Chapter 115 Tracker

Li Huan made a decisive decision and immediately left the yard.

ran elsewhere.

Soon there was an exclamation from the yard: "Look! The paper crane flew away!"

Lei Haotian saw that the paper crane had gone, and hurriedly chased it out.

Cardan was also surprised, he knew it wasn't his wife, and he thought that the thief who came before had mixed in here.

Really, what a cunning thief!
The lady of the city lord also followed. She was wronged and accused for no reason, and she was furious in her heart.

She wants to see who is so bold as to frame her!

When sneaking into the city lord's mansion before, the security was not so strict, but now it will be difficult to go out now.

Fortunately, Li Huan has been here for a while, so he is very familiar with the route.

She stops in every courtyard, leaving her breath everywhere.

It would take a certain amount of time for the paper crane to catch up to him.

But now, the most important thing is to find a way to destroy the paper crane, what is it.

Li Huan had never seen this thing before, so he didn't know what to do for a while.

I can only change positions constantly, thinking about ways to escape.

That Lei Haotian was able to take out such a thing to track him, he thought he would not stop until he caught him.

You're really stingy, why don't we just take you in a circle!
Li Huan ran while complaining.

Since learning the Broken Cloud Walk, Li Huan's current speed is extremely fast.

Besides, she only walked in places where there were no people, and turned everywhere.

But one didn't pay attention and slipped into a yard.

Li Huan was so engrossed in making complaints that he didn't check, and even made a little noise.

"Who! Ina, is that you? Come here, I'm getting ready to come out."


It was discovered that the person inside was a woman, and a woman who was taking a bath.

To go, or not to go?

If you leave immediately, the people inside will definitely become suspicious.

If she doesn't leave, she will be found to be not that Yi Na when she comes out.

How to do?
Lei Haotian couldn't catch up for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he found himself following the paper crane around in circles. He was so angry that he cut his palm and blood dripped on the paper crane.

I saw that paper crane, suddenly blessed by mysterious power, flew straight in one direction.

Li Huan decided to leave first, the woman wanted to chase her out, so she had to go out first to get dressed, and she wouldn't know who she was if she ran away now.

But just as Li Huan was about to leave, there was movement outside.

It came so fast!
"Yina! Yina, why don't you come in!"


Li Huan braced himself and went in, ready to use a dagger to hold the person inside hostage, that's all he could do. Looking at the decoration of the yard, the person inside must be a noble person, presumably someone more important, maybe it was some kind of messenger, Taking them as hostages and threatening to open the city gate, there should be a glimmer of hope.

Li Huan also didn't want to involve innocent people, but there was nothing he could do at this time, at worst, he would send her some spirit stones as compensation.

I am also a woman, and there is no such thing as do not see evil.

Li Huan made up his mind, pulled out the dagger on his thigh, and walked inside.

The woman turned her back to Li Huan and was about to get dressed.

Li Huan raised his dagger and stepped forward.

The woman suddenly felt something and turned around quickly.

"Li Huan!"


The two spoke in unison, they turned out to be acquaintances!

"How will you be here!"

They all spoke in unison again.

Sulby was about to ask, but suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

Startled, Li Huan motioned for her to help him cover.

Sulby, pulled Li Huan over and threw her into his bathtub.

Then he took the flower petal basket from the side and sprinkled it all on the surface of the bathtub, stepped in himself, and took off the clothes a little.

As soon as it was dealt with, Lei Haotian broke in.


Lei Haotian didn't see anything clearly, and was knocked out by a gust of spiritual energy coming towards him.

"There are thieves! Come here!

Come on man!
Let me arrest the prostitute!
I want to dig out his eyes! "

Soon a maid rushed over from outside the courtyard, flew directly past Cardan and the others outside the room, and entered the room.

I saw a man lying on the ground, about to get up.

Without saying a word, Yi Na directly grabbed the man.

Lei Haotian wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't move.

Great spiritual master!
It turned out to be a great spiritual master!

At this time, Cardan hurried in to explain: "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

So Erbi had already dressed and came out at this time: "The prostitute! Die!"

So Erbi attacked Lei Haotian.

Lei Haotian saw the point of the sword attacking, and tried his best to dodge.

Sulbi's sword tilted, and he split the paper crane in half with a single stroke.

The paper crane was damaged, fluttered a bit, and dissipated directly into green smoke.

Cardan's view was blocked, thinking she was going to kill Lei Haotian, he hurried forward: "It's all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding my own people."

Sulby looked angry and stopped attacking: "What a misunderstanding.

Bengong took a good bath here, yet he dared to peek.

Yi Na, dig out the eyeballs first, and then throw them into the cave of monsters! "


Yi Na got the order to poach Lei Haotian's eyeballs.

Ina is also depressed.

She just forgot to take the Ningxiang pill and went out for a while.

Some people dared to break in boldly.

I really ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard.

When she is a majestic great spiritual master, she is a vegetarian!
Lei Haotian also looked depressed.

He was obviously chasing after the paper crane, how could he know that someone was taking a bath here.

Besides, he hadn't seen anything just now.

He was shot directly: "Who are you! I'm not interested in you. I came here chasing someone. What qualifications do you have to deal with me!"

Cardan is really right now, ten thousand black crows are flying over his head...

What is this called!
Especially after he saw Sulbi's face clearly, he was even more frightened that the three souls disappeared and the seven souls disappeared!

Cardan hurried forward to salute: "His Royal Highness, this is a guest from Weichen Mansion.

Because I lost something, I came out to chase the thief.

I got lost for a while, so I went in by mistake.

I offended you, please don't take offense! "


Lei Haotian was also very surprised, he didn't expect this person to be a princess, no wonder he is a spirit person at such a young age.

He also knows a little about the caste system of Sixiang Kingdom.

The first-level official crushed people to death!

Lei Haotian's attitude changed slightly.

Although the princess of Sixiang Kingdom is not as good as Nalanyan.

But the power of a country should not be underestimated: "I'm sorry, I did come here looking for a tracking talisman just now, and I didn't really want to offend you."

"You say yes, what about the evidence, where about the tracer?"

Sulby was relentless.

Lei Haotian had lowered his posture, but he didn't expect this person to show no face at all.

Instantly lowered his face: "I was slashed by your sword just now!"

Sulbi was not polite at all: "Just now I obviously wanted to kill you, a prostitute. I didn't see what tracking symbol, you made it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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