Chapter 1282 Return to the original form
In the face of these people's accusations, Yin Jiuye remained unmoved.

In addition, his cultivation base is not low, and these people can't help him for a while.

After cursing a few words, he ignored him.

Yin Jiuye only felt that he was in a trance, but no matter how he looked at it, this person was Huan'er.

This is not the first time, Huaner, is it you!

you're back, aren't you?
Therefore, Huan'er must be somewhere outside the sky!
It's just why she always hides from herself, isn't she willing to forgive herself?

Yes, the Lin family is full of families.

If there was still room for redemption, Huan'er would not have committed suicide in front of him rather than return to her side.

After waiting for so many years, just when he felt that there was no hope, he saw the dawn again!
Yin Jiuye stood here all night.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Until the next day when people from the city came to worship, they saw this strange man still there, pointing at Yin Jiuye.

Yin Jiuye: "Who is this?"

"Are you sick?"

"You've been standing here all night, and you don't even know where this place is!"

"Looking at you like this, you can be considered to be decently dressed, so you won't be wandering to the point where you have nowhere to go, right?"

Yin Jiuye's behavior was a bit abnormal. Those who came before had never taken Life and Death Dependence. In order to thank the person who developed the antidote for saving their Dongcheng, they came early.

They didn't know Yin Jiuye.

But with the news of the completion of the Niangniang Temple, some people who have been detoxified have come here to worship.

Naturally, someone recognized Yin Jiuye.

"This is not the head of the Qingsheng Church!"

"Yes! I look like it too!"

"Why does he have the face to come here!"

"Get out! Get out!"

As soon as Yin Jiuye's identity was recognized, everyone became angry.

"It's him! If it weren't for him, how could we have fallen to this level!"

"I used to have a wife and children, and lived a good life, because of this damn so-called elixir! It ruined my family!"

"It's shameful to sell poison as a panacea!"

"Such a person does not deserve to live in this world!"

The crowd rushed to surround Yin Jiuye, swearing, accusing, and yelling.

Yin Jiuye ignored them, he wanted to take the statue away.

But this move directly ignited the gunpowder of the masses.

All the people who came to pay their respects rushed to fight with Yin Jiuye!

Bai Zhan invited Li Huan here because he wanted her to have a look at his temple, but in the end, he saw a fight here!
Bai Zhan pulled someone along and asked, "What's going on?"

"The master of the Qingsheng Church destroyed the statue and fought with the people inside!"

"The Qingshengtang is really deceiving people! They are very harmful, and now someone has developed an antidote, and they are still here to destroy it!"

"Unscrupulous profiteers! Damn it! Such people don't deserve to live in our East City!"

Bai Zhan looked at Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Let's go!"

Bai Zhan: "Don't you want to see it?"

Li Huan: "If someone helps me watch, I won't join in the fun."

Li Huan could feel the power of faith in his body increasing.

Originally, the Niangniang Temple here was established spontaneously by the elixir merchants.

But after such a commotion, everyone in Dongcheng knew that the person enshrined here was the person who developed the antidote to the dependence of life and death.

This time, Dongcheng almost came out in full force, just to thank the worshipers in the temple.

Yin Jiuye was coerced by the crowd, so he couldn't approach here at all.

In the end, I can only leave temporarily.

"Yin Jiuye, if you still have the heart, stay away from here!"

An unknown voice appeared beside Yin Jiuye, but Yin Jiuye couldn't see the people around him.

I can feel that the sound is not far away from me, but I can't see where the person is.

Yin Jiuye: "Why?"

"The power of faith!"

Yin Jiuye instantly understood!

It's not a coincidence that Huan'er's idol appears here, but she needs the power of faith!
Is this her hope of resurrection?
Yin Jiuye: "Does it mean that the more power of faith, the more she will come back to life?"

Yin Jiuye asked excitedly, but the voice disappeared!
Yin Jiuye was very disappointed.

After going back, the gate of the Qingshengtang returned to the scene of a deserted place.

But those who come must depend on life and death. These are desperadoes, and they don't want to buy antidote, nor do they want to live a normal life.

There are also some people who have no way out because of taking the Dependency of Life and Death. Even if they take the antidote, there is no possibility of restarting their lives, so they simply smash the pot and smash it.

One way to the end!

As long as this moment is cool, you can be satisfied!

The current customers of Qingshengtang are such people.

The rest who still had a little hope of getting back on track went to buy antidote.

Therefore, in the face of such a person, the buddies of the Qingshengtang were beaten with black and blue noses and swollen faces every day.

There have been several waves of people running.

There is no staff in the Qingsheng Church, and those who buy medicines start to make trouble.

The originally bustling Qingsheng Church became dilapidated in just a few days.

The people before were all subject to the drug nature of life-death dependence, and had to hold the Qingshengtang, otherwise, they would not be able to obtain life-death dependence. Once the addiction broke out, it would be more uncomfortable than killing them.

But now that there is a choice and an antidote, life and death are no longer necessary!
All the previous resentment towards the Qing Sacred Church erupted.

There are riots in the Blue Sacred Church almost every day.

Yin Jiuye looked at her with a headache, but if she stopped selling life and death, these desperadoes would smash the Qingshengtang without hesitation!

What a headache!
Why did it become like this!

Looking at Baimutang, after this incident, Baimutang's reputation is even better than before!
Because there are rumors that the head of Baimutang has participated in the research and development of the antidote!


The most important thing is that when Baimutang started to sell it, it posted notices throughout the process, reminding everyone that this medicine is poisonous!
But there are very few people who believe it, but now, there is no lack of everyone's pursuit of Baimutang!

"When Bai Mutang kindly told me before, I thought they were jealous!"

"That's right! I was also blind at the time! I mistakenly believed that the fish eyes were pearls and believed in the Qingshengtang!"

"What a saint! She is a liar!"

"I don't know what the purpose of the Qingshengtang is!"

"Why! Earn such bloody money against your conscience, and you will be backlashed sooner or later!"

"Don't tell me, the Qingshengtang is really miserable recently. The one next door to me has been bragging to me that he works in the Qingshengtang, but a few days ago, he quietly packed his things and went back to the village!"

"Right now, only the bastards are going every day, and they are easy to get along with! Just wait and see! Qingshengtang will be finished sooner or later!"

No matter how high it was originally held, how miserable it would be if it fell this time!

On the other hand, Baimutang, after a period of deserted courtyard, became lively again!
Moreover, because Li Huan asked Bai Zhanguang to post a notice reminding that life and death are poisonous, Bai Mutang's position in Dongcheng has been successfully consolidated!


(End of this chapter)

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