Chapter 114 Paper Crane Tracking
"Silver Frost Attack" cooperated with his Thunderbolt.

It can definitely become an existence that crushes its peers.

At that time, even Yun Ling may not be able to compare with him.

As long as he proves that he is stronger than Yun Ling, he will definitely win Nalanyan's favor.

If it was for the treasure map before, it's none of my business.

After all, when the spirit stone is mined, it must be taken back to the door and distributed uniformly.

Although he has good talent, he is not from the elder generation, and there are not many who can get it.

But now, the mysterious spiritual weapon presented by the master, as well as the highly anticipated "Silver Frost Attack Technique" disappeared together.

At this moment, Lei Haotian wished he could turn the border city over and tear the little thief's corpse into thousands of pieces.

Just when Cadanger blocked the city in a hurry and searched for Lihuan.

The emperor is here!
The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly came to report the news that the envoy from the imperial capital was at the gate of the city.

Cardanel didn't believe it at first, but he still walked towards the gate of the city.


The envoys from the imperial capital are here, what is the purpose of sending the envoys at this time?
Cardan hurriedly opened the city gate to welcome him.

The leader is his elder brother Kavanagh.

Cardan hurried forward, wanting to ask, but Kavanagh signaled him to be calm.

Cardan could only hold back his curiosity, and quickly sent someone to inform Lei Haotian.

It can't be because of the treasure map. He sent his cronies to do the acquaintance with Lei Yinmen, so no one should know.

Cardanger sent envoys to welcome him into the city lord's mansion, so as to entertain him.

But he said Lei Haotian's side, he couldn't find anyone in the whole city after searching, and he was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

However, most of the city lord's people had withdrawn.

Then someone came to inform that it was someone from the imperial capital.

The city lord will be unable to move away for a while.

Lei Haotian's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word, but anyone could see that he was forbearing and on the verge of fury.

His majestic Leiyin Sect's eldest disciple, who has attracted much attention, has lost such an important spiritual weapon in this small Sixiang Kingdom.

This tone is really hard to swallow.

Lei Haotian continued to search in the city, but he couldn't find anyone for several days.

But where is Li Huan these days?

The most dangerous place is also the safest place.

Li Huan appeared in the city lord's mansion again, and was still the gatekeeper's maid of the city lord's wife.

This Ka family is really a powerful force, and the city lord's house doesn't need too many maids.

It is said that this is the daughter of the city lord of the card, and there are more than a dozen personal servants.

Specialized in washing hair.

Specialized in combing hair.

Specialized in makeup.

There are also manicures who are in charge of manicures, pedicures and manicures are not the same person!

There are also those who are responsible for dressing and eating, learning talents, and practicing... there are so many.

It's just the treatment of a daughter of the city lord.

Li Huan finally saw what Shenhao was.

On this day, Lei Haotian finally couldn't bear it, and took out a tracking talisman from his body.

This was bought at an auction, and it is said to have been obtained from an ancient ruins.

A small piece of talisman paper costs a lot.

It was originally intended to be used to search for spirit stone mines, but now that no one has been found for a long time, Lei Haotian really couldn't help it.

The longer you wait, the lower your chances of catching someone.

On Cardanger's side, the city gate has been blocked all the time, and the envoys from the imperial capital have always been dissatisfied. They just passed by here.

There are still tasks to be done, but Cardan has been refusing to open the city gate on the grounds that he has lost something.

The messenger asked what it was, but he couldn't tell the reason, only that it was very important.

The envoy from the imperial capital had been waiting impatiently in the city lord's mansion.

Lei Haotian came to the empty Treasure Building, muttering something.


The talisman paper in Lei Haotian's hand suddenly burned.

Then a guiding paper crane emerged from the ashes of the talisman.

After the paper crane transformed, it flew in the air, walked around the Treasure Building, and then flew towards the back of the Treasure Building.

Cardan was so excited, he didn't expect such a magical thing.

Hastily followed behind Lei Haotian, and chased the paper crane out together.

After the paper crane went out, it came all the way to the back kitchen, and then flew out of the city lord's mansion to the beggar's den.

Then fly all the way to the dungeon, which is where the beggars were imprisoned before.

Lei Haotian followed here, but there is still something he doesn't understand, that person was mixed in the beggar's nest before.

But at this time, there is no one here.

The paper crane didn't stop and wandered around the city for a while.

He even flew towards the city lord's mansion again!
Lei Haotian stared at Cardanger fiercely: "This is a good event hosted by Calgary!"

Kadan saw the paper crane fly back again, he was really surprised and speechless, the man had been searching for so long, and he was hiding under his nose, he was also full of anger at this time, Kadan Er immediately summoned his men and followed the paper crane into the city lord's mansion.

The paper crane flew all the way, passing through the buildings of the city lord's mansion, and finally came directly to the courtyard where the city lord's wife lived.

Cardaner looked at it, it's not bad!
It turned out to be a thief in his own house!
However, it was hard to believe that his wife would betray him.

After all, for so many years, there has never been any dispute, and he is confident in the relationship between the two.

Although his wife didn't tell him about his plan, she somehow knew about it.

This shouldn't be the case.

But the paper crane was flying towards here.

At this time, Cardaner didn't care about any etiquette, and walked towards his wife's courtyard with Lei Haotian and others.

Li Huan just went out for a walk to see if there is any other way to get out of the city.
However, I heard that there are distinguished guests and envoys from the imperial capital living in the city lord's mansion.
Therefore, the recent scrutiny has been extraordinarily strict.

Li Huan couldn't find a way, and when he came back, he heard the sound of arguing in the courtyard of the mayor's wife, and he was curious, so he asked about it.

Li Huan has been in the border town for so long, and he is already familiar with the language of Sixiang Kingdom, so he won't show his flaws at all.

Li Huan spoke fluent Sixiang Mandarin, so the maid beside her naturally told her without thinking too much about it, saying that the city lord brought someone here just now with a paper crane.

Then, the distinguished guest who followed the city lord asked the city lord's wife to hand him over.

The wife of the city owner was wronged for no reason, so she naturally refused, so there was no quarrel.

Startled, Li Huan quietly sensed it with his divine sense.

Suddenly, he found Lei Haotian and others in the courtyard, and a paper crane in front of Lei Haotian.

The paper crane sensed Li Huan's consciousness, suddenly turned its head, and flew towards Li Huan.

Li Huan was shocked, so careful, the others didn't realize that he was discovered by a paper crane.

That paper crane was obviously used to track him.

Where did Lei Haotian get such a miraculous thing? It took so many days.

He could still find his breath and chase after him.

(End of this chapter)

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