Chapter 1247 Senior Poison Master
Meng Wu: "There are very few such rosary beads. If you use one, you will lose one! I didn't expect that she would be so generous to give you one this time!"

Li Huan: "I don't think she knew that I was a Nian Shi, so she deliberately sent it to me as a decoration! What a pity! I am still a Nian Shi! And I will be able to advance to the whole day Nian Shi soon! "

Meng Wu: "Don't be proud, it's not uncommon for the teacher to be in the sky outside the sky."

Li Huan: "By the way, why are there so many Nianshi in Tianwaitian, but I rarely see Nianshi in Wuji Continent?"

Meng Wu: "This is not something you should care about right now. After you complete this task, you will naturally know."

Li Huan: "What are you doing so mysteriously?"

Qin Yu: "Okay, this is the end of this matter, little girl, have you brought the wine today?"

Qin Yu has been greedy for a long time!

Li Huan was just about to fetch the wine, but heard the servant girl say that someone was looking for her.

When Li Huan went out to see, it turned out to be Linglinger and Baozilian!

Li Huan: "Linglinger! I knew you would come! Why didn't you see Yun Yi and the others?"

Ling Ling'er: "We came directly after receiving your message. It seems that Yun Yi and the others have been discovered. By the way, I heard that Qiao Qingyun has been rescued and will come to Dongcheng to sit here soon. Green Temple!"

Li Huan: "I asked Yun Yi to let Qiao Qingyun go. Why didn't he come when he let him go? Nie Jin actually sent Qiao Qingyun here at this time. I think it's because Yin Jiuye asked for help!"

After all, Meng Wu said that his junior sister had already left.

Now that building has returned to Yin Jiuye's hands, such a big medicine building, without a pharmacist in charge, naturally cannot be built.

It's just that Nie Jin doesn't seem to be optimistic about Dongcheng's side!
They even arranged for Qiao Qingyun to come over!

This is simply a farewell to the head, isn't it!
Li Huan has been the saint of the Qing Sacred Church before!

Others don't know Qiao Qingyun's seriousness, but Li Huan knows it all!
Besides, Nie Jin has always known Qiao Qingyun's level, and even sent her to sit in the township, which shows that Nie Jin has given up here!
very good!

This is your chance to get married!
It seems that I have to go back and plan carefully. After all, Murong Xueying and Yin Jiuye used to be Qiao Qingyun's follower and the other was Qiao Qingyun's bodyguard. Huan feels sorry for them!
Even if there is no conflict, create a little conflict for them!
Li Huan was very excited because of Lingling'er's arrival.

But Murong Xueying was going crazy!

After she woke up again, she recovered from her injury for a few days, and she was almost recovered.

However, she found that her cultivation was gone!
The aura has been unable to condense!

It's not that she hasn't heard of the sequelae of going crazy before, but the one who rescued her before was the holy master!
Besides, she is the eldest daughter of the Murong family, so she must not be so unlucky!
But Murong Xueying tried many times, but still failed!
The aura is gone!
Can't condense at all!
A monk, if he doesn't have aura, what kind of monk is he!
The more Murong Xueying tried, the more panicked she became.

When Yin Jiuye came back, he saw Murong Xueying's room smashed to pieces.

There was no place to step down, only Murong Xueying was in the corner, muttering to herself.

Yin Jiuye hurried through the broken tables and chairs, and walked towards Murong Xueying.

"Ying'er, what's wrong with you?"

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye, her deer-like eyes immediately moistened with pear blossoms: "Brother Jiuye, have I become a useless person! Am I?"

Looking at Murong Xueying's appearance, Yin Jiuye felt extremely guilty, and said in an extremely gentle voice, "No, your injury is not healed, don't worry, the injury will only recover when you heal it, Senior Lingyun said before that you hurt your tendons, in order to Take good care of your wounds and seal your tendons, don't think about it!"

Yin Jiuye picked up Murong Xueying, and walked towards the bed: "Ying'er, how can you be so stupid, you are a person who has experienced big storms anyway, why are you so petty, be good, lie on the bed and rest, Leave the rest to me."

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye suspiciously: "Is this really the case? Brother Jiuye, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Yin Jiuye: "No! Ying'er, don't you believe me? When have I lied to you?"

Facing Yin Jiuye's tenderness, Murong Xueying was completely overwhelmed.

Murong Xueying: "Then kiss me!"

Yin Jiuye took advantage of the opportunity and pressed an affectionate kiss on Murong Xueying's forehead.

Murong Xueying grabbed Yin Jiuye's hand as if grabbing a life-saving straw and refused to let go.

Yin Jiuye looked at the delicate and charming person in his arms, and began to get distracted: "Ying'er..."

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye shyly: "Brother Jiuye, am I the person you love the most?"


Yin Jiuye's eyes darkened.

Soon, there was a discordant sound in the room.

Yin Jiuye didn't come out until Murong Xueying fell asleep.

When Yin Jiuye came out, he received a letter from Nie Jin saying that the assigned pharmacist would arrive tomorrow.

Yin Jiuye was so excited that he hurriedly led people to get ready.

As long as there is a pharmacist, with the reputation of Qingshengtang for many years, some people can still be saved!
When there is improvement, you can start to deal with Bai Mutang!
Since Hall Master Bai is not Huan'er, then you don't have to be polite!
It's a pity that Li Huan is not stupid, wait until Yin Jiuye recovers, and then look for an opportunity to attack himself.

Li Huan asked someone to release the news that Baimutang had hired a high-ranking poison master. In the future, even if he didn't see a doctor or buy pills, he could go to Baimutang to buy the poisons he needed!

As soon as the news came out, there was another sensation in Dongcheng. Although everyone knew that medicine and poison were not separated from each other, poison masters were rare, so it was extremely difficult to find ordinary poison masters.

The price of pills of the same level is much lower than that of poisons.

Baimutang already had a reputation as a Mongolian pharmacist, and Li Huan's free clinic has gained a lot of favor, Baimutang's reputation in Dongcheng has long surpassed that of Qingshengtang.

Now, with the hiring of a poison pharmacist, Bai Mutang is getting bigger and bigger!

"I heard that Bai Mu Tang will start discounting tomorrow, and all poisons will be sold at half discount!"

"I've heard that too! I'm going to stockpile some poison."

"Have you heard, that poison master has a lot of background, as long as he has enough primordial stones, he can buy anything he wants!"

"Really, don't poisons have to be treated according to poison prescriptions?"

"Really! The shopkeeper of the third store next door to me went quietly yesterday. I heard that the poison he got was the effect he wanted, and it was not bad at all!"

"So, this is really a senior poison master?"

"You can't go wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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