Chapter 1248 Autumn Tour
Li Huan was in a good mood looking at the people who came downstairs to snap up the purchases.

Qiao Qingyun?
Came to East City to make money in the name of a saint?

Let's see who is more poisonous!
After all, even though that idiot Qiao Qingyun is a poison master, he doesn't even have the ability to be like Li Huan!
Li Huan's drug-making ability was promoted in a desperate situation!
That is a real master drug maker.

Yin Jiuye was originally a little happy because the new pharmacist was coming, but when he heard that Baimutang had hired a senior poisoner, his heart that had just been excited was directly hit the bottom of the valley.

But when Yin Jiuye learned that it was Qiao Qingyun who came, he was still excited!
Not to mention anything else, the reputation of the saintess of the Qingshengtang will definitely be able to restore the reputation of the Qingshengtang!
Yin Jiuye is already looking forward to it!

The news of Li Huan's custom-made poison quickly spread among wealthy families, and many people began to quietly place orders at Baimutang.

Li Huan ordered people to take all the orders, and he would not refuse anyone who came. Time was short, so he could only speed up and get his reputation out.

When Qiao Qingyun came, the Qingshengtang was really lively for a while!

Yin Jiuye made people release the news that the Holy Maiden of the Qingsheng Church will come to the Dongcheng Qingshengtang!

Qingshengtang welcomes everyone to come to buy medicines at any time.

"The saint is coming?"

"Really? I'm going to line up to buy things at the Qingshengtang!"

"I want to see what the saint looks like too!"

"I heard that the saint's ability to make drugs is top-notch!"

"The Qingshengtang is so powerful that it even invited all the saintesses!"

"Didn't you see that Baimutang suppressed Qingshengtang so much that he couldn't even lift his head!"

"It seems to be! But Baimutang is really fragrant!"

"Hahahaha! Yes, I think so too, but I still want to see what the saint looks like!"

"By the way, Baimutang is discounted until today, I'll go stock up some more!"

"You are stupid! The saintess of the Qing Temple is here, there must be a discount!"

"That's right, then don't buy it! However, Baimutang's discount is really big!"

"Then I want to go to the Qingshengtang to see, after all, she is a saint! A real saint! The kind who lives!"

"Then let's go to the Qingsheng Church tomorrow!"


Every corner of the East City was filled with conversations like this, and everyone was talking about the arrival of the Holy Maiden of the Blue Sacred Church.

Bai Zhan: "Master, there are a lot fewer guests today, so the Qingshengtang will not really be brought back to life, will it?"

Li Huan: "Don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while."

Bai Zhan: Bullets? ? ?what is that?Hall Master's new prescription?

Li Huan: "Tomorrow is a day off, let's go for an autumn outing! Let's say thank you for taking care of the new and old customers of Baimutang. Tomorrow we will go for an autumn outing in Wangqing Lake. All food, tea, and Baimutang are all included! Guests who are willing to go on an autumn outing together, and mysterious Great gift!"

Boy: "I can't wait to go on an autumn tour? What does the hall master think?"

Bai Zhan: "You ask me, who do I ask! Get ready to go!"

People who eat melons: "What about Baimutang's autumn tour tomorrow! Food and drink included? And a mysterious gift?"

Onlookers: "That's what it said! The notice just issued, everyone can go! As long as you want!"

People who eat melons: "I want to go! But, I also want to see the saint!"

Onlookers: "Someday the saint will see it! I want to go on an autumn outing!"

People who eat melons: "But on the first day of the saint's visit, in order to gain favor, there will be a super discount!"

Onlookers: "That's right, I heard from Qingshengtang that the audience will be playing tomorrow, and it seems that there are still gifts to give!"

People who eat melons: "Then is it going to go for an autumn outing, or to see the saint!"

Onlookers: "See how you choose!"

People who eat melons: "I think Bai Mutang must be afraid that the saint will come and take away all the business, and then he can't make up his face, so he just made up this trick. On the one hand, he has a good excuse. On the other hand, he can Cover up your guilt!"

Onlookers: "No! The master of Baimutang doesn't look like this kind of person! I'm going on an autumn outing tomorrow!"

The people who eat melons: "I won't go if I only have a little food! I'm going to see the saint in the Qingsheng Church!"

So Dongcheng quickly divided into two camps. On the one hand, they said that they wanted to go on an autumn tour with Baimutang, because Baimutang does a good business. This autumn tour is also to thank everyone for their patronage. It will not be bad. It seems good to go together, after all, winter It's coming.

You can't go out of the city in winter!
On the other hand, because the reputation of the Holy Maiden of the Blue Holy Church is so great that it is almost a household name in Tianwaitian, everyone wants to see who the Holy Maiden is, and everyone agrees that the discount will be extremely low due to the reopening of the Holy Holy Church. !
After all, Bai Mutang gave away such a precious medicine for free before!

Great discounts too!

The next day, all the people in Baimutang went to Wangqing Lake for an autumn tour with the residents of the city at the gate of the city.

Although there are not many people, they are not too few.

It was the first time for Linglinger to go out for an autumn outing, and she was very excited.

Li Huan taught them how to roast fish caught in the lake to make them delicious.

What a joyful scene!

It was the first time Linglinger knew what autumn outing was, and she was so excited. The maple leaves around Wangqing Lake were so beautiful that they were all dyed in layers.

Baozilian followed Linglinger all the time, working hard without complaint.

Li Huan looked at the two of them and thought it was funny.

No matter what Linglinger said, Baozilian nodded!

Lingling'er: "With his idiot appearance, who would like him!"

Li Huan: "Really? I think it's not bad! Look how obedient you are"

Linglinger: "That's not true! He doesn't object to anything I say, and he has no opinion at all!"

Li Huan: "Oh... I heard from the servant girl of the government office that a person like Baozilian is the most suitable to marry, and asked me to help him find out if he has someone he likes!"

Linglinger: "What! How dare he!"

Li Huan covered her mouth and laughed: "Oh~"

Lingling'er was a little embarrassed: "It's not what you think!"

Li Huan: "I know, I understand, it's not what I thought."

Linglinger: "Oh, why can't you understand!"

Li Huan: "Oh! You don't have to be shy in front of me. It's not shameful to like it, but if you like it but miss it because of a mistake, it is the greatest regret in life. You should cherish the person who can be in front of you. Maybe when, People around me just disappeared."

Li Huan held Lingling'er's hand: "I can feel that Baozilian is no joke to you."

A little blush appeared on Linglinger's face: "I know, when we came here before, he was the one who tried his best to protect me..."

Li Huan: "No wonder I see that you are making rapid progress. What's the situation, let me hear it?"

Lingling'er: "You just tricked me on purpose, didn't you!"

Li Huan: "Say it! I want to hear it!"

Ling Ling'er looked at Li Huan complainingly: "The hiding place was discovered before, it seems to be people from Qingshengtang, I don't know how they found out our residence, and sent more than a dozen groups of experts. It was easy to get rid of them and then diverted."

(End of this chapter)

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