Chapter 1228
With Murong Xueying's previous publicity, early the next morning, the gate of Qingshengtang was packed with crowds.

All are people who come to see a doctor, and those who are not sick come to ask for medicine!

The elixir of a holy pharmacist is naturally what everyone wants!
And Qingshengtang said that this is a free clinic!
People who heard the news came early in the morning, and some even wanted to fight in order to find a good position!

The three who were preparing to leave before saw such a scene, and their desire to leave stabilized again.

Coupled with Murong Xueying's win over, these three people have already received real benefits, so naturally they will not leave again!
The five people helped maintain order together, saying that as soon as the holy master arrives, the free clinic can start!

Some people who were still on the sidelines, seeing Murong Xueying's swearing expression, also joined the queue.

Because there were too many people, the street in front of the Qingsheng Church was overcrowded, and it was impossible to stand there.

I don't know if it was Murong Xueying's intentional or unintentional arrangement.

The crowd lined up from the side of Qingshengtang to the entrance of Baimutang!

A whole two streets of people!
The people who came later were still complaining that they came too late, they didn't get to the front of the queue, and they didn't know if they would be able to catch up with the holy master's free clinic today.

Yin Jiuye: "Ying'er, is the holy master really willing to make a free consultation? Even if he is willing, we don't have any panacea!"

Murong Xueying: "Brother Jiuye, don't worry, there will definitely be this primordial stone! Look at mine."

Murong Xueying went out, looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Everyone is so enthusiastic and believes that the Holy Master will feel everyone's attitude, but everyone knows that the Holy Master does not easily treat people! So..."

Before Murong Xueying finished speaking, she was interrupted!

They came early in the morning!
"What does this mean! We didn't agree on a free clinic! We've been queuing here since last night!"

"That's right! If it's not a free clinic, why did you trick us into coming here!"

"Isn't this clearly bullying people! What exactly do you Qingshengtang want!"

You say one sentence to me and start complaining.

Murong Xueying lowered her hands to signal for everyone to be quiet.

Murong Xueying: "Everyone, listen to me. Since Qingshengtang has mentioned the free clinic, it will naturally invite the holy master to come to the free clinic. However, the holy master does not treat people easily, and everyone knows! What is the level of the holy master? , I believe everyone knows it in their hearts! Therefore, this free clinic is not fake, but you need to queue up with a number! Twenty one day! Three days in a row, that is, sixty places, which is already a lot for a doctor-level consultation. It’s not cheap! Number plates, [-] per day, the one with the highest price gets it!”

"What! Didn't we already line up! Why do we need to get a number again!"

"Why didn't you say it before, this is not bullying us!"

"You Qingshengtang are really good at talking, saying one thing and doing another, everything is your mouth!"

But soon, another voice appeared in the crowd.

"I'm willing to pay to see a doctor!"

"I am willing too! Isn't it just to buy a number, you think the saint is a Chinese cabbage! There are so many people, can you see it?"

"That's right! Saint Master! No matter how expensive it is, it's worth it!"

"Is there any shop on the side of the street where the holy master can be seen casually! It is the greatest sincerity to be able to invite the holy master! Is it possible that someone will treat you for free, as many as you come?"

"What's the low price? I'm willing to pay for an account!"

Such voices quickly overshadowed the previous crusades, and the people who eat melons always echo what others say, so, after a while, more and more people are willing to buy number plates.

Murong Xueying looked at the crowd with a smile.

These beginnings were naturally arranged by her!

Free clinics are just a gimmick, and selling queue numbers is the way to make money!
Yin Jiuye looked at Murong Xueying with eyes full of friendship: "Ying'er is really smart."

Standing on the roof of Baimutang, Li Huan watched the scene in the opposite building, and had to say that Murong Xueying was quite clever.

In this way, not only can the reputation of Qingshengtang be restored, but also a lot of money can be made under the guise of free clinics!

However, this trick was already used badly in Li Huan's last life!
And those people are all shameless people who specialize in defrauding the old man's coffin book!
If Yin Jiuye is Murong Xueying's treasure, Li Huan will not be amazed by such a method!
Li Huan watched the crowd swarming to take a photo of the number plate, it was a little funny, let's grab it!
When the time comes, the number plate will be auctioned off, but the saint is gone. Let's see what you can use to justify it!

Li Huan looked in the direction of the government office, hoping that the two old men would be more reliable!
After all, Li Huan had promised to supply spirit wine for half a year!

I have to say that the charm of Lingjiu really attracted Meng Wu and Qin Yu a lot!

After all, at their age, it is difficult to have such a great interest in a certain thing.

At this level, they are generally pure-hearted and ascetic, and they will become gods in pursuit of the Tao, and they will not be tempted by a certain thing lightly!

But Medicine Master Meng and Master Qin have similar tastes, and they are addicted to alcohol!
Last night, Li Huan came up with this plan to delay the attack!
Qingshengtang is not going to make a fuss about using the holy teacher's free clinic, so let's take a drastic move and cut off your holy teacher!
Let you get a free clinic!
This popularity, of course, is the best effort!

After being intercepted, word of mouth will naturally drop a lot!
Li Huan looked at the crowd downstairs, who were constantly adding weight, in full swing, and hoped that Yi would not take the lead in smashing the scene.

The person who praises you the highest is often the person who spurns you the fastest!
Li Huan listened to Medicine Master Meng's words, changed his appearance, and covered most of his face with a veil just to be on the safe side, just to avoid meeting the so-called 'Junior Sister' face to face!
1000 years of enmity, such a deep obsession, Li Huan doesn't think he can easily resolve it!

Besides, Li Huan also heard a gossip that if Ling Yun hadn't divorced back then, she would have been the head of the Murong family!
Therefore, Murong Qing, the ancestor of the Murong family, is actually Ling Yun's ex-fiancé!
It seems that Murong Qing's methods are really clever, even though he has been divorced, he still has such a good relationship with his ex-fiancee!
As expected of the biggest old fox in the Murong family!
It's just that Murong Qing and the master don't know where the fight is going!

It would be great if Gu Suifeng was here, and he could refine the Unsealing Pill for himself.

Li Huan's memory has always been incomplete, and without the unsealed pill, there will be great resistance to the cultivation of mental power!
Li Huan's practice of avatar has been progressing slowly. If it wasn't for the recent strength of faith, he might not even be able to achieve this progress.

The avatar technique is the key to saving the little milk cat, any more delay, the little milk cat will be in more danger.

Li Huan was very worried.

But on the side of the government office, Meng Wu was sitting on the gate of the city before dawn!
For Li Huan's spirit wine, Meng Wu also tried his best!

(End of this chapter)

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