marry a noble wife

Chapter 423 The cunning little fox

Chapter 423 The cunning little fox (1)
Right now these teenagers are already sitting on the ground, behind them is their steed, the teenagers are looking ahead, they don't look anywhere else, they only turn their eyes to Princess Mingli and the noble and indifferent man beside her.

Some people have jealousy on their faces, some people have sad faces, and some people are indifferent.Jiuya took Tuoba Yue to this place quietly, hid behind the horses and kept their expressions in his eyes.

But just as the two of them were watching and thinking, footsteps suddenly came from behind. Tuoba Yue took Jiuya to circle behind a bay red horse, hid behind the horse's belly, and immediately saw a black horse in front of him The young man in the same samurai uniform as the Eagle Knight walked over on a black steed.The young man's expression was extremely indifferent, but his complexion was extremely fair, which was quite similar to that of the man on the grassland. In addition, his facial features were extremely delicate, and he was clearly the most outstanding handsome boy in the entire Black Eagle Rider.

The young man got off the horse, and there was a bundle immediately. He opened the bundle, and inside were some women's articles, rouge and gouache, a colorful bead headdress, and a few particularly dazzling peacock feathers.He took out the peacock feather rusted on the golden crown, then lowered his eyes, held the golden crown in his hand, lowered his eyes, and waited there quietly.

Jiuya smiled inwardly, this young man looks so outstanding, and he can serve Princess Mingli's daily necessities, so he is clearly very close to Princess Mingli.Looking at his indifferent expression, Princess Mingli must have some kind words to him in order to make him bow down.

She pointed at the young man alludingly, Tuoba Yue chuckled lightly, then lifted his robe with one hand to prevent him from making a rattling sound, he walked over without a sound until his fingers pinched the young man's throat , the boy didn't make a sound.

He took down the golden crown from the boy's hand, Jiuya took it, and handed over the sack that he had prepared earlier, Tuoba Yue unexpectedly put the comatose boy into it with ease.Immediately afterwards, the two carried the sack and walked towards his tent without anyone noticing.Since some of the herdsmen went to watch the game, no one saw their kidnapping on the road.

The boy was poured out of the sack by Tuoba Yue, who touched no less than ten acupuncture points on his body, the boy lay on the ground, and finally woke up faintly.

When he saw the two handsome men and beautiful women in front of him, he was not surprised at all. He closed his eyes after only one glance, very indifferent and calm.

Tuoba Yue didn't care about it, she just sat aside and prepared to watch the show.

Jiu Ya giggled, and helped the boy up to lean on the table, "He is good-looking, but such a face of ice is unbearable, I don't know why your Princess Mingli still keeps you until now? If it were me, with such a disappointing face like yours, I should have given you to those aunts to torture."

With just one word from her, the boy's long eyelashes began to tremble violently, and Jiuya knew that she had hit the heart of this man with one word.She simply squatted down and looked at him carefully, and said with a little seriousness: "I said, now you Princess Mingli seems to have shifted your target to that handsome man who is ice-bricker than you, and will never spoil you again, don't you?" Aren't you jealous?"

The young man ignored her, and she said to herself again: "If your princess gets involved with that man, tsk tsk, if you want to kiss Princess Fangze again in the future, it will be harder than going to heaven. It seems that this time, your princess must Being snatched away by someone, and without the company of the princess, can you bear it?"

The boy suddenly opened his eyes, and unrestrained and boundless resentment suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, what exactly are you trying to do by arresting me?"

Jiuya clapped her palms and laughed, "What a straightforward young man." She stopped her voice suddenly, her eyes were sharp, "If you don't want the princess to be taken away, why don't we cooperate and drive that man away!"

The young man sneered, "So it was just such a trick to catch me. I thought there was some amazing ability."

Jiu Ya suddenly heard something in his words, turned her eyes, and asked tentatively: "Do you really want your princess to be taken away?"

The young man pursed his lips and remained silent, clearly acquiescing.

Jiuya laughed heartily, so this is a resentful man, he doesn't want to be the servant of Princess Mingli at all, wouldn't it be better?
She narrowed her eyes with a smile, "I don't know if you can speak up in front of the princess, but now I have a very good way to make your princess surrender to that man and follow him to leave Hatu forever , How about it, do you want to cooperate?"

The boy's eyes lit up, and he stared at Jiuya in disbelief.

"Don't believe what I say." Jiuya took out a porcelain vase from her body. Fortunately, even after she fell into the water, these things hadn't been thrown away, otherwise, it would be useless now.She shook the pills inside, "This is a bottle of Hehuan pills, colorless and tasteless, if you have the ability, put them in their drinks, when the time comes, they will be caught in a fire, and they will be out of control. And as long as you give them a little bit from time to time, the two of them will need each other very much, and a little boy like you will never be able to catch the eyes of the princess. In this way, the princess is completely in love with that man, and she can never leave him He, heh, if she returns to Middle-earth with him, won't you little beauties be liberated too?"

Tuoba Yue was watching Jiuya's words and deeds, and finally couldn't help but stop laughing at the moment. She also said that other people were vile, and he saw that she was even more vile. He could think of such a bad idea.Did this somehow cause Tuoba Yue a huge trouble to go back?

The young man looked at the porcelain vase hesitantly, Jiuya shook the porcelain vase, and suddenly said with doubts: "No, I can't just give you such a good thing, you have to tell me, why don't you want to be the princess's little boy?"

She repeatedly described him as a pretty boy, and finally sullen expression appeared on the boy's face, but he turned his head and thought, what is he if he is not a pretty boy?
He closed his eyes, and said slowly in a sad voice: "My parents are ordinary herdsmen, and the princess likes to kill. When I was only ten years old, I forced the sons of us ordinary herdsmen to be used by her." , to practice martial arts with her, the survival of the fittest among them, I don’t know how many people died. This is the second, since we grew up, she forced us to be with her... Let her be my bride. I don’t agree, the princess found out about Yima from somewhere, she even arrested Yima, in front of me, let Yima be handed over by some of her warriors... "

(End of this chapter)

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