Chapter 429
When Xi Wang finished relaying Fu Mingyao's words, he himself was so choked up that he couldn't make a sound. His daughter, the daughter he loved in his hand, the kind and gentle daughter who had never snapped a finger or said a harsh word, married into After waiting for the mansion, he actually lived such an inhuman life.Who made that old lady to torture her daughter so boldly?I think every time he wrote to Tuoba Lan, she would say, "It's very good, what's good, the mother-in-law is kind, the sister-in-law is on a blind date, and the husband is also very good."Silly child, in order not to worry him, she dared not utter a single word.The hateful Fu Qiuli, who made a vow at the beginning, not only felt sorry for his daughter, but also put his anger and hatred on Fu Yu. A child with a father and no mother would live a miserable life than the life of a dead father and mother.

At the beginning, he said that he would take him back to Luxi, but the old lady said that he was the blood of her Fu family, but the emperor played tricks beside him, so that he could only look at his poor little grandson thousands of miles away, even those who He didn't dare to take back the dowry. He only hoped that the Fu family would treat him better for the sake of the money.result……

He was so angry that he wished he could go to the capital right now, and kill the entire Houfu and the imperial palace to the ground!
Fu Yu had no more tears to shed, because those tears had already been shed when he was very young.For all these years, he has been charged with the crime of killing his mother at birth. Who would have thought of the grief in his heart?
When he could only remember things, he still remembered that when he offered sacrifices to his ancestors, he offered a stick of incense in front of his mother's spiritual tablet with deep apology and admiration, and Aunt Xiao said, "Yu'er, you In order to give birth to you, my mother even gave up her own life. You are her hope and the continuation of her life, but you must know how to be filial to your grandmother and your father..."

At that time, his father's face changed. He was so frightened that he knelt down in front of his mother's coffin and dared not get up. He accidentally knocked over the incense candle, which finally provoked a severe beating from his father...

No one dared to stop him. At that time, he had been recuperating on the bed for a long time.

He always remembered that as long as someone mentioned his mother in front of his father, his father would punch him.

In order to avoid suffering from fists, he practiced martial arts hard regardless of cold or heat. At the beginning of martial arts training, he learned how to be beaten.When he was eight years old, his grandparents sent a group of capable Han Ziyaws to train with him every day, killing wolves and subduing tigers, going through water and fire, the severe cold and heat in spring, summer, autumn and winter without interruption.They taught him all kinds of knowledge, learning the six arts, mastering the ancient and the modern... When he was with them, he didn't care how much he learned. He felt the warmth of caring for each other in a big family, a kind of warmth that he had never had in Houfu. warmth.

This kind of thing continued until he suddenly fell ill.

After suffering from such a tragic illness that almost killed him, his father did not show much worry and concern, and even saw him wanting to die soon in his eyes several times.Such a father, now, how can he still cry because of him?

Grandma, that old woman whom he called grandma for so many years, was persecuting his mother like this back then.He really wanted to ask, she is also a woman, how could she be so cruel to a weak woman?
Xiao Shi, she was indeed the direct murderer who participated in the murder of her mother.Not only did she harm her mother, but she also poisoned him again, just for the position of the son, just for the property that made them drool.

He smiled bleakly, no wonder the elder brother was killed by the second elder brother himself, it was Xiao Shi's retribution.And the second elder brother... he slowly shook hands into a fist, and that day he took Mr. Huang to personally verify the wound he passed through his shoulder. Everyone believed that Fu Changting wanted to kill the imperial court official. Now he has escaped after the incident was revealed , but where can he escape to?
Originally, he wanted to let the Hou Mansion stand still in Da Xia and pass it on in one line, but now it seems that if the people inside are not allowed to die tragically, how can we solve the hatred in his heart?
That night, the grandfather and grandson sat on the porch and drank until dawn. King Xi kept talking about anecdotes about Princess Lan's childhood, and Fu Yu leaned quietly in front of the pillar to listen.

On June 24th, Emperor Hong Wu had already received the news that Prince Rui had lost his fief Xiwangdang Platform City and Shunchang. He had already learned about such a major military change before Prince Rui even arrived in the capital.Because when he discovered that there was a change in Taicheng, he was about to order to send [-] soldiers hidden fifty miles away to suppress it, but King Xi's cavalry had already arrived before them.The commander of [-] soldiers and horses did not dare to attack. He was afraid that King Xi, who used his troops like a god, would surround him from behind and wipe him out in one fell swoop. He could only retreat a hundred miles away and return to the imperial city quickly.

This fact was unexpected. Seeing that King Xi had captured the two places, Emperor Hongwu held his breath, and immediately issued an imperial decree, announcing that the team of people who went to Xinyi to control the epidemic would return to Beijing immediately, and they would be rewarded generously !
Obviously, Emperor Hongwu pretended not to know that he was calling Fu Yu and his wife back to Beijing.On the day Fu Yu received the imperial decree, he immediately sent two thousand Tianxuanzong disciples to sneak back to the capital in case of emergency.

And at the same time, he received a letter from Jiuya, the content of the letter moved him, and he couldn't help but laugh. Jiuya, Jiuya, actually did something for him and won a wife. So, what else could he ask for?Therefore, he immediately wrote to her about his mother's matter, and he believed that she had always been concerned about this matter for him.

With Yudie and Jin Yun on the road, Jiuya has been walking slowly like traveling in mountains and rivers. When she heard the emperor's decree calling them back to Beijing, she also received a fast letter from Fu Yu, so she stepped into the palace happily. Passed the gate of the capital city——Emperor Hongwu made this decree, which showed that Fu Yu had already grasped the initiative, and there was no need to worry about any danger when entering Beijing at this time.

The carriage went directly to the Song Mansion, and Jin Yun said that when she was captured by the emperor's grandson, the emperor's grandson was afraid that things would become serious, so he forced her to write a letter to leave home and go to Xinyi to find the eighth sister. Now it happened to be sent back by Jiuya, which also reduced the questioning of some people in the Song residence.Although her elders had to say a few words about her leaving home privately, it was better than letting them know that Jin Yun lost her virginity.Regarding Jin Yun's matter, Jiu Ya always thought of ways to make up for her, and couldn't give up on it.

Song Tingda heard that Jiuya brought Jin Yun back, so he immediately came out to welcome him. Jiuya didn't stay here any longer, and asked Yudie to send Jin Yun to the inner house first, and then said to Song Tingda: "Father, Jin Yun ran away from home this time. , just because I was worried that I would act recklessly once and suffered a lot along the way, so don't blame her later, I have already told her that she will never do it again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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