marry a noble wife

Chapter 427 The whereabouts of mother

Chapter 427 The whereabouts of mother (1)
Jiuya's face was dark, his performance all this way was not satisfactory, he looked like an elder, but his words at parting were outrageous, why did she clean the city gate to welcome him?She should welcome her husband-in-law.

She curled her lips, and wanted to say something nasty. Thinking about his [-] troops in Luyi, and thinking about Fu Yu still needing his help, she gave up, and said with a smirk: "I don't know how to open the city gate." Wash, in short, wait for uncle to return soon."

Tuoba Yue stared at her deeply, "That's not bad, just don't curse me all the time, otherwise if something happens to me, your life will never be easy."

Jiu Ya pretended not to understand his gaze, and retreated into the carriage with a smile, "Naturally, we know how to assess the situation. We are now grasshoppers tied to a rope, and we can't do without each other."

Tuoba Yue smiled suddenly and put down the curtain, "I like this sentence."

Jiuya ignored him and told the coachman to leave quickly.

Watching the carriage drift away, Gao Kan sighed and said: "Master, sometimes I have to believe in fate, Wuxin said that you were destined to be alone, but you said you wanted to change, Wuxin tried his best to change your horoscope for you, but the result still seems to be the same. It’s not what people want, it’s God’s will, and it’s hard for man to beat God.”

Tuoba Yue stepped on the horse, with a leisurely smile on the corner of her mouth, "Who said I would be alone? Who said that man is hard to overcome? Just wait and see. In the end, she will want..."

He didn't say any more, just clamped the horse's belly, the steed shot out like an arrow, Gao Kan followed closely with a smile.

Jiuya and Yudie sat in the carriage, and they had nothing to say all the way. After five days, they arrived in Changzhou smoothly and went straight to the governor's mansion. As expected, the Phantom in Tsing Yi stayed there obediently. As for Jin Yun, Jiuya saw her Suddenly, the sockets of his eyes turned red.

One day in June, she was sitting by the pond alone, with a thin body, a haggard face, and a disfigured appearance, as if a gust of wind would blow her away.She held a leafy branch in her hand and gently paddled in the water.

"After we brought her here that day, she kept silent and tried to kill herself with scissors a few times. Fortunately, we kept a close eye on her and snatched them away..." Tsing Yi looked at Jin Yun and said in a low voice.

Yudie had already heard Jiuya talk about Jin Yun on the way, and seeing Jin Yun's current appearance, she couldn't help but her eyes turned red, "You good Miss Qianjin, but now she was ruined by that guy An Zicheng. Yes, I will definitely die in the future."

Jiu Ya said coldly, "Do you know where An Zicheng is?"

"I heard that he has been ordered to return to the capital." Tsing Yi replied.

Jiu Ya nodded, walked slowly in front of Jin Yun, and softly called: "Jiu Mei..."

Jin Yun raised her head, stayed there for a while, then suddenly got up and threw herself into Jiu Ya's arms, buried her head on her shoulder, and didn't make a sound for a long time.

But Jiuya knew that she was sad, she was crying silently, patted her on the back, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It's because of Eighth Sister's fault that Jiumei suffered along with her..."

Jin Yun shook her head, but she still refused to lift her head up. Jiuya helped her to the guest room, and sighed softly: "Things have already happened, everything must look forward..."

Jin Yun raised her head suddenly, with tears in her eyes, "Eighth Sister, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do stupid things, but what should I do in the future? Just send me to the nunnery to be your aunt..."

"But Hongbo..."

Jin Yun burst into tears even more, "Don't talk about him, I don't want him to be ridiculed, he has gone to Qingzhou to take office now, please send him a letter from eighth sister, saying that I have no destiny for him in this life... Otherwise, I will die in front of you now..."

Jiuya wiped her tears and coaxed her: "Okay, okay, I will write to him as soon as I return to Beijing, but no matter what, you have to go back to Beijing with me first, even if you want to find a nunnery, you have to find it in the capital, right?" ? It's far away, doesn't this make Eighth Sister worry?"

Jin Yun sobbed and nodded.

When they bid farewell to Mr. Jiang and returned to the capital together, Jiuya knew from Tsing Yi that the situation in the southern part of Great Xia had changed drastically.

When Emperor Hongwu received the news that Fu Yu was shot and killed in Xinyi by the King of Nanping, he did not send troops out immediately as she expected. .At the same time, Lord Chu of Luozhang County and his family were escorted to Beijing. However, the escort team had just passed the river and was not far from the river. Lord Chu was robbed and killed by a group of bandits who rushed out suddenly. Emperor Hongwu was furious. He ordered troops to suppress the bandits, and at the same time, in a fit of anger, he killed Master Chu's family and exiled them, all the anger in his chest was directed at these innocent relatives.

On May [-]th, after five days and five nights of bloody battle, Prince Rui finally rushed into Tai City with [-] cavalry, burned, killed and looted, razed Nanping Palace, killed all his officials, and cut off Nanping King's The head hung on the city gate, and the Taicheng army immediately lost morale.Prince Rui was overjoyed, and when he was overjoyed, he invited the so-called Princess Yuechan who had been kidnapped by King Nanping to come out. Master Huang saw it with his own eyes, and only then did he understand that Princess Yuechan's disappearance was clearly one of Prince Rui's plans. An excuse to attack Taicheng.He knew in his heart that this matter was no small matter, on the surface he was hypocritical and submissive, and secretly made up his mind that after returning to Beijing, he must report Prince Rui's wolfish ambitions to the Emperor.

It's a pity that with Fu Yu's gag, this matter is not easy to complete.For some reason, just as he and Fu Yudai were evacuating the hell on earth in Taicheng, King Rongchang suddenly turned his back on him. Shoot and kill, leaving no way out!
That night, when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Master Huang thought he would be here thousands of miles away from his homeland, but after all, his life was not to die. Outside the encirclement of King Rongchang, he suddenly rushed into a group of whirlwind iron cavalry, and rushed the Shunchang army to the ground in a blink of an eye. It's all over the place.After that, there were sounds of charging and killing in all directions, and a more earth-shattering scene of bloodbath and massacre of the city was grandly staged.

In just one night, Taicheng, which had changed ownership for less than two days, saw boundless slaughter again. After the baptism of blood and tears, the owner of Taicheng exchanged again, in an attempt to expand the territory and take Taicheng as his own King Rui, whose grandson and grandson were destroyed together, was chased by the Luxi Army who suddenly seemed to descend from the sky, and the Shunchang Army, who was overjoyed, was forced to leave the city in less than a round, and fled desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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