Chapter 1235 Warranty

Murong Xueying: "Okay! You can detoxify, the sequelae are none of your business! But the sequelae must be guaranteed not to hurt the body!"

Li Huan: "There is no evidence for what you say, you must sign a guarantee! Please also work hard to be a witness. The wife of the master of the Qingmu Hall asked me to help her detoxify, and the sequelae are none of my business as long as they do not harm the body!"

"Okay! Hall Master Bai, don't worry, we are all watching!"

"That's right! I told her before, she didn't believe she was poisoned!"

"I can't blame Hall Master Bai! Hall Master Bai has a kind heart, so naturally he won't care about this little girl!"

Murong Xueying was about to vomit to death when she heard the words of the onlookers!
But in order to wipe out Black and White Wood Hall, Murong Xueying also did her best!

Li Huan quickly wrote the letter of guarantee and asked Murong Xueying to sign it.

Murong Xueying glanced at it casually, and then impatiently let Li Huan begin!

What if it was too late and my face recovered.

Murong Xueying didn't want to let herself bear this pockmarked face for the rest of her life!

Li Huan took out a pill and handed it to Murong Xueying: "Take this and you'll be fine!"

Murong Xueying looked suspiciously at the pill that Li Huan handed over, hesitated, but swallowed it anyway!
Murong Xueying hurriedly asked someone to bring a mirror, and sure enough, after taking the elixir, all the small black spots on her face gradually faded away and disappeared!

Li Huan: "Is the effect satisfactory?"

Murong Xueying: "Didn't you say that as long as it appears on your face, there is nothing you can do about it? Then why are there medicines to treat it now? You lied to me before?"

Li Huan: "If this lady thinks it's okay, please settle the bill!"

Murong Xueying: "What debt! I don't owe you Baimutang any money! What are you paying!"

Li Huan took out the guarantee letter signed by Murong Xueying just now: "Look, it's not clearly written on it, as long as the cure is cured, all expenses will be paid by oneself! Didn't I say before that the free clinic is over!"

In order to get treatment quickly, Murong Xueying didn't even look carefully and pressed a handprint on it!
So, still need money!
Murong Xueying wanted to snatch the letter of guarantee, but Li Huan put it away.

Li Huan: "The majestic wife of the dignified Qingsheng Church doesn't even have to credit this little money, does she? You Qingshengtang shouldn't be short of money, huh?"

Li Huan saw that Murong Xueying's face had changed several colors.

How could Qian Lihuan not know if there was Qian Lihuan in Qingshengtang!
The treasure house of the Qingshengtang was emptied by Li Huan!
Yin Jiuye and Murong Xueying have been here for so long and have always been dependent on others!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been slapped several times by Li Huan pretending to be a saint before and didn't make trouble!
It's not because there is no money in hand!

Living under the fence, I can only swallow my anger, and it must cost a lot to invite this so-called holy master this time!
When Li Huan saw Murong Xueying saw the bill, her whole body became stiff, and she couldn't help laughing: "How is it? This money shouldn't be credited, right?"

Murong Xueying really has no money!

But before contacting the Murong family, she actually got a lot of primordial stones!

But this time, in order to invite this holy master, Murong Xueying has already spent all the primordial stones on her body!

When I got here, I thought that if everything went well, I could make a lot of money!
But up to now, the holy master has not yet appeared!
I don't even know when I was tricked!

Murong Xueying couldn't bear to haggle over the price, and Li Huan was sure of this, so the price was naturally much higher!

This poison was originally poisoned by Li Huan!

Therefore, this antidote actually costs nothing at all!

A few basic elixir can be refined!

But what has been said before, Murong Xueying can't go back on it even if she wants to go back on it now!

Murong Xueying: "Why is the elixir in your Baimutang so much more expensive than the other ones! Is this how you usually oppress others?"

Li Huan never thought that Murong Xueying would have a day when she would be shameless for money!
This was obviously an attempt to counter the price, but they couldn't hold back their face, and then picked all kinds of thorns, so that they could sell at a lower price in order to maintain their reputation!

But how could Li Huan make Murong Xueying feel better!

This is the enemy of the third generation!
Li Huan: "Bai Mu Tang's medicine is naturally the most favorable! Everyone has a clear eye, and we don't need to say, we will know the difference."

Murong Xueying: "You're talking nonsense, the price on yours is obviously twice as expensive as ordinary pills!"

Li Huan: "I said Madam, you have to figure it out, you are a customized pill! Do you know what customization means? If you don't know, our enthusiastic people in Dongcheng will tell you what customization is!"

It's not just customized!
This pill was specially made by Li Huan for Murong Xueying!
Needless to say, the effect is natural!There are also sequelae of Li Huan!

How can it be cheap!
"Customized elixir, can it be cheaper?"

"That's right! The wife of the hall master just entered the city, and she doesn't even know about customization!"

"I think it's possible! It must be that you don't know what customization is! That's why it's like this!"

"Then according to this, the new head of the Qingsheng Church is not very good!"

"It's about to go bankrupt, who else can be sent here! It's just going through the motions!"

Murong Xueying just questioned the price of this elixir, but in the end, she was pointed out by these spectators!
By the way, even the Qingshengtang began to be low!

I must have gone out today and didn't read the almanac!

So, nothing goes well!
Murong Xueying paid the primordial stone with an angry face!
As soon as this primordial stone is given away, she will really bottom out!
She has grown so big, she has never been so poor!
This day Waitian is simply her nemesis!
Murong Xueying was just about to leave, but before she even got out of the door of Baimutang, a long voice sounded from her, it was still smelly!


This sound, with a sense of rhythm, a voice that even she couldn't help, directly made Murong Xueying stunned in place!

"My God! Who farts so stinky!"

"I'm going to throw up! This stinks, what's going on!"

"Could it be someone who put poison gas here!"

"It's possible! Who is so courageous!"

"I just heard a voice, kind of like..."

So the man followed the voice he heard and looked over!

I only saw Murong Xueying standing there!
Just when Murong Xueying was about to leave, there was another cry!

This time the sound is clearer!

And everyone present heard it!

"Fuck! She's farting!"

"It stinks! And put two in a row! This quality is too bad!"

"With so many of us here, we don't shy away from it at all! It's a shame that the elder has a good-looking face!"

Murong Xueying's complexion can no longer be described by boiled shrimp!
(End of this chapter)

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