Chapter 1234

Don't even think about stepping on our Qingshengtang to take the throne!

Murong Xueying: "You said I was poisoned, so you must know when the poison will be released! You can't say a word, so many of us are waiting here!"

Li Huan looked at Murong Xueying and didn't speak, but there was a mockery in her eyes that couldn't be concealed.

Murong Xueying became angry from embarrassment: "If you can't say it, you are just playing tricks! What kind of imperial pharmacist, you have earned your name!"

Murong Xueying seized the opportunity and smeared Li Huan without listening.

Li Huan: "You don't need to look at the time anymore! Because you've already become poisoned!"

Murong Xueying sneered: "Oh! You have to have a degree of lying! You mean I've been poisoned? How come I don't feel it at all! I don't know if I've been poisoned or not! Poisoned, who are you bluffing! "

Murong Xueying laughed at Li Huan, but Li Huan was not annoyed, and just said lightly: "Didn't I already said that this poison does not harm the body, it's just that it's not friendly to women."

Murong Xueying looked at Li Huan's expression, she was still so determined, but she checked her body again, there was really nothing wrong with it!

It must be cheating her!
Murong Xueying: "Look, everyone! This is the so-called miracle doctor! What kind of imperial pharmacist is trying to gain fame! They say that I have become poisoned! Everyone, look at me, am I doing well!"

Li Huan shook his head helplessly: "If I stop now, I still have a way, if the toxin emerges in a while, then there is nothing I can do!"

As soon as Li Huan finished speaking, Murong Xueying was even more sure that she was bluffing: "Do you think that everyone will believe you? You pretended that I was poisoned, and then helped me treat it, using this as an excuse to use your medical skills Hold it up, I am not stupid! Everyone is not stupid, I am not poisoned, everyone can't see?"

Li Huan didn't speak, but as soon as Murong Xueying's words fell, those who were close to her exclaimed!
"Look! Look! The poison is gone!"

"Ah! There are black spots all over my face!"

"Ahh! It's poisonous! That person's face is so ugly!"

Murong Xueying turned her head when she heard the exclamation, everyone could see clearly this time!
Small black dots appeared on Murong Xueying's face, and these small black dots spread quickly.

After a while, the entire face was occupied, and the small black dots on the originally fair face looked extra glaring.

"A miracle doctor! The master of Baimutang actually hit the mark!"

"That's right! I saw that the wife of the headmaster of the Qingsheng Church was alive and kicking, and I thought that the headmaster Baimu was talking nonsense!"

"I didn't expect that the master of Baimutang's medical skills are so good! You can tell what the disease is at a glance!"

"Don't tell me, after I took the medicine she prescribed today, my legs don't hurt and my shoulders don't hurt anymore!"

"Me too! I used to burn my hand when it touched cold water, but when I was cooking tonight, I accidentally touched it with cold water, and it didn't hurt at all!"

"It looks like Hall Master Baimu is really an imperial pharmacist!"

"From now on, there will be free consultations by imperial pharmacists every month! This is too good!"

For a while, the onlookers kept praising Li Huan, and Murong Xueying was flustered, she obviously didn't feel anything wrong with her body, but...

Murong Xueying quickly found a mirror, and when she saw it, she almost fainted from fright!
There are black dots all over the face!

Small white rashes like rice grains also appeared on these small black spots. The whole face looked as scary as it could be!

Murong Xueying was furious, she threw the mirror on the ground and pointed at Li Huan and said, "It's you! Is it you!"

Li Huan: "Ma'am, didn't I say it before, it will take at least a few hours for this kind of poison to take hold, and you came to the gate of my Baimutang only a few quarters of an hour, besides, I am I didn't even touch you, so indiscriminately slandering people like this is a common trick of your Qingshengtang?"

When Murong Xueying thought of her own face, goose bumps all over her body!
Don't say it's a black spot!
Even the skin the size of a sesame seed has never been scratched once!
This face has been carefully maintained by her since she was a child!

Murong Xueying also didn't care about other things: "You are not an imperial pharmacist, this poison is nothing! You cure me immediately!"

Li Huan: "Sorry, the free clinic is over!"

Murong Xueying: "Aren't you merciful? Aren't you helping the world! You can't get rid of this little poison, and what are you talking about as an imperial pharmacist! It's just trying to gain fame! It's a lie!"

Murong Xueying yelled at Li Huan.

She didn't even know when she was poisoned by this poison!
But now his face is like this, and he can only detoxify it after finding the holy master!
She didn't believe that this man could heal her face!
But this doesn't prevent them from using this excuse to attack Bai Mutang!
Seeing that Li Huan didn't speak, Murong Xueying gained confidence in an instant!

Must not know how to detoxify!

So, the master of Baimutang is not very good!

Murong Xueying: "You're not an imperial pharmacist, you can't cure even a little bit of poison, doesn't it mean that you're not even as good as a low-level poison master?"

Li Huan looked at Murong Xueying: "You really want me to detoxify you?"

Li Huan's tone was full of helplessness, as if this was a very difficult decision.

Murong Xueying: "Yes! I'm sure you must detoxify me!"

In fact, Li Huan's heart has already blossomed with joy!

This poison was applied when Li Huan slapped her in the afternoon!
She was sure that Murong Xueying would come back and cause trouble!

So, get ready early!

When Li Huan made this plan, he had already thought out every step!
Unexpectedly, Murong Xueying would really come to her door!

This poison is actually not difficult to cure, but if it is paired with Li Huan's 'antidote', then this poison will really begin!

Murong Xueying, you don't care about your brother Jiuye the most, if you see with your own eyes how much your brother Jiuye dislikes you, will you be very disappointed?
Murong Xueying saw that Li Huan was still hesitating, so she knew that she couldn't do it: "Can you tell me something! If the poison can't be cured, it's easy, just admit that you have earned your reputation! You Bai Mutang are all idiots! waste!"

Li Huan said: "I can help you detoxify, but there may be sequelae after detoxification, which is beyond my control! So, I have to explain to you first!"

Murong Xueying: "What sequelae!"

Li Huan: "I don't know either. After all, there is no harm to the body, but I can't say exactly what it is!"

Murong Xueying: "Is this the only thing imperial pharmacists are capable of?"

Li Huan: "I told you before that if the toxin gets on my face, I can't do anything about it. It's you who don't believe me! We, Baimutang, never lie!"

What Li Huan said was a deception before alluding to the Qingshengtang!

After all, the Saint Master has not appeared yet!
(End of this chapter)

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