Chapter 1249 Falling to the altar
Li Huan: "What happened after that? What happened after that?"

Ling Ling'er said with some embarrassment: "I was chased and killed all the way, but I wasn't hurt at all. I thought those killers were too good at first, but I found out later that all the killers were behind that fool." Wound……"

When Li Huan heard this, there was still something he didn't understand. I had to say that Baozi's face really couldn't be seen!

He even risked his life!
He deserves to get out of the singles!
Li Huan: "Oh! Can I have a wedding wine?"

Lingling'er: "What nonsense are you talking about! The horoscope has not been written yet!"

Li Huan: "Are you sure?"

Linglinger: "A little bit..."

Li Huan: "Only a little?"

Linglinger: "If you ask me again, I will ignore you!"

Li Huan smiled: "Isn't it okay if you don't ask? Let's eat!"

Li Huan gave Lingling'er the grilled fish.

Baimutang is well prepared, and the food and tea are purchased from the most famous Yuanxianglou in Dongcheng. The tea and fruit snacks in Yuanxianglou basically have no shortcomings except that they are expensive.

Most people are reluctant to eat in order to save money.

But this time, in order to establish a good reputation for Bai Mu Tang, Li Huan specially asked Bai Zhan to customize the things of Yuanxiang Building.

Although it's not as good as what Li Huan made by himself, the quality is beyond words.

"Oh my god! This is the rose cake from Yuanxianglou!"

"It seems to be! I still want this glutinous rice cake. When it came out last month, my kid wanted it. I was not willing to buy it!"

"How much did Baimutang spend this time? It's free to eat, and I'll give Yuanxianglou some snacks!"

"Hall Master Bai is indeed a beautiful person with a kind heart!"

Some were fishing, some were chatting together, and some were eating while putting snacks in their pockets and preparing to pack them away.

Originally, the servant was not very happy, but Li Huan said that he didn't need to worry about it, he must have brought it for his family, and Bai Mutang was always thinking of everyone.

So those who want to take it are not too embarrassed to take it.

There is a lot of fun and a leisurely scene by the Wangqing Lake.

Li Huan has always been covered with a veil, but this does not prevent other people from looking at her with filters.

Li Huan lay on the grass, basking in the sun and blowing the breeze.

On the surface, it looks like he is asleep, but the power of faith in his body has been increasing.

It seems that the power of belief in Tianwaitian is indeed much stronger than outside!
There is almost no such power of faith in the Promise Continent to absorb!
And here, even ordinary civilians, the power of faith can bless Li Huan!

If Baimutang is strong enough to defeat the Qingshengtang of all cities, wouldn't the power of faith be doubled?
Thinking about it this way, Li Huan felt that this task was no longer difficult in an instant!
While completing the task, you can also improve your own strength!

It would be great if he could successfully pass the tribulation in Tianwaitian.

Completely different from the autumn tour organized by Baimutang, the Qingshengtang has overturned!
Because, the first time Qiao Qingyun came here was to ask Yin Jiuye to prepare the best room for her to rest in!

Qiao Qingyun was not happy at first, but Nie Jin was extremely disappointed in her. After Qiao Qingyun returned, she also knew that she had been impersonated, but the person who impersonated her was never caught, and her status in the Qingshengtang was getting worse day by day.

More importantly, the entire Saintess Mansion was evacuated!

Even the servants ran away!

When Qiao Qingyun went back, he was destitute!

The Qingsheng Church has cut off the supply for her.

I heard that Yin Jiuye is in charge here, so she came here!

Not for anything else, just to have someone at her mercy!

The Qingsheng Church in Dongcheng released the news early, saying that the Saintess had returned. Yin Jiuye originally wanted to take Qiao Qingyun's name as the Saintess to save some reputation, but many people gathered at the entrance of the Qingshengtang to see the Saintess. Waiting and waiting, Qiao Qingyun was nowhere to be seen.

For Yin Jiuye to re-open Qingshengtang, all the medicines are on credit!

People who are waiting for a discount, come in and see, where is the discount here!

It is clearly sold at the original price!

Some are even more expensive than tasting prices!
"What! Didn't you say that there is a discount at the opening today?"

"Look at the fourth-grade Lingyun grass, which is twice as expensive as Baimutang!"

"Indeed, look at the Qi Pill this time. I saw it when Baimutang was on sale yesterday. It only needs three primordial stones, but here you want five!"

"Me too. The Baimutang was discounted yesterday. I thought it would be cheaper than Baimutang because of the opening of the shop today and the presence of the Saintess Association. In the end, it turned out to be so much more expensive!"

"It's outrageous! If I had known earlier, I might as well have bought it at Baimutang yesterday!"

"That's right! I still held back the loss. I came here to buy it today. This is obviously intentional!"

"Forget it's expensive, what kind of saint is this girl, she's been up and down all day long, and there's no one in sight!"

"It can't be a fake gimmick!"

After waiting all morning, many people became dissatisfied. They came here for the discount, but in the end, the things were not cheap.

Some people wanted to see what the famous Saintess of the Qing Temple looked like, but Qiao Qingyun never came, and the dissatisfaction grew stronger and stronger.

Some people claimed that they had been duped, and asked the Qingshengtang to give an explanation.

Yin Jiuye was in a state of desperation, because of the previous incident, the people from Qingshengtang either jumped to Baimutang or ran away.

Yin Jiuye could only act as the shopkeeper himself, and come out to entertain and sell the pills.

But the person who sent a letter, clearly saying that he would arrive this morning, has not yet disappeared.

Because it is on credit, Yin Jiuye's purchase price of these elixirs is much more expensive than that of Baimutang.

At such a discounted price, Yin Jiuye was already selling it at the purchase price.

But the effect... is obvious, and everyone doesn't buy it.

After finally staying there until noon, Qiao Qingyun still didn't come.

The crowd became irritable.

"Whether the saint you mentioned is coming or not!"

"You Qingshengtang shouldn't be lying!"

"Say it! If the saint doesn't come, we won't wait! Don't waste everyone's time!"

For a while, the whole hall was full of noise, asking Yin Jiuye to explain clearly.

"You all came to look for me?"

The voice at the door finally rescued Yin Jiuye!
Qiao Qingyun is here!
But in the next second, Yin Jiuye couldn't laugh anymore!
Qiao Qingyun came, but her clothes were covered in dust and scratched in several places, and her hair was messy.

The skin without makeup is a little sallow and lifeless.

The embarrassment all over her body reveals that she has lived and slept on the road.

Yin Jiuye was shocked by the appearance of this man in front of him!
If it wasn't for Qiao Qingyun's face, Yin Jiuye would have thought that he had admitted the wrong person!

It's completely different from the domineering Qiao Qingyun before!
Even the temperament is different!
But what's worse than this is that the rest of the people who came to see the saint heard this sentence!
"Looking for you, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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