Chapter 127

Soon, the fetal position was righted.

"Lian'er, listen to me, don't shout like before when you are exerting force.

Shouting will only waste energy in vain.

The delay was too long before, you have to be quick.

Grit your teeth, I tell you to work hard, so you do. "

Su Ruilian looked serious and listened carefully.

Following Li Huan's command, he dared not delay.

This is her first child, and she has to give birth anyway.

Their marriage was not easy to come by, although the mother-in-law did not dare to say anything because of the Queen Mother's will.

But after all, some look down on her.

She didn't want Brother Mo Xun to be in a dilemma between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

If you have a child, in terms of the child, it will always be better than before.

Su Ruilian is a Tier [-] warrior after all, and her physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people.

Li Huan moved in an orderly manner according to the delivery steps that he had memorized before.

Soon Li Huan delivered the child.

But there was no cry.

Li Huan was startled, and poked forward with trembling fingers, still angry!
Li Huan didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took the God-returning pill prepared in advance for the child.

Seeing the child's expression, Su Ruilian almost passed out.

Fortunately, Yue He was clever, and hurried forward to grab Su Ruilian.

Su Ruilian: "Son, are you dying? I...I...I'm not a good mother."

Li Huan didn't return to her, but only circulated the spiritual energy to speed up the refining of the elixir.

Soon, her little body turned red, the bruises faded, and her pink and white face became soft.

The child opened his eyes and looked at Li Huan curiously.

Li Huan let out a long breath, and finally snatched you away from Hades.

Li Huan wiped the child and carried it to Su Ruilian's bedside: "Stop crying, look at you brat!"

Su Ruilian cried for a while, looked up and saw a pair of big black eyes looking at her.

She didn't look panicked at all, neither crying nor fussing.

This is her child, she and brother Mo Xun finally have their own child.


Yue He: "Hurry up and hug the baby."

Su Ruilian took the child excitedly, her eyes filled with tears.

Li Huan watched this scene with a lot of emotions, if the little stool didn't call her today, the child might not be able to be born safely.

Even if she was born, she died prematurely.

Li Huan inspected the entire delivery room carefully.

Su Ruilian has been following Li Huan's instructions and being cautious.

Only during the prenatal period did newcomers enter.

It's not too difficult to find out.

But to find out who is behind the scenes, you need enough evidence.

In the front hall of the county lord's mansion, the Zuo family who came to inquire and gathered together.

Zuo Moxun has been inspecting in the mansion. These people have been waiting for a long time, and they are getting impatient.

She was about to leave, but found she couldn't get out.

Mrs. Zuo ordered people to find Zuo Mo: "What does Xun'er mean?"

Zuo Moxun: "Mother, until you are sure that Lian'er is safe, please wait here."

Mrs. Zuo: "This woman's childbirth is unpredictable, what is this for?
Stopping a big family here, you are confused! "

Zuo Moxun: "Today is not Lian'er's delivery date, but I suddenly saw Hong, so I, Zuo Moxun, put the words here.

Those who dare to touch me must first think about what price they will pay. "

He knew that people from the Zuo family didn't like Lian'er, so they married Lian'er and lived in the county lord's mansion regardless of opposition.

He always thought that he only had to do his job well.

It will definitely keep Lian'er and the others safe.

Unexpectedly, the idea came here.

Madam Zuo suddenly became angry: "Master, look, once you have a daughter-in-law, you forget about your mother.

This is her first child, so she is spoiled like this, and she will have it in the future! "

Li An in the crowd gritted his silver teeth.

This is her husband, but now she wants to watch him defend others.

But, hum!

Su Ruilian, even if you don't die today, the child won't survive.

At that time, the eldest grandson of the Zuo family will be stillborn.

See what face you have to stay in Zuo's house and show off your might in front of me.

Li'an: "Mother, this sister-in-law is proud and expensive, so it's inevitable that elder brother will be nervous."

Mrs. Zuo: "Hmph, I'm just a down and out family, I really think I've become a fairy.

Appreciated by the queen mother, she is also my daughter-in-law.

Can you still pass me! "

The Second Madam originally looked down on Li An, but that doesn't mean she hoped that the principal would live well.

As soon as Su Ruilian is married, she will live in the mansion built by imperial edict.

Why did she only get a little gold for pointing it out to her son.

Now she is on the same side as Li An again: "Sister, the new daughter-in-law doesn't live at home, this rule is hard to learn.

Those who know will say you, and understand that the young couple likes the world of two people.

But those who don't know, think you are harsh on your daughter-in-law.

Don't let them go home. "

Mrs. Zuo got angry when she heard this: "I scolded her! Hmph, I don't even go to the imperial capital to inquire about it.

As a mother-in-law, have I ever told her that she is not right, but have I ever asked her to wait for me for half a day!

It seems that they still have to move back and learn the rules. "

After Mrs. Zuo finished speaking, other Zuo family members agreed.

"That's right, I should go back to live. How can a new daughter-in-law go out to live alone without serving her in-laws?"

"That's right, the Zuo family's rules can't be messed up, it's better to move back."

Li An saw the needles: "Mother, don't worry, my sister-in-law must be a love of learning."

These people looked determined, as if Su Ruilian was going to move back to Zuo's house soon.

As long as she doesn't go back, she is unfilial.

There are always some people who have a bad life by themselves, even if no one is hindering them, they can't see others living a good life.

Naturally, Li'an is what he wished for, and it was just right to be back, regardless of whether he died today or not.

After you go back, there will be more opportunities to toss you.

The county lord's mansion was guarded by Zuo Mo like an iron bucket.

Go back to Zuo's house to see how many hands you have left, don't worry about it.

Zuo Moxun looked at the conversation of several people with disdain in his heart.

If it wasn't for Li Huan's confession, he would have sewed all these people's mouths shut right now.

Prime Minister Zuo looked irritable, he liked Su Ruilian's daughter-in-law.

Not to mention anything else, just show her father Su Yan's integrity, and her mother's loyalty.

This kind of family style is definitely not comparable to that of a weak boudoir lady.

His wife is still clear on weekdays, why is she confused today.

Not long after, the little stool came to report in a hurry.

Zuo Moxun was happy in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Zuo Moxun: "Mother, I will not take Lian Er back.

Before he could go back, someone reached out to the county lord's mansion.

If you go back here, it's hard to say whether your eldest grandson will grow up alive. "

Because Zuo Moxun was in a hurry, he put down his words and left.

"Eldest grandson? Master, is Xun'er talking about the eldest grandson?"

Madam Zuo asked with surprise on her face.

Prime Minister Zuo nodded.

Now, Madam Zuo didn't mention the matter of letting them go back to Zuo's house anymore.

Li An couldn't believe it, it didn't mean that the medicine was safe, and there was no trace, so it was extremely difficult to find.

how come?
It must be Zuo Moxun who deliberately said that in order to speak well for Su Ruilian in front of Mrs. Zuo.

Just now Zuo Moxun left in a hurry, something must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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