Chapter 126 New Life
Before Li Huan left, she clearly showed it to Su Ruilian.

As long as you wait for the birth with peace of mind, it will be smooth.

Why so much earlier!
Now the child starts too early, resulting in abnormal fetal position, and it is extremely difficult to give birth normally.

Even if it is premature, the amount of bleeding is not right.

Lian'er's pulse showed that she had taken blood-activating drugs before.

Who is it!

Li Huan suppressed the anger in his heart and took a deep breath.

The most important thing at this time is to give birth to the child safely.

If Li Huan hadn't come early, Lian'er would bleed to death if this dragged on.

Even fetuses can be asphyxiated.

At that time, even if she was born, she might not be able to survive.

Li Huan had already given Lian Er a hemostatic pill to stop the bleeding first.

Afterwards, he took out a little calming medicine and gave her to take it, and let her sleep for a while to recharge her energy.

Li Huan: "You all go out."

The normal way no longer works.

Li Huan intends to use spiritual energy to turn the fetus upside down, as long as the head is turned around, it will be easy.

"Who are you, why do you want us to go out!"

One of the midwives with a loud voice said unconvinced.

She saw that Li Huan was taking his pulse and administering medicine, his face was uncertain.

Li Huan was concentrating on thinking about a suitable elixir.

She had obtained a lot of good pills in Medicine King Valley before, but she was never willing to use them.

She hadn't had time to check many pills yet.

The loud midwife ignored Li Huan when she saw Li Huan.

He opened his mouth again and said: "We are here to take care of Madam under the order of Mr. Zuo.

You are a girl who has not left the court, it is better to go out first, so as not to tire your reputation. "

The other midwives saw that Li Huan was very young.

The bun she wears is also unmarried, so I think that person is right.

They all echoed: "Miss, you should go out first, this delivery room is not for you."

"Shut up! Get out."

Li Huan was already angry, this group of people chattered, it was really annoying.

The midwife with a loud voice changed her face in an instant: "Which girl is this, how dare you yell at us here.

If something happens, we will be the ones who will lose their heads, so don't drive her out yet. "

The other midwives were shocked when they heard this.

Also come forward to ask Li Huan to go out.

Li Huan finally found a elixir of returning to the gods, a sixth-grade elixir, and he will give it to the child soon.

Li Huan was afraid that the delay would be bad for the child, so he prepared the elixir first.

Seeing Li Huan not going out for a long time, the midwife with a loud voice said, "Girl, if you don't go out again, it will delay Madam's delivery.

At that time, adults will blame us, but we can't afford it.

I think you'd better get out as soon as possible! "

At this time, Yue He just brought over hot water.

Hearing that the midwife dared to speak to her young lady like this.

A basin full of hot water was poured directly on the loud midwife.


The loud midwife was splashed all over, although the weather is cold now and she is wearing thick clothes.

However, many places were still reddened instantly.

The water stained on the clothes, the heat penetrated through the clothes, and she was so hot that she screamed.

The loud midwife didn't care about three seven twenty one, she just slapped Yuehe.

But the slap sound did not sound.

The midwife with a loud voice only felt that her hand was clamped by a huge force, and she couldn't move an inch.

She turned around, and saw that the one who grabbed her hand was the little girl who came in before.

Immediately, he raised his other hand and swung it directly towards Li Huan.

Before everyone could see clearly what happened, they heard a "boom!"

A figure hit the ground heavily.

Before the loud midwife could cry out, she saw a cold sword pointed at her.

"You told you to go out, just go out, why are you guilty? What are you trying to do by inciting these people to stay here?"

Li Huan looked at her coldly, his eyes seemed to kill someone.

The other midwives were surprised when they saw a sword suddenly appeared in Li Huan's hand.

This lady turned out to be a warrior!
For a while, needles could be heard in the delivery room.

They are all ordinary people, and civilians dare not have any conflicts with warriors.

But there is one exception.

The loud midwife watched Li Huan throw her out with her bare hands and pointed her sword at her.

I don't know where the confidence came from, I opened my throat and howled: "Killer! Killer!"

Zuo Moxun waited outside impatiently, and when he heard such a big commotion, he hurried in.

Zuo Moxun: "What's going on?"

The midwife with a loud voice saw Zuo Moxun coming in, and hurriedly got up and stepped forward: "Master Zuo, you have to make decisions for the women, this woman is going to kill someone!"

Li Huan sneered: "Who ordered you to drug Lian Er?"

"Prescribe drugs! Huan'er, you mean Lian'er was drugged!!"

Li Huan glanced at Zuo Moxun, seeing that he really didn't know, and sighed.

Whether or not a man is worth entrusting to his whole life will be known when he has a child.

Zuo Moxun was really worried about Lian Er.

"Yes, if it doesn't work, do you want to keep the big one or the young one?"

Li Huan asked intentionally.

"Baoda! We must keep Lian Er, child... just forget about the child, we have no fate.

But Lian Er is my life.

Huan'er, if you really get to that point, don't hesitate, I will protect you! "

Li Huan: "Okay then, take everyone here out and guard them, don't die.

The county magistrate's mansion can only be entered but not exited, can you do it? "

Zuo Moxun knew that Lian'er's delivery date was wrong, and he didn't know about women giving birth before.

But at this moment, there is still something that I don't understand: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

After Zuo Mo went out, Li Huan only left Yue He to help.

Li Huan sat beside Su Ruilian.

This was the first time she helped someone give birth, and she had only learned some medical principles from Yu He before.

But Yu He is a man, and he has no experience in these things, so he just asked Li Huan to memorize all the books.

Li Huan knew that the fetal position of the pregnant woman was not correct, so she could correct the fetal position before delivery.

But this is temporary, I don't know if it will work.

Fortunately, she is already a spiritual person, and monks can use spiritual energy.

Li Huan gathered her spiritual energy and supported Su Ruilian's stomach with both hands.

The aura slowly penetrated through the palm of her hand and penetrated into her abdomen.

As soon as the spiritual energy entered her abdomen, Li Huan could clearly feel the fetal movement.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

Tough, tenacious, and full of life.

It's hard for Li Huan to describe this feeling, it's amazing, this is a new life!
"Good boy, don't be afraid, listen to your aunt, follow my guidance, and move."

Li Huan was talking to himself, rather than talking to him, it was more like cheering him up.

Li Huan was a little excited, and the child started to move with his aura, slowly moving towards the correct fetal position.

"Well done, he is an obedient boy!"

Yue He: "Pfft! Miss, can he understand you when you say that?"

Li Huan gave her a white look: "Isn't it moving?"

Su Ruilian felt the movement in her abdomen and woke up: "Huan'er! My child!"

"Don't worry, it's just that the fetal position is not correct, it will be fine in a while.

When I turn the fetal position around, you have to cooperate with me in exerting force, whether it will be successful or not is up to you. "

Li Huan said it was easy, but in fact the difficulty in the middle was so great that Li Huan was also very flustered.

At this moment, no matter whether it is successful or not, it cannot affect Su Ruilian's mood.

Otherwise, subsequent production will become more difficult.

Encouraged by Li Huan, Su Ruilian gritted her teeth, not daring to speak out, for fear of disturbing Li Huan.

After a while, beads of sweat oozed from Li Huan's forehead.

This was really physical work, Li Huan didn't dare to overdo it, and concentrated on it.

(End of this chapter)

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