marry a noble wife

Chapter 424 The cunning little fox

Chapter 424 The cunning little fox (2)
When the young man said this, his eyes were red, as if the scene of that day had reappeared in front of him, he gritted his teeth, "In order not to let her torture Yima again, I agreed to her."

Jiuya sighed slightly for his experience, and was silent for a while, "But aren't you afraid that I will harm your princess?"

The young man raised his head, "So what if it's not good for her? She is a female devil of our Hatu tribe. The eldest prince and the second prince have been made unable to lift their heads by her. The entire Hatu tribe hopes that she will die quickly. Who is willing to make such a female devil king in the future? Doesn't it mean that our entire Hatu tribe will perish in her hands?"

He paused, as if swearing, "If you can get her to leave the Hatu tribe, even if it means letting me go down the mountain of swords and fire, I will be willing! At that time, our entire Hatu tribe will thank you."

Jiuya was ashamed, she didn't expect her evil deed to save the entire Hatu tribe, and she was about to become a national hero.

At that moment, she asked Tuoba Yue to unlock his acupoints. Although Tuoba Yue didn't agree with her being so credulous, he didn't say anything.After the boy's acupoints were unlocked, he didn't suddenly get into trouble as Tuoba Yue imagined. Jiuya handed him the gold crown and porcelain bottle together, "I'm handing over the things to you. As for how you use them, so what?" It's up to you to force your princess to leave Hatu."

The boy caught it, put the small porcelain bottle into his arms, and his face returned to indifference, "My name is Aman, although you don't need to remember my name, but if I fail, you can use my name to block the curse every day. "

He turned around and strode away, Tuoba Yue looked disapproving, "Why do you trust him so much, aren't you afraid of him cheating?"

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you see that although he is indifferent, his eyes are very clear? Besides, all the men on the grassland are very straightforward, yes, no, no, where are the people in the Middle Earth?" Winding around?"

Tuoba Yue had a half-smile, "I think the people who make a lot of twists and turns point to you."

Jiuya laughed, bowed to the end and said, "Thank you uncle for your compliment."

Tuoba Yue was speechless.Smiled secretly for a while, then suddenly said: "The girl you found yesterday, how do you plan to let her win the grandson?"

Jiuya chuckled, "Tuobayue just wants King Helei to withdraw your agreement, so Yudie must not lose. I bet that if she loses, your plan will definitely come to naught, and King Helei will definitely lose." To protect his son's reputation, he will tear up the contract with you."

Tuoba Yue glared at her, "It's not because of you, let's see how you end up now?"

Jiuya spread her hands, "So the show over there has already started, don't you want to go and see it quietly? Let's see how my Yudie defeated grandson?"

On the playing field, Tuoba Yue stood quietly in front of the desk with his hands behind his back, and Princess Mingli stood behind him, her eyes fell on his ice sculpture-like cold face from time to time, and a strangely bright light flashed in her eyes.

In front of the table next to him, Prince Wu Tuo stood there with his head held high, and the people around kept laughing, "Prince, can you really write well? Didn't you say that you have invited a master? Don't pretend, Invite the master out quickly."

Prince Wu Tuo grinned and stopped putting on airs. He stretched out his hand and said in a loud voice, "We invite our talented girl Yudie to fight on the field."

Mingli over there was startled, isn't Yudie the name of a woman?I heard that Wu Tuo rescued a Han woman before. Could it be that woman he invited out to fight?
Tuoba Yuexian didn't take it seriously, when a simple and elegant girl came out, his cold face showed surprise.When he went to the waiting mansion, he had met Yudie a few times, not to mention with his photographic memory, how could he not recognize her as Jiuya's personal maid?

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that night, the scene where that slender figure decidedly jumped into the river, and he couldn't catch her no matter what, his heart couldn't help throbbing, just after his persecution, he lost her forever...

His mood was suddenly depressed, but Yudie, who had just appeared on the stage, walked to the table with a sweet smile. Her gentle smile, which belonged to a woman, was like pear blossoms blooming in front of the court, making the Tucker herdsmen feel as if they saw their queen. Cheers.

Yudie first smiled at everyone, then Yingying walked in front of Tuoba Yue, saluted Yingying: "I didn't expect to see His Highness here, His Highness Jin An."

Tuoba Yue stayed there, and Princess Mingli looked displeased, thinking that he was interested in her, and hummed softly: "So you are acquaintances, so the next competition will be more attentive. Your Highness!"

She intentionally emphasized the last two words, and Tuoba Yue felt bitter, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you here?"

Yudie opened a pair of blank eyes, "I was separated from my young mistress when I was in Xinyi County, and then Prince Wu Tuo rescued me... Does Your Highness know how my young mistress is doing?"

As soon as she asked Jiuya, Tuoba Yue was in a state of confusion, even though he concealed it on the face, bitter water was already flowing in his heart.He lowered his eyes, "I haven't seen her before..."

Yudie sighed, "I really want to reunite with my young mistress as soon as possible."

She turned around and walked to the table. Prince Wu Tuo was excited and said loudly: "Everyone, please start!"

Yu Die's pen was stained with black, Tuoba Yue was stunned, and reluctantly picked up the pen under the urging of Princess Mingli.

While writing, Yudie said: "I often recall my young mistress's flying and phoenix-like calligraphy. Yudie envies her in her heart and often copies it. That night, she suddenly dreamed that my young mistress came into my dream, and she called my name vaguely, saying that she would go away. I can no longer take care of me. Yudie couldn't help crying and wet the jade pillow. The young lady is in a dangerous place, and now I don't know if she is safe. I think of the poem that the young lady read to me in my dream that night. I can't help it this time. So I sadly wrote it down as a souvenir.”

She read as she read: "It's the third moon. The atrium just shines on the pear blossoms and snow. The pear blossoms are snowing. It's unbearably sad, and the cuckoo is crying blood. How can the king and grandson be so silent. Farewell to Tunsheng on Rousang Mo. Farewell to Tunsheng. Longtou Liushui, for others whimper."

Her voice was bleak, and her tone seemed to be evoking a soul, faint and fluttering, disturbing Tuoba Yue almost even throwing away his pen.

She would rather die that night than go with him.She would rather be buried in mountains and rivers with no bones left, just to prevent him from using her body to persecute her lover.

(End of this chapter)

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