marry a noble wife

Chapter 433 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 433 Poor people must have something to hate (2)
The contrast between one wife and one concubine is so great, presumably Wen Caihe is not only disliked by Mrs. Xiao and others, but even Chunmei can dominate her.

She didn't feel sorry for her either, a poor person must have something to hate, she just looked at the three wives on the side branch with a half-smile and said: "The three aunts and aunts should still remember the cause of our elder brother's death."

The third lady didn't understand why she suddenly brought up the topic here, and even named them by name. One of the aunts, Mrs. Xie, glanced at Mrs. Xiao and said, "I heard it before. I heard that I was going to Wude." Something happened on the way..."

Xiao's face was gloomy, wondering what tricks Song Jiuya wanted to play.

Jiuya said calmly: "On the way back, when I passed the mountain road where my elder brother had an accident, I was dozing off, and then in a daze, I saw my eldest brother floating in mid-air, dripping wet. He kept chasing after him. I was driving my carriage, fluttering and whining in my ear, "My life is so miserable. My aunt and my own sister drugged me to make me unable to speak or move, and deliberately drove me here overnight." This mountain road caused my second brother to take my life. Their hearts are so poisonous... I can't keep my eyes open... I want to go back... I want to ask clearly...' I woke up suddenly, scared all over Khan, I realized it was a dream."

The old lady and Xiao's expressions suddenly changed, the old lady looked at Xiao, Xiao's complexion was pale, she pointed at Jiuya and said tremblingly: "You are talking nonsense! When did we drug Qingyan? He is my son! Changting is so honest It's even more impossible to kill his elder brother, so don't deceive the public with lies!"

Jiuya said quietly: "I said it just now, but it was just a dream. As for such a big reaction? Is it really a guilty conscience?"

Xiao Shi stared at Jiu Ya with resentment on his face.The three ladies over there were also very surprised. Mrs. Xie usually talked a lot, but when she heard such a strange dream, she couldn't help but wondered: "After Qingyan's death, the murderer has not been found, and even the body has not been found. It is endlessly strange. The county lord dreamed of him at the place where his accident occurred. He must have met his relatives and wanted to sue for grievances. Ancestor, in my opinion, this matter should not be taken lightly. You must find a high-level mage to accept Qing Yan Collect the soul, please invite the spirit, maybe you can really find out who killed him."

"Oh, that's a good idea. Why didn't I think of it before? I've heard people talk about the intersection of souls and mages to solve crimes. We might as well use it. Maybe we can solve the case." Another lady echoed. road.

Wen Caihe lowered her eyes, the corners of the third lady's mouth were secretly smiling, while Chunmei's face was pale with fright, she was most afraid of such evil things.

The old lady hesitated. In the final analysis, she had always been skeptical about Fu Changting's killing of Fu Qingyan, and Xiao Shi's expression after Qingyan's accident made her suspect that Xiao Shi and Fu Jingwen had done something stupid.

After pondering for a while, she agreed in her heart, but how could she soften her lips?He said coldly: "I'm afraid that some people's bad luck will cover them up. If they encounter something unclean on the road, the mage will definitely invite them. Naturally, the invitation is to get rid of the bad luck on some people."

Jiu Ya seemed not to understand, smiled slightly, and pointed out: "It's good to invite the mage, I'm really worried that the elder brother who has been dead for several months has nothing to rely on, and this time he came back with me. The mage is here I wish I could get rid of that spirit, otherwise, if I dream of it often, I will feel miserable."

She left behind the creepy words and stood up. The ladies suddenly felt a gust of dark wind blowing by. It was a hot day, and a layer of chestnuts appeared all over their bodies. , and quickly got up.At the same time, there is a question in my heart, is what Qingyan said in the county lord's dream true?Did Xiaoshi and Fu Jingwen really trick Qingyan away and let Changting kill him?

They left quickly, and the old lady was so angry that she turned around and asked Xiao Shi, "Tell me, on the day of Qingyan's accident, you and Jing Wen really didn't do anything to apologize to him?"

For so many days, Xiao Shi has actually been suffering physically and mentally. Even if others don't tell her, she still knows that Qingyan's death has a lot to do with her.But she won't admit it, if she admits it, Jing Wen will be finished, without them, Changting will be finished.Now that Yu Yan is sent out with great difficulty, Jing Wen will soon have a bright future, how can it be bad for this matter?The dead are dead, and she must not lose her face in this matter.

Xiao said with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes: "But please ancestors believe in this concubine, and don't be deceived by that little slut. He clearly said that he is the son of this concubine, and this concubine can't wait to cut his own flesh for him. To kill him?"

The old lady nodded, "I don't think you are such a cruel person, even if you are cruel to others, it is impossible to kill your own son, not to mention that Qingyan is our hope, and you have absolutely no reason to harm him. Song Jiuya must be playing some kind of trick, but let her release the news today, I hope those few will wink and stop talking nonsense."

Mrs. Xiao agreed, and sent the old lady back to Rongfu Hall. When she came out, the third lady seemed unintentional and said, "I don't know if the Qingyan in Yu's daughter-in-law's dream is a real ghost or an evil spirit. If he is I'm afraid that the really wronged soul has come back with me..."

She walked away with a smile, laughing until Xiao's heart shuddered.

Mrs. Xiao went back to the Fenglin Courtyard, her back feeling chilly all the time. She asked Mama Sun and the maids in the courtyard to stay in front of and behind her house. By the way, she also burned incense and worshiped in front of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the hall, and prayed clearly. Don't come to her now, even if he is unwilling, she will wait until Jingwen recovers and Changting becomes the son of the world. She is willing to commit suicide in front of his grave, go to Huangquan to accompany him, and let him beat and scold her, she will not Have any complaints.

At night, a full moon hung high, and the noise of insects and frogs suddenly seemed to be covered by something, and suddenly there was no sound.It was strangely quiet all around.Because Sun's mother is getting old, Xiao deliberately asked her confidant girl Xiangcao to sleep in her room with her.

It was the middle of the night, and for some reason, Xiao suddenly woke up from her sleep. She seemed to hear someone calling her. She sat up suddenly, and looked towards the window involuntarily. Through the gauze, without warning, she suddenly saw A blue face paused there, and the facial features were clearly her son Fu Qingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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