Chapter 125 Rebellion
"Don't be in a hurry to drive me away, just take a look at this."

Li Huan took out a sachet from his bosom.

When Cang Lingling saw the sachet, she staggered and hurriedly snatched it from Li Huan.

Cang Lingling held it in the palm of her hand, as if she was holding a treasure carefully, for a while.

Only then choked up: "Where did you come from this, tell me, what do I want me to do for you?"

Cang Lingling looked at Li Huan resignedly.

Two lines of tears flashed across that handsome face in an instant.

Li Huan was obviously taken aback, this...

"Second Aunt, you misunderstood. What I said was to give you back your freedom. I know that Lin Mumu captured your family."

Hearing this, Cang Lingling's complexion changed obviously: "If she hadn't threatened me with this for many years.

I will not even have children!

That bitch! "


Cang Lingling: "Yes, I have already performed several abortions for the master.

It's a pity that he doesn't know, hehehe...

That ruthless man deserves it!

I just don't want to have kids for him either. "

Li Huan: "Second Aunt, your family, I have already rescued you.

If you want to leave, I can help you out of the house at any time.


"You? Didn't you collude with Lin Mu to trick me?
You reassure her that even if I don't think about myself, I will think about my family.

I promise not to trouble her. "

Li Huan took out a letter from his bosom: "There is a letter inside, written by your brother, you can read it.

I really want to discuss cooperation with you. "

After reading the letter, Cang Lingling burst into tears: "Miss San.

My biggest wish in this life is that my family can live safely.

But even this basic requirement must be cautious.

From the second day I entered the mansion, she took all my family members away.

I vaguely mentioned to the master that my wife arrested my family, but he didn't believe it.

After that bitch found out, he cut off my brother's finger.

We used to see each other every few months.

Now, now they are not even allowed to see each other.


Can you allow me to meet my family?

If you can, I promise you whatever you say. "

Li Huan thought about it and agreed.

Taking advantage of the darkness, she took Cang Lingling to avoid the guards and left the residence.

At this time, Cang Lingling discovered that the fabled lady who was good for nothing was already a spiritual practitioner.

But judging by his ability to fly over the wall with one hand, and the speed of progress, even the master may not be able to match.

Cang Lingling could no longer use surprise to describe her surprise.

Cang Lingling's family was rescued by Ye Xin and the others before the accident on West Street.

It was done in a concealed manner. After Lin Mumu's people found out, they didn't find out who it was, so they simply ignored it.

Therefore, every time Cang Lingling asked to see her family, she was rejected by Lin Mumu with various reasons.

Li Huan took Cang Lingling to a secluded courtyard.

Cang Lingling met her family as she wished.

Knowing that Li Huan ordered someone to save them, he waited for her to come and left the imperial capital together.

When relatives see each other tearfully, they will inevitably cry to each other for a while.

Li Huan waited patiently for a while.

That Cang Lingling stopped crying, and walked towards Li Huan: "Miss San, you are capable, and all the people in Li Mansion were deceived by you."

Li Huan smiled awkwardly: "It's just for self-protection, if you don't want to go back, I can let you go.

No one noticed when you came out, and it's fine if you don't go back.

However, in the future, I will remain anonymous. "

Cang Lingling resolutely refused: "No! Previously, I was most worried about my family.

Now that they are no longer in the hands of that bastard Lin Mumu, I want to avenge this revenge.

I guess Miss San, you must have come to me to deal with her, right?

Before she came out of the cabinet, she seduced the master without telling your mother, occupied your grandfather's property, and drove you away.

Now, for the sake of my own daughter, I am robbing you of your marriage.

If it were me, I would not be reconciled.

I would like to cooperate with you.

However, after the matter is over, I want you to protect me and my family to leave safely. "

Li Huan: "Of course."

After Li Huan and Cang Lingling returned home, Li Huan went to Qiu Nannan's place again.

Cang Lingling knew that Li Huan was going to the third room, so she followed suit.

She has been in Lifu for many years, and she and Qiu Nannan have long been sympathetic to each other, as sisters.

Qiu Nannan was originally a singer in a teahouse, and she made a living as a performer.

Naturally a good voice.

But by chance, Li Ge took a fancy to him and praised him a few words.

In order to please Li Ge, Lin Mumu showed himself to be generous and virtuous.

Grab her by force.

Qiu Nannan originally had a childhood sweetheart, but she was captured by Lin Mumu after she entered the mansion.

Lin Mumu took this as a threat and only allowed the two of them to correspond with each other every month, but they never met each other.

Li Huan couldn't bear it, but still told Qiu Nannan.

Her lover had already died in the second month after she entered the mansion.

He was beaten up by someone led by Lin Mumu, and died of serious injuries.

Qiu Nannan refused to believe it, and even took out the letter.

Li Huan looked at the thick stack of letters, which were carefully kept.

Thinking that Qiu Nannan has survived all these years by relying on this letter.

This was probably her only support in Li Mansion.

Li Huan couldn't bear to break her dream, but Lin Mumu was really hateful.

Cang Lingling knew in her heart that Li Huanran said such words because she was confident.

Also helped persuade Qiu Nannan.

Qiu Nannan still refused to believe it.

It wasn't until Li Huan took out a copy of the death certificate for cancellation of household registration from Zuo Moxun, and showed it to her.

Qiu Nannan suddenly realized.

Cang Lingling hated Lin Mumu deeply.

Under her persuasion, both of them are willing to cooperate with Li Huan.

It seems that Li Ge's character is not good, the concubine of the second room has no love for him at all.

Li Huan originally thought it would take a lot of effort, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this.

When Li Huan returned to Changhuan Pavilion, it was already daylight.

After a whole night of tossing, Li Huan just took a rest.

The little stool hurried over to beg to see him: "Miss, go and have a look, I'm afraid Miss Su is not well!"

Li Huan was surprised!
What is not good!

Li Huan hurried to the county lord's mansion with the little stool.

Before he got close to the boudoir, he heard heart-piercing shouts.

Zuo Moxun stood outside sweating profusely.

Seeing Li Huan approaching, he immediately walked over.

Zuo Moxun: "Go in and have a look. It was still a while ago, but for some reason, it became popular early this morning."

Li Huan didn't dare to delay and hurried in.

A strong smell of blood came to the nostrils.

Li Huan's heart sank.

Women's childbirth is a major event in life, and countless people lose their lives.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has walked through the gate of hell.

Li Huan opened the inner curtain and went in.

At this time, Su Ruilian's face was pale, her lips were black and blue, and her whole body was drenched with sweat.

The midwives in the room were flustered and at a loss.

Seeing Li Huan coming, Su Ruilian endured the severe pain in her abdomen: "Huan'er, you...I, I can't do it..."

"Don't be silly, I'm not here."

Li Huan hurriedly diagnosed Su Ruilian's pulse.

After a while, Li Huan's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly took out a elixir and fed it to Su Ruilian.

Li Huan checked the fetal position, it was too early!
It's a breech position!
(End of this chapter)

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