marry a noble wife

Chapter 426 The cunning little fox

Chapter 426 The cunning little fox (4)
Tuoba Yue sighed, "It seems that you are still too simple, which is not good. There are some things that just revealing the truth will not make people happy. Sometimes, a life without the truth is what they want. When If you, a foreigner, want to break their peace, you will definitely be killed."

Jiuya seemed to understand but didn't understand. Could it be that King Herei is hiding something from others?Don't you want Queen Herey's illness to recover?Doesn't he like his queen very much?
After being rushed by King Helei, Jiu Ya had no interest in staying any longer, not to mention everything was handled properly, so she immediately decided to leave Tucker and return to Daxia.

When she asked Yudie to pack up and prepare to go on the road, Wu Tuo got the news from somewhere, and immediately pulled Yudie to lose his temper and said, "Are you really going? Why don't you stay? I won't let you Walk!"

Yudie pushed him away, and said almost cruelly: "I don't like you, why did you stay? Just because you saved my life? If it's because of this, then please take my life away, I don't want it. "

Hearing this, Wu Tuo backed away, and said sadly: "Why do you say that? When did I say I saved you? I just like you. Even if you don't like me, give me a chance and stay for a while to see Look, if you still hate me like this, can't you just leave?"

Yudie didn't start, but there were tears in her eyes, "I don't want to stay for a moment, and I don't want to see your face, you go!"

Wu Tuo was panting with anger, and shouted: "I won't leave! I just like you! I won't leave!"

The two argued, Jiuya watched coldly, thought for a while, then pulled the stubborn Wu Tuo out, Wu Tuo wanted to shake her off, Jiu Ya said lightly: "If you really like her, come with me, Otherwise, you will never want to see her in the future."

Jiuya found an open place, Wu Tuo's breath was still not calm, Jiuya sighed, and said: "Yudie is a person who has been injured, she knows that she is not worthy of you, so she said those cruel words to you , do you understand?" She decided to tell the truth, if this son really likes Yudie and can tolerate everything about her, she will let time help Yudie choose.If this kid can't even pass this level, this kind of person has nothing to hesitate.

Wu Tuo was angry, "Have you been hurt? What kind of hurt? I don't mind anything about her, as long as she stays."

"Do you think you really like her?" Jiuya couldn't help but ask back, paused, and then said slowly: "There is one thing, I'm not afraid to tell you, and I'm not afraid that you will make fun of her, I just want to die your thoughts."

She stared at Wu Tuo, and slowly said: "Yu Die once had a relationship, but later she found that although the other party agreed to marry her, he was a man with a heart. Yu Die has always been proud. In her opinion, This is a trample on her pure feelings. She would rather be alone than marry such a person. She is pregnant with a child now, and she is willing to give birth to the child alone and live alone The day when the heart is pure. Do you dare to say that you like such a woman now?"

After finishing speaking, she thought Wu Tuo would look quite surprised, but in the end, he just smiled, "Do you think I don't know? When I first came to Tucker, I asked someone to take her pulse. I know She was pregnant, and when I asked her about it later, she said that she was not married. I know that in Middle-earth, pregnancy out of wedlock is not tolerated by people in the world. When I saw her with a sad face, I understood her plight. But I don’t Mind, I really like her. I have already said in front of my father and queen mother that I am already with her, so I can honestly say that this child is mine. Isn’t this okay? Why does she still say Don't like me? Am I really that annoying?"

This time it was Jiuya's turn to be surprised, she looked Wu Tuo up and down, this tall and innocent prince, did he really like Yu Die to this point?Why?
She smacked her lips, and said dryly: "Do you know what Yudie wants? She wants people to give her wholeheartedly. She can't have her, and flirt with other women."

Wu Tuo glanced at her, "I know, don't you see that my father and queen only love my mother and queen? Our Tak is already poor, how can we have so much money to support more women?"

Jiuya praised in her heart, this is really a perfect husband, but Yudie probably still pretends to be a jackdaw in her heart, right?She couldn't help but sighed, "If you really like her and want to be with her, give her some time. I'm going to go back to Daxia Capital with her now. If you have the heart, then you can come to the capital to propose marriage. For a while, I will raise her well and never let her suffer any more."

Wu Tuo stared at her, clenched his fists, and after a while he said angrily: "I'm afraid you'll push her in front of the man who hurt her again..."

Jiuya interrupted him, "Don't worry, Yudie is a very principled person. During this period of time, I will persuade her to think carefully and let you calm down. I am afraid that you are impulsive and you will regret it for the rest of your life. Be good. Think about it, if you really make a decision that you will never regret, we will talk about it at that time."

She turned around and left, Wu Tuo froze on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

When the four left, Jiuya was still in the carriage, but the person sitting with her in the carriage became Yudie, Gao Kan drove the carriage, and Tuoba Yue rode the horse.

Wu Tuo sent it a long way, reluctant to part, after all, he did not force Yu Die to stay.

After the carriage rushed all the way through the customs, it went westward and arrived at Linyi. Jiuya knew that Tuoba Yue would rush to Luyi at this time, so she offered to part ways with them. She was going to Zhangzhou to meet the phantom in Qingyi , and then return to the capital.

Perhaps Tuoba Yue really cared about Lu Yi, after pondering for a while, he agreed to her proposal.Although Linyi is still a few days' drive away from Zhangzhou, Jiuya's whereabouts are now out of anyone's control. He believes that with her wit, she can reach Zhangzhou smoothly.

He hired her a more comfortable carriage and gave her the silver needed for the journey before sending her on the journey.Before leaving, he knocked on the wall of the carriage, and Jiuya poked her head out of the carriage, and said with a smile: "No one will let you make calculations along the way, but you should do it yourself. After the matter is settled, go back to Beijing immediately. In a few days, I will return to the imperial court as agreed with you, but I have to clean up the gates of the capital to welcome me back."

(End of this chapter)

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