Chapter 430
How can a father not be worried when his daughter leaves a book and runs away?The first thing he worried about was that what happened to her outside would bring embarrassment to the Song family, and her safety was second.Originally, when I saw Jin Yun, I wanted to teach him a good lesson about the family law, but the county lord Jiuya blocked him first, not to mention that the current Song Mansion has no Fenglu, and some valuable Zhuangzi shops, Xiao's, are stuck. , either gave it to Jin Zhi, or said he wanted to keep it for Jin Xia, but didn’t take it out at all. Now part of the expenses are borne by the dumb son-in-law, no matter what, it’s the uncle who paid the money, so he had to bear it to the side of his throat Scolding, and sighing in harmony: "How can I really blame her? It's just that she is a girl, and she left the house without making a sound. Everyone in the house is worried. If you don't talk about her, you are afraid that she will not have a long memory. That's okay, since your sister told her about it, I hope she can keep it in mind and don't do it again in the future."

Jiu Ya nodded and said: "Father, please don't worry, Jin Yun is not a disrespectful person... By the way, what is going on with Jin Zhi and Jin Yuan now?" What should my child do?
As soon as Jin Zhi was mentioned, Song Tingda couldn't help but snorted, "Jin Zhi didn't make progress. Originally, King Jin was suppressed in front of the emperor, and Tuoba Ye committed a crime and ran away. There was a commotion over there, and the house of Prince Jin was restless. Princess Jin had been enduring it because of the child in her womb, but now she suddenly gave birth prematurely and gave birth to a stillborn baby. Sending her back. Doesn’t this embarrass our Song family? Now she was born as a member of Tuobaye, and died as a ghost of Tuobaye. I sent her back just because I had to talk about it a while ago, but the concubine Jin still saw some love. In front of her, she reluctantly accepted her, but she said that if she makes trouble again, she will be dealt with by family law."

He sighed, "I really raised an unfilial daughter. If she doesn't repent, and keeps arguing all day not to be a widow, even if she dies there, we won't go and see her again. The daughter raised by your mother... How can you be so virtuous?"

Jiuya couldn't help but sneered slightly, "Didn't father always praise mother for being virtuous and virtuous? Why? Now you know her virtue?"

Song Tingda looked ashamed, and quickly changed the subject: "Jin Yuan also comes back often, but, seems that her husband's family doesn't treat her very well. When she comes back, she just eats and drinks, asks for some property and so on. , now I have a big belly, and I still don’t forget to come back and rub a little bit.”

Jiu Ya remained silent. At the beginning, Jin Yuan had put in a lot of thought into marrying a good family. Unfortunately, no matter what people do, they can do things such as trampling on the low and flattering the high, without compassion. It was her fate that was decided.If she didn't do it on purpose, if she didn't know how to calculate, how could she marry into the Bai family?How could he end up in such a miserable situation now?
"The thing that annoys me the most now is Jinxia, ​​who has been going crazy in the house all day long, forcing your fifth aunt to ask you to help her find a grandson to marry her, saying that she wants to piss off An's family, let them see When she is beautiful..." Song Tingda couldn't bring himself to talk about this matter, but in his heart, he really hoped that Jiuya could give Jinxia a hand. No matter how wrong Jinxia was, she was the daughter of the Song family after all, she belonged to Song Jiuya Sister, the blood is connected there, and she can't let her good-looking daughter be ruined there.

Hearing this, Jiu Ya couldn't help but sneer, "Where's my mother? She plotted against me back then, slandered and humiliated me, how did Jin Xia treat me? I escaped death a few times, but they have no love for me?" Noodles? Have you ever thought about the feeling of blood? And..."

She raised her head and said slowly: "It's not that I'm dissatisfied with my current husband, it's just that there is one thing that I only now understand that what Xiao has done, even if she dies ten times, it will be cheaper for her."

Song Tingda was taken aback, "What did she do?"

"At the beginning, she conspired with the old lady to sell me to Tuobaye. If it wasn't for God's eyes, what would I be like now? Is it the same as Jin Zhi? Can I say that Jin Zhi's fate is completely retribution for her? In addition Well, it is clear that King Qi visited the Song Mansion on the night of his departure from Beijing. He met Mrs. Xiao and left a letter. That letter can be understood as a marriage letter, but what did Mrs. Xiao do? I didn't mention a word, for fear that I married a good person and couldn't let her pinch her into a round shape. Why should I help her daughter who hurt me like this? Also, Tianxuanzong has already withdrawn, let me rejoice and don't have to pay back the 15 What about the ten thousand taels of silver, but what about the Xiao family? For Jiumei, she said that even if the silver was sold out, she would pay it back. She just asked me to marry a dumb person she didn't like. In this matter, I must have got it Father's acquiescence, one after another, what reason does father have for me to help Jinxia?"

She paused, "In the final analysis, I never got anything from the Song family? Even when I got married, I got a piece of bare mountain land. Why do you want me to do this and that for the mansion?"

Having said that, Jiu Ya had already got up, she didn't look at Song Tingda's shameful and angry eyes anymore, turned around and walked out.After she went to the old lady's place to greet her, she asked Yudie to take Mother Pei and Chun Ju back to Anping Hou Mansion directly.

The gate of the Hou Mansion was still as magnificent as before leaving, but when I entered the inside, I felt that there were fewer servants walking around. Jiuya returned to the Chunhua Courtyard first, and Mother Xiong and the four maids in the courtyard were overjoyed.In the end, it was Mama Pei who found that there were few people in the yard. After asking, Mama Xiong sighed and said: "The old lady said that she wanted to save money, so she sold those newly bought maids to the house again. It was me. I begged and begged, so I kept the four girls, Xiaoshi and Xiaoluo, otherwise, when the young mistress returns, I, the old lady, will be the only one left in this Chunhua courtyard."

Jiuya sneered in her heart, now that the old lady's financial resources are cut off, she will know to save money?Moreover, the people in her yard were the ones who got the knife first, obviously they were demonstrating.But Fu Yu took out the monthly records of the newly bought girls in this yard, because the Xiao family was not allowed to buy them due to the tight expenses in the mansion, so he bought them forcibly and brought them back without taking them, so why should the old lady Want to sell the girl in her yard?It seems that when she comes back this time, she has to set some rules for her first. Now Fu Yu is no longer Wuxia Amon, not to mention that he has no scruples about Fu Yu's mother. I thought she, the county lord, was a sick cat!

(End of this chapter)

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