marry a noble wife

Chapter 425 The cunning little fox

Chapter 425 The cunning little fox (3)
How much does she hate him?How much does she love her husband?
His pressing made her so decisive, if she had known, should he have let go?

No, he won't let go, he was only one step away, if he hadn't been careless at the time and snatched away her last poisonous needle, she would be completely his now.

However, it's too late to say anything now, Yi Ren has passed away, and everything can't be restored to the original.

His hands were shaking, and he thought of the moment when she jumped down like a butterfly, with all the beautiful smiles on her face, he could hardly write a single word.

Hearing Yudie say that she once entrusted her with dreams, the sad poems made him feel that she was silently staring at him somewhere, he suddenly dropped the pen, his face turned blue, he turned and hurried away.

Princess Mingli was in a hurry, she chased him and shouted: "Why is your Highness leaving, Your Highness..."

She chased after his footsteps, and Prince Wu Tuo shouted loudly: "Haha... the other party was convinced by Miss Yudie's poems and words, and has already abstained. There is no doubt that Miss Yudie wins and the Tak tribe wins!"

Cheers came from the herdsmen around, Yudie put down her pen and smiled sweetly, and Prince Wu Tuo flaunted her calligraphy around for everyone to see clearly.

Jiuya, who was hiding behind, couldn't stop laughing, Tuoba Yue shook his head and sighed, "You actually defeated your grandson by using your guilt towards you, if he knows the truth today, will he want to hit the wall?"

Jiuya said leisurely: "I don't care about him, the Prince's Mansion has persecuted me one after another before, so now it's time for me to fight back, and I always want to let them know that I am treated like a maggot attached to the bone. What does it feel like to be cruel."

Thinking of Fu Qingyan's murder, thinking of Jin Yun's incident, thinking of their imprisoning the Song family, thinking of their forcing him away to threaten Fu Yu, and so on, everything is vivid in his memory, and he will pay it back. From Concubine Yang to Fu Jingwen, they have to return one by one.

The victory of the Tuke clan over the Hatu clan gave Wu Tuo a lot of face, so he worshiped Yudie even more as a god.When King Helei and Queen Helei heard about this, they also laughed heartily. They didn't seem to object to Wu Tuo's entanglement with Yudie. King He Lei even urged Wu Tuo to keep the Han woman behind down.His mentality should be influenced by Queen Herey.In the Tucker tribe, Queen Herley is considered the treasure of their town. Now that there is a woman who is similar to the queen, the whole tribe may be very satisfied.

After everyone drank the celebration wine, Jiuya followed Queen Helei into the king's tent.The king's tent was tidied up, the couch was neatly laid out, bow and quiver were hung on the shelf, and on the small table in the corner, there were two bottles of unknown small flowers in pink and yellow, which bloomed very gorgeously and were clearly newly folded. .

"Sit." Princess Helei sat down on the soft sheepskin cushion, and then took out a bag of tea leaves and poured a cup of fragrant tea for Jiuya, "We don't have any good things to entertain distinguished guests in our bitter cold place. The natives are very fond of drinking tea, so you can taste the tea to see if it suits your taste."

Once the tea leaves are brewed in hot water, the fragrance will rush into the nose immediately.Although Jiuya doesn't know much about tea, she can still smell the fragrance, she said with a smile, "It smells very fragrant, it should be good tea."

Queen Helei smiled, and seeing Jiuya taking a sip of the tea, she seemed to be still savoring it, and said, "I was not used to drinking the goat's milk and horse's milk here for a while, and then the king went to Zhongtu to buy tea for her. It really suits my taste, and I have kept this habit, otherwise it would be difficult for the distinguished guests to drink fragrant tea today."

Jiuya asked strangely, "Didn't you live in Tucker all the time?"

Queen Helei was slightly at a loss, "Your Majesty said that I was born in the Tak tribe. Later, because my parents went to China to do business, I went there and learned some bad customs of the Han people. Still complaining about me, saying that I shouldn't have gone to Middle-earth in the first place."

Jiuya just felt strange, "The king said? Don't you remember?"

Queen Helei smiled, pointed to her head and said, "This place often hurts, so I gradually forget some things, today I just want the genius doctor to help me."

Jiuya immediately took her pulse, and after a while, she was about to show her where she was often in pain, when the curtain suddenly rolled, and King He Lei rushed in with a livid face, raised his eyebrows and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Jiuya was startled, and quickly took two steps back. Queen Helei stood up and said with a smile: "I heard that she is a miracle doctor, so I want to ask her to help me take care of my headache. Your Majesty, look at your fierceness. But it scared the little girl."

King Helei glared at Jiuya as if seeing an enemy, "Queen, how many times have I told you that your pain and illness will recover after a period of time, and I have also seen many doctors for you, all of which are like this. Said, I don't think this Han woman has any medical skills, maybe she is a spy, the queen should not be deceived by her."

He pointed to the outside, "Please leave immediately, you are not welcome in the Tak people!"

This person's face changed like flipping a book, Jiu Ya just felt it was funny, she had a good talk with Tuoba Yue before, but in the blink of an eye she called her a spy, obviously there was something she didn't want others to know.At this moment, the curtain moved again, and Tuoba Yue walked in with a smile, accused King Helei, and then said to Jiuya with a face of reproach: "I told you a long time ago, the queen is just a small problem, but it's just a small problem. If you want to come here to show your strength, look, if you don’t listen to the old man’s words, you will suffer a disadvantage. Quickly apologize to the king, and we will set off to go back immediately.”

Jiuya felt wronged, when did he say such a thing?She also apologized, she did nothing wrong, so I apologize.She pursed her lips, Tuoba Yue pressed her head and nodded randomly, then hurriedly pulled her out.Before coming out, Queen Helei had a look of dissatisfaction, and it was inevitable that King Helei wanted to coax her again.

As soon as Jiu Ya came out, she slammed Ba Yue hard and said in a bad tone, "Are you crazy? Why did you press my head? Did I say I would apologize?"

Tuoba Yue said speechlessly: "If you don't soften up, are you going to make He Lei unable to step down? Your kindness has already touched the bottom line of others, be careful that he kills you in a fit of anger."

"Why? Helping his wife see a doctor, why does he want my life?" Jiu Ya couldn't help but asked in a low voice after following him.

(End of this chapter)

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