The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 1002 The visual sense is a bit strong

Chapter 1002 The visual sense is a bit strong
Li Huan led them to take out all the jade pearls.

A total of nine!
Jade-like feel, cool to the touch, silky and moist.

Li Huan asked them to put away all the jade pearls, and then threw all the mussels back, while he covered his whole body with aura and dived directly into the deepest part.

Li Huan saw on the map that there was a river mussel king!

Li Huan guessed right, there were only ten largest mussels!

The tasks are just enough for a team to get first!

Those who can go to the first district are definitely not low in points!

Starting from the fourth district, the speed of elimination has accelerated.

The rest of the people were waiting for Lihuan on the bank of the river. After a while, there were splashes of fighting under the surface of the water, but calmness was quickly restored.

After calming down, not a moment later, a person rushed out of the water.

Li Huan stood in mid-air, holding a huge jade pearl in his hand.

Alchemist No. [-]: "My God, it's twice as big as mine!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "This... so big?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "It's so big!"

Li Huan put away the jade pearl in his hand.


The movement here has already attracted attention, and now I have to leave immediately.

The second task is to collect the eggs of the monster, the yellow-feathered oriole.

Li Huan found traces of the yellow-feathered bird in the map of the fourth district.

I just got off the lake, and now I'm going up the mountain again.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Captain, I have a question?"

Li Huan: "Shut up!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Alright!"

The adaptation period is only three days, but there are thirty tasks.

It is impossible for their actions to leave no traces. If someone finds out that something is wrong, then it will not be so easy to complete.

In the fourth district, the competition will become more and more fierce.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Gossip woman, what do you want to ask again?"

Alchemist No. [-] looked at No. [-] with displeasure: "You were just like me back then! Why, don't think that you are superior to others after you are cleansed!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I care about you with good intentions, how can you say that about me!"

"Speak less, the two of you, the captain has already left!"

"That's right! If you can't keep up, you will fend for yourself!"

"These four districts will kill people!"

Yellow-feathered orioles usually build their nests on ancient willows. After searching for a long time on the map, Li Huan finally found an ancient willow hidden on the mountainside.

Fortunately, it is not far from the lake, and we will arrive soon.

In the depths of winter, this ancient willow was still green, and Li Huan was very surprised.

Li Huan: "Squat here, and go dig out the eggs when the yellow feather bird goes out to look for food."

Alchemist No. [-]: "Is the captain going to make hot pot? He's fishing for mussels and bird eggs..."

Before No. [-] finished speaking, he was stunned by Li Huan's stare.

Number One covered his mouth and looked at Li Huan in fear.

Li Huan: "If you don't accept it, get out!"

No. [-] shook his head hastily, they are already here, if they get out, it will not be a dead end.

Never leave!

Do not leave!

Coupled with the strength Li Huan showed before, this is an extremely thick thigh!

Hold on!

No. [-] shut up, and the rest of them didn't dare to say anything because they had learned from the past. They followed Li Huan and squatted under the tree not far away.

Li Huan looked at the time. If this continues, thirty missions may not be completed before the mission is released!

Therefore, Li Huan took out the little milk cat and bun face from the space.

Li Huan: "You two, go and throw these things on the shore of the lake over there!"

Baozilian: "What is this?"

The little milk cat couldn't bear it and wanted to see it.

As a result, Li Huan immediately held down his hands to prevent them from peeking: "You'll know when you get there! Hurry up!"

Baozilian took the box from Li Huan's hand and left.

The rest of the team: ... magic?Fairy?Become a living person?What kind of fairy is their captain?
Why can Baozilian follow the little milk cat in and out of his own space.

Li Huan herself didn't understand.

But seeing that the two had similar tastes, Li Huan just let them go.

It's just that most of the time, it's Baozilian and the little milk cat in the spirit field and spirit bird that are happily in space.

Basically, there is no need to leave the tube.

Baozi's face has hands and feet. Before, the little milk cat always waited for Li Huan to cook and eat because of his short hands and claws!

Now with the help of Baozilian, the little milk cat spends almost all day studying food with Baozilian in space!

Although the taste is not very good, but better than nothing.

Sometimes when Li Huan needed help, he would take the two of them out.

After Baozilian and the little milk cat left, Li Huan looked at the center of the old tree.

She had sensed it with her spiritual sense, and the nest of the yellow feather bird was on the top of the tree!

No more, no less, exactly ten nests, ten eggs!

It seems that the four districts will eliminate most of the people.

After all, each task has only one set of weight.

Li Huan: "As soon as the mother bird leaves, immediately take action, each take an egg and run away! Don't look back, do you understand?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yes!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yes!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Why?"

It's rare that Li Huan didn't scold him this time, because many people were waiting for Li Huan to explain: "I can only delay for a quarter of an hour, and I can run as far as I can. I don't care if I'm slow, and I'm caught by a yellow-feathered bird to hatch eggs." !"

Everyone: ...hatch...hatch eggs?
The picture is a bit strong, so let’s run faster!

Yellow Feather Orioles have a strong maternal instinct. If they find that their eggs are missing, they will probably catch the person who stole the eggs and hatch them as their own eggs!
and so……

Li Huan thought about it, but it was necessary to remind his team members.

Otherwise, when the time comes, it will be a bit... the picture is too beautiful to fight against a bird to find people.

Li Huan's consciousness was on the little milk cat, and when he found out that they had arrived, he began to prepare.

The little milk cat was very curious along the way, what Li Huan gave them, but when they didn't get to the place, Baozi's face was dead or alive.

Baozilian: "If you can't complete this task, you may have to confiscate the food fee. I'm not you! You can do it again, but I rely on her to reward me with food!"

Little milk cat: "Sycophant! I despise you!"

Baozilian: "I'm called knowing current affairs! Do you understand, brat!"

Little milk cat: "Who are you talking about! Who is not a thousand years old!"

Baozilian: "I'm a day older than you, so I can call you a brat!"

Little milk cat: ...

Baozilian: "Besides, I'm more than a thousand years older than you! You little brat!"

Little milk cat: "Old monster!"

Baozilian: "Are you polite?"

The two bickered, reached the place pointed by Li Huan, and opened the box!
After Baozilian saw the contents of the box, he was so disgusted that he was about to die on the spot!

The little milk cat is not tall enough. Seeing the expression on Baozi's face, he was instantly curious and climbed onto Baozi's shoulder...


Baozilian threw the box away, and a whole box of maggots, like snowflakes falling, was blown by the lake wind, and all fell on Baozilian's face!

And on the folds of the body!


(End of this chapter)

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