marry a noble wife

Chapter 428 The whereabouts of mother

Chapter 428 The whereabouts of mother (2)
Prince Rui was so angry that he wanted to go back to Shunchang to recuperate in order to avenge his revenge in the future. However, when he finally broke through the blockade and was covered in blood, the army of the government announced with his last breath that Shunchang had fallen into the hands of King Xi. Prince Rui immediately fainted.

Seeing that there are pursuers in the future, he had to flee to the capital with the remnants of the defeated soldiers. Now that the king of Xi suddenly destroyed two cities, the king of Xi is more powerful, and the land of Shunchang in Taicheng is fertile. If he takes the two soldiers back for use, Isn't that even more powerful?Except for the current emperor, who can cure him?King Xi forced the two vassals away, and the emperor just had an excuse to destroy King Xi, and the time was right to send troops to destroy him.

Prince Rui went to Beijing to cry, but Xi Wang and Fu Yu were in a hurry to take back the two places. They adopted the measure of killing chickens and respecting monkeys to get rid of the opponents first, and then made sense of them. The soldiers and civilians of Taicheng were quite easy to persuade. The king of Nanping was originally killed by Prince Rui's envoy, and the king's death seemed to have avenged them.What's more, these people are not all the cronies of the King of Nanping. Their belief is to get a bite to eat. The king of Xi is famous, and they hold military amulets. They have no reason to use the guy who eats on their necks to bury the dead King of Nanping.

In less than ten days, Fu Yu and his assassination subordinates took Taicheng into control at an extremely fast speed, recruited [-] Taicheng troops, buried the dead bodies, and quickly restored the coup to its original state. Start running for a living.

But in Shunchang, King Xi used vicious means to eradicate the dissidents who defended Prince Rui's mansion with his thunderous force, and Prince Rui abandoned the city, causing the common people to be outraged. He is more rigid, more gentle when he is weak, and he immediately won the support of the local people for the three-year exemption of all kinds of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes.

In this short period of time, the fiefdoms of the two major vassal kings fell into the hands of King Xi. On June [-]th, Fu Yu couldn't bear the torment in his heart anymore. He wanted to fly to Shunchang to meet his grandfather, but he just arrived. Outside the city, King Xi led his troops in mighty force.

In a flash, the two grandparents hadn't seen each other for several years. When King Xi saw Fu Yu who could speak and live like a normal person, he couldn't help but burst into tears. many helplessness.

Fu Yu knelt down to his grandfather, choked up the guilt of not being able to have fun at his knees for many years, King Xi tremblingly helped him up, "Son, it's good that my grandfather is dead now ..."

Fu Yu's forbearing tears swirled in his eyes, "No, my mother, and my mother, what did my aunt say when she arrived in Luxi? What happened back then? Why did they say my mother was dead? I Is mother dead or alive?"

King Xi sighed, "Son, my grandfather has been looking forward to it for so many years, hoping to find out the real cause of your mother's death, but he has never found the right place."

"Your aunt said that when your mother was pregnant with you, the fetal sign was unstable. She has been in the mansion to support the baby. Later, when your father went to the army, your mother was even more worried. She was looking forward to your father's letter every day. As a result, It seems that I haven't received a single letter from home. At that time, your aunt was difficult to get close to your mother because she was a concubine, but she would visit her occasionally to comfort her."

He couldn't help but think of what Fu Mingyao said to him at that time.

"My mother has always opposed my second elder brother marrying my second sister-in-law. After the second sister-in-law married, my mother disliked my second sister-in-law and often picked her faults, but with my second elder brother taking care of me, everything was fine. But since the second sister-in-law After my elder brother left for the war, although my mother promised my second elder brother to take good care of my second sister-in-law, she got even worse behind the scenes. Every morning and evening, I set a schedule, and I couldn’t serve the table when I was eating, but only served at the side. The leftovers were left to the second sister-in-law to eat, and no waste was allowed. Later, the second sister-in-law fell down for some reason, and the mother allowed her to stay in bed, and ordered Aunt Xiao to go to the second sister-in-law to attend to the illness. But Xiao's face was good to the second sister-in-law, but he kept a secret, and said something in the second sister-in-law's ear from time to time. It's strange, every time the second sister-in-law hears her words, people start to be dazed."

"One night, I remember that it was raining heavily that night. I heard someone shouting outside, and I ran out to ask, only to find out that the second sister-in-law had disappeared. My mother sent many people out to look for it, and it was not until the next morning I found it on a field ridge. I saw my second sister-in-law was still muttering something when she was carried back, as if she was unconscious. My mother called the doctor to see her, and the doctor said that the second sister-in-law was crazy .”

"On the second night, the second sister-in-law, who was still suffering from a high fever, gave birth prematurely. Although it was premature, the delivery went very smoothly, and she gave birth to Yu'er. On that night, I clearly saw Aunt Xiao give birth to Yu'er. Then someone sent a dead baby, and when the second sister-in-law, who had regained her senses, was looking for the child... They actually put the dead baby in the arms of the second sister-in-law, saying that her son was driven crazy by her ran out and got killed..."

"At that time, only Aunt Xiao's dowry and mother were present. Before that, the second sister-in-law's dowry had all been sent elsewhere. If I hadn't been really curious and sneaked over to listen, I wouldn't have known that they persecuted the second sister-in-law so viciously. about..."

"When the second sister-in-law heard the news, she hugged the dead baby and cried bitterly on the spot, and the mother scolded her severely. At that time, I was afraid that she would silence me after she found out, so I quietly backed out. Then every night, I heard two Sister-in-law cried on the grave of the dead baby, the cry was really tear-jerking, all saying that she was sorry for the second brother, sorry for their children, and it was all her fault..."

"I really wanted to go out and tell her that her son didn't die, she didn't kill her son, she didn't hurt my second brother, but I didn't have the courage, my mother always ruled with an iron fist, and there was no one who broke her affairs Good luck."

"Only living like this for a few days, the second sister-in-law was completely crazy, chanting some words we couldn't understand, and finally after six days, she couldn't be found in the mansion, so the servants went out to look for her. In a river, I found the jade pendant that the second sister-in-law often wears around her neck. Everyone said that the second sister-in-law went crazy and drowned in the river. Yiguanzhong, and sold all the servants who knew and didn't know, and lied to the second brother that the second sister-in-law died of dystocia when Yu'er was born. I have never had a good time with him... Whenever I see Yu'er, who can only walk, being slapped by the second brother, I can't help crying, and Aunt Xiao often instigates the second brother to beat Yu'er because of trivial matters The matter is even more heinous... I know that everyone is doing evil to their mother and child, and I believe there will be retribution..."

(End of this chapter)

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