm afraid he will have difficulty changing his mind."

Princess Mingli curled her lips, "Don't underestimate Wu Tuo, even if the Po Qi King really negotiated with my uncle now, for the sake of Wu Tuo's reputation, he will definitely tear up the contract with Qi Wang. Wu Tuo will be in Tak A king who dares to disobey my conditions in front of everyone will damage his reputation and be despised and spurned by the people. My uncle will not take his son's reputation lightly, you just Wait until you defeat Wu Tuo."

The two of them talked in a low voice among the voices, and not far behind them, there was a cavalry team of 40 people parked. They were the famous black eagle cavalry on the grassland, and they were the exclusive cavalry team of Princess Mingli. Wherever she went, Princess Mingli would take them with her.And these people are all handsome youngsters personally selected by Princess Mingli. Their relationship with Princess Mingli is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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