marry a noble wife

Chapter 432 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 432 Poor people must have something to hate (1)
In the flower hall, Jiuya was sitting on a pear wood chair, slowly eating small pieces of fresh watermelon that had just been cut.Tsing Yi Phantom stood behind her, and Mother Pei and Chun Ju waited on her.

She saw a group of people waiting to come in, but she didn't get up, just sat there, waiting for the old lady and others to greet her.

The old lady is not a person who can't be flexible, besides, Jiuya was right in the first place, first the country and then the family, she took the third wife Xiao and the three wives together to salute first, and was about to speak, but Jiuya was Let me speak first, "I heard that the old lady sold a few maids in my yard when the county lord was away on official business. Now that I'm back, the yard is deserted. Old lady, why do you want to be here?" Sell ​​my girl?"

Now she doesn't call her grandma anymore, she just calls her old lady directly, and she completely wipes out the relationship in one fell swoop.

The old lady probably knew that the woman in front of her was a wolf she couldn't control, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to be named the county lord with such a disadvantage, and show off her power here.She simply found a chair and sat down, and said casually: "Isn't it just a few girls? Not only the ones in your yard have been streamlined, but also those in other rooms. We can't afford it in this waiting mansion." Idlers."

Jiuya laughed lightly, "I paid for those girls, and they didn't spend a penny on food and drink. How can we talk about supporting idlers? I would also like to talk about raising idlers. The old lady has no reason to send them away." sold."

The old lady stared at her sharply, "But they live in the house of the Hou's mansion, how can people live in the house of the Hou's mansion?"

Jiu Ya suddenly realized and nodded, "I see, I finally understand."

One old and one young, the two people's comings and goings were full of gunpowder. The three ladies over there watched with relish. I heard that since Fu Jingwen was deposed by the empress, the Hou's mansion is not as good as before.But I also heard that the third young daughter-in-law in front of me is also amazing. Not only can she be the county head, but she can also help the emperor solve problems, and she is also a person who can make the Houfu shine. Take the tune, there will be gossip when I go back now.

The third lady saw that Jiuya gave the old lady a head to eat as soon as she came back, so she knew that the county lord's wings were getting harder and harder, but she still wanted to get some property from the old lady, so she deliberately smoothed things over and said: "Yu My daughter-in-law is back, why don't you see Yu'er? It's been hard work for you, how are you going to handle the matter?"

Jiuya still showed some face to the third lady, and smiled, "My husband still has something to do, so he will come back a few days later."

In order to remind Jiuya and tell her not to offend the old lady too much, the third lady suddenly smiled and said: "You may not know that the second girl in our house, Yu Yan, was arrested a month ago. The emperor sealed the beauty of the fourth rank, and now she is a celebrity in the palace. There was news from the palace yesterday that Yuyan was pregnant with a dragon son. .”

Mama Xiong didn't say anything in the Chunhua Academy before, but Jiuya was really shocked by this outstanding news. She was a little surprised and said, "What? Yu Yan entered the palace? Who let her enter the palace? She is only 17 years old , the emperor treats her as her grandfather..."

Before Jiu Ya finished speaking, Mother Pei pushed her from behind, which meant that she couldn't say that.

The old lady felt that she had finally regained her place, and she said with great pride: "Our Yu Yan was born to be a noble person. That day, the imperial concubine and empress wanted to find a talking partner, so she took Yu Die into the palace. As soon as I went, I was favored by the emperor, and now I am pregnant with a dragon son, and my ancestors will be honored, and I will depend entirely on her in the future."

Jiuya felt flustered when she heard this, the imperial concubine wanted to find a talking partner, she sent Yu Yan to the palace in a disguised form to be spoiled by the emperor.How could this old lady be so shameless?Why did he send his granddaughter to the fire pit to honor the lintel?Yuyan is only 17 years old, besides, Fu Jingwen is her own sister, who married the emperor's grandson as a concubine, but her sister has become the emperor's concubine, is this plausible?What should Fu Jingwen's child be called Yu Yan's child in the future?To be addressed as cousins, or as grandparents?
Yes, there were quite a few such precedents in the previous dynasty, but it happened right in front of her eyes, how could she not be angry at the shamelessness of the old lady?
The old lady didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, and said indifferently: "Now our mansion has the emperor's favor, the emperor has rewarded the mansion with a lot of silk and satin, rare antiques, and there is almost no room for them in the warehouse. Yu Yan, you are really a good boy." She clearly said this to Jiu Ya, meaning that without Fu Yu's property, Hou Mansion would still be living well.

The three wives also just heard the news that Yuyan was pregnant with a dragon child, and they hurriedly congratulated and said: "Congratulations, old lady, the Hou's mansion will be more expensive now, and our Fu family will follow suit... ...Maybe the reward for being pregnant with a dragon child hasn't come down yet?"

The old lady and Mrs. Xiao's eyes were dazzled by the compliments. It seemed that sending Yuyan into the palace was indeed a clever move. Otherwise, the Fu family would have been defeated.I just hope that Yuyan can fight for her strength and blow some pillow wind in the emperor's ear. If she can persuade the emperor to restore Jing Wen's status as grandson concubine, that would be the best thing.

Jiuya really felt disgusted by their self-satisfied looks, she knew the intention of the old lady and Xiao Shi to sacrifice Yuyan, and she felt sorry for Yuyan, so she changed the subject and said: "Third Aunt, There's one thing I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Seeing that she was no longer entangled in the matter of selling a few girls, the third lady knew that she had understood it, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Since you asked, let's talk about it."

Jiuya said with a frightened look on purpose: "On the way back this time, my niece and daughter-in-law encountered a strange thing."

Chunmei, who had been following the old lady, suddenly asked with a smile, "What strange things happened to the third grandma?"

Jiuya looked at her, now her belly was out of her arms and her face was rosy, she must have been treated well by the old lady in the house, after all, her belly was of the Fu family's flesh and blood.On the other hand, Wen Caihe, with a sluggish expression and a thin face, has always been out of his mind, like a living dead, giving people a feeling of being haggard and dying.

(End of this chapter)

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