Chapter 1229
In the early morning, a person wearing a pharmacist's robe and a cap appeared outside the city. It was not clear whether it was a man or a woman, but Meng Wu went down the tower immediately.

Meng Wu: "Junior sister, long time no see!"

Lingyun looked at the person in front of her and sneered: "So it's you! Who am I to intercept me here this early in the morning!"

Meng Wu: "What can't be cut, I'm here specially waiting for you!"

Lingyun: "Wait for me? Would you be so kind? If you had been so kind, you wouldn't have helped him carry me behind..."

Meng Wu: "Junior sister, what are you talking about! You and I haven't seen each other for so many years, what are you doing talking about those old things! I heard yesterday that there will be a holy master in Dongcheng, so I guessed it was you! Now that you are here, go to senior brother's place." How about sitting down?"

Lingyun: "No need, you have nothing to say, and you don't need to meet again in the future, get out of the way!"

Meng Wu saw that Ling Yun was about to leave, so he immediately stopped her, this is half a year's spirit wine!
He has already reached his mouth, if he flies away, then he will die of grief!

Meng Wu hurriedly stopped Ling Yun: "What are you talking about, Junior Sister! It's been so many years, don't tell me you and we have never seen each other? Besides, I didn't do anything wrong back then! How innocent I am!"

Meng Wu's words seemed to ignite a certain fuse suddenly, and Ling Yun suddenly exploded when he heard it: "You are innocent! How dare you say you are innocent! Isn't it me who is the most innocent! How dare you say you are innocent! How dare you say you are innocent! How could I know him without seeing you bring him back to the teacher's school! How dare you say you are innocent!"

Meng Wu: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault! I'm wrong! Junior sister calm down, just treat it as my fault, then how about senior brother buying you a glass of beer wine to apologize? How could we say it was a brother and sister affair back then?"

"Don't go!"

Ling Yun didn't even think about it, so she declined.

How could Meng Wu agree!
Spirit wine for half a year!
No matter what, I have to endure it!
Lingyun looked at Mengwu suspiciously: "Do you have any secrets in the city that you don't want me to know?"

Meng Wu: "How could that be!"

Lingyun: "Our brothers and sisters for so many years have never seen you so attentive! There must be something! Could it be that the one who killed a thousand swords is in the city!"

Lingyun said and walked to the city.

Meng Wu: ...why everything is wrong!

Just as Lingyun entered the city, Qin Yu came!
Master Qin looked at Lingyun: "Long time no see!"

Just kidding!Spirit wine for half a year!

If this idiot Meng Wu messes it up, let's see if he doesn't end up with him!
Lingyun looked at the person in front of her with a little surprise, but she still didn't stop.

Master Qin: "You just left! After all, you are an acquaintance for more than 1000 years. Hey! Hey!"

Ling Yun ignored Qin Yu and Meng Wu's calls at all, and walked directly to the direction of the Green Sacred Hall after entering the city.

Meng Wu and Qin Yu looked at each other, and reached a tacit understanding in an instant!
Spirit wine for half a year!
Meng Wu: "Junior Sister! Don't you want to know about him?"

Meng Wu said so much before, Lingyun didn't pay attention to it, but this sentence that didn't specify anything made Lingyun stop.

Lingyun turned around, the cap on her head couldn't hide her anger, "What are you talking about! You don't know his whereabouts? You've been lying to me?"

Meng Wu: Oops!For the wine, almost forgot!
For the past 1000 years and the previous 500 years, Lingyun would come to him almost every year to inquire about Lin Yuxian's whereabouts.

Meng Wu even said he didn't know!
and so……

Lingyun's anger made Meng Wu shudder!

How deep is this obsession, after so many years, there is still such deep hatred!
So, what exactly did Lin Yuxian do back then!
You old man, what about us? This is it!
You agreed with us back then!

Now your granddaughter is still willing us!
I am!

At this moment, Meng Wu only had thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart!

But for half a year's spiritual wine, I still endured it!

Meng Wu: "I've heard it! But it's not necessarily true!"

Lingyun: "Say!"

In just one word, it is like a thousand troops attacking!

Qin Yu hurriedly stood in front of Meng Wu: "Go back to the government office and tell me! They are all very old, and it's impossible to let people see a joke at the gate of the city! It's been so many years since I've seen each other, and Ling Yun's temper is still the same as before! Let's go! Go and have a few drinks with us!"

Ling Yun was dragged back to the government office by Master Qin half way!
Reluctantly, Meng Wu took out Li Huan Xiaojing's wine and drank it together.

Meng Wu drank a glass in one gulp, but Ling Yun still refused to sit down.

Lingyun: "Say it!"

Meng Wu: "Don't worry! Drink some wine first, this is a wine I have hidden for a long time! I can't drink it easily!"

Ling Yun glanced at it with disgust, but drank the wine anyway.

One sip into the throat, sweet and mellow, fragrant on the teeth and lips: "It's really good!"

Meng Wu: "Really! Old man Qin and I have always been reluctant to drink!"

Lingyun: "I've drunk the wine too, so let's talk about it!"

Qin Yu sighed helplessly, and said in frustration, "So, we've known each other for so many years, is he the only one in your heart? We don't matter anymore, do we?"

As soon as Qin Yu's words came out, Ling Yun froze!
The face under the cap turned a little embarrassed!
Sure enough, as soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, Lingyun sat down!
Meng Wu looked at Qin Yu: Yes!It's even possible!

Qin Yu: I sacrificed a lot!I want an extra portion of this wine!
Meng Wu: Get out!impossible!

Qin Yu: Then you go!

Meng Wu: ...

Meng Wu looked at Ling Yun, he really couldn't say such a thing!
He really doesn't have that talent for love between men and women!
Otherwise, after so many years, she wouldn't be alone all the time!
Meng Wu was defeated in the end and looked at Qin Yu as if asking for help!

Qin Yu: One more!
Meng Wu nodded reluctantly.

Qin Yu: "How have you been all these years?"

As soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, Ling Yun took off the cap on her head.

Meng Wu almost gave Qin Yu a thumbs up!
This method works!

Lingyun's tone also softened: "It's still not like that. I've been with the elixir all day long, and it hasn't changed!"

Qin Yu: "Actually, you can move in with us. After all, we've known each other for many years, so we have a companion!"

Lingyun: "No need! I will only be out for a while, and I will go back!"

Qin Yu: "That's really a bit disappointing."

Lingyun suddenly looked up at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say next!

Just before Lingyun became suspicious, Meng Wu said, "Then why did Junior Sister come out this time? Could it be that someone invited you?"

Lingyun turned her head: "It's Murong's family!"

Meng Wu: "You and the Murong family..."

Ling Yun: "It's just a guest! After Murong Qing got divorced, he said he would wait for me, but I didn't want to."

Meng Wu: "Has Murong Qing come to Tianwaitian?"

Lingyun: "No, I heard it's his granddaughter."

(End of this chapter)

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