Chapter 1283 Winter
In addition, Li Huan had treated several people who were sentenced to death in Qingshengtang before, so everyone has a kind of confidence in Baimutang's medical skills!

Li Huan's status has risen, even higher than before.

The concentration of the power of faith made Li Huan feel that his spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger.

Standing on the roof has a feeling of being able to talk to the stars.

With Fu Ling's heart in mind, Li Huan immediately sat cross-legged, and his mental power was quickly promoted, and Li Huan was successfully promoted!

Only the last step remains.

After advancing to the first level, you can cross the tribulation!

After crossing the tribulation, you can leave Tianwaitian!

The most important thing right now is to expand the Baimu Hall and replace the Qingsheng Hall.

After this battle, the Qingsheng Church in Dongcheng can no longer stand up!
The Qingshengtang in the northern city is just a elixir shop that sells medicines, and it doesn't have much influence in the local area. As long as Li Huan supplies the cheap elixir here, he can take advantage of the price advantage and replace it.

The northern city is ice and snow all the year round, so there are not many people living there.

Qiao Qingyun was originally in charge of the Qingshengtang in the West City. When Li Huan was pretending to be Qiao Qingyun, she had already raided the West City, and the rest was useless.

Only the Qingsheng Church in Nancheng remained, this one was the most difficult!
Because Nancheng is the base camp of Qingsheng Church!
It is also controlled by Nie Jin, and it will cost a huge price to build a Baimutang in Nancheng that can be as beautiful as it.

Instead, it requires planning.

Li Huan has already sent Ding Yuan to Nancheng, counting the time, the Baimutang in Nancheng has almost opened.

Get acquainted first and then plan slowly.

Ding Yuan has been the treasurer of Qingshengtang in Dongcheng all his life, and he is very familiar with the operation of Qingshengtang. If he had to prepare first and prepare for Baimutang, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

It's just that what method should be used to expand the White Wood Hall under Nie Jin's nose and under the circumstances that there is already a Qingsheng Hall?
Li Huan rubbed the space between his brows, feeling a little headache, he couldn't think of a better way for now, he could only improve his cultivation.

Nie Jin should be in the God Transformation Realm!

Wanting to snatch something from him is tantamount to snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

If you can improve your cultivation base, everything will be easy to handle!
Li Huan looked at the door of space, the thick layer of ice showed no sign of melting.

I don't know what Yun Ling is doing in there.

When Li Huan was about to go back to his room to sleep, he found someone above the Niangniang Temple.

It was Yin Jiuye.

Ever since Yin Jiuye found out that the person in this temple was Li Huan, he came here almost whenever he had time.

He would be kicked out every time he came, so he didn't go in at all, and just stood above the empress temple.

Li Huan sneered, pretending to be affectionate!
It was heard that Murong Xueying had been missing for a long time, but Li Huan saw figures in pairs in Qiao Qingyun's room every night.

From the looks of it, Qiao Qingyun's methods are still superior!
Yin Jiuye is such a scumbag that he hasn't changed a bit for so many years!

I don't know if Murong Xueying will really kill Yin Jiuye, I really look forward to it!
Husband and wife turn against each other and become enemies, it's so satisfying!
Winter is coming, and in a few days, the city gate will be closed.

Everyone in the East City is preparing supplies for winter, and the entire East City will be closed until the next spring.

Bai Zhan is extremely busy, this is the winter he is most looking forward to!
Because of what happened before, Baimutang will naturally not be cold this winter.

The business of Baimutang is very good. Every day, Bai Zhan takes Niu Dali and the others to various tasks, preparing elixir, storing food...

Murong Xueying didn't show up, Yin Jiuye searched many places, but couldn't find her.

Qiao Qingyun: "In such a cold day, do you think you will die outside? If a woman with no cultivation is outside alone, if she meets someone with evil intentions, do you think..."

Yin Jiuye: "What are you talking about! Bitch! If it weren't for you, how could Yinger disappear!"

Qiao Qingyun: "Keep your mouth clean! Did I force you to climb into my bed? Did I grab your hands? Or tied your feet? Heh! Yin Jiuye, you are not a good person at all. What are you putting on in front of me!"

Yin Jiuye looked at Qiao Qingyun coldly: "Don't let me fall in love with you in your life!"

Qiao Qingyun: "It doesn't take a lifetime, don't you fall in love with me now? Look at you, once you get close to me, you can't leave!"

Qiao Qingyun deliberately approached Yin Jiuye. As soon as he approached, Yin Jiuye uncontrollably stretched out his hand towards Qiao Qingyu's sensitive parts.


Qiao Qingyun's expression of disdain and enjoyment, in Yin Jiuye's eyes, was the source of all evil hell!

However, he can't get rid of it!

Qiao Qingyun: "Be obedient. I heard that you are the only seedling in your Yin family. You said that if I die, will your Yin family be extinct? Oh, what kind of look do you have? Tell me, you hate me so much. But you have to pamper me and coax me, how uncomfortable it is! Come! This way..."

Qiao Qingyun took Yin Jiuye's hand, and they both walked to the bed.

Yin Jiuye wished he could kill the man in front of him, but he couldn't!
He just felt that he was pitiful like a dog!
Qiao Qingyun sneered, if it were someone else, she might have killed her!
But Yin Jiuye can't!
Qiao Qingyun is not stupid, the more selfish a person is, the more reluctant he is to part with everything he owns!
Yin Jiuye is such a person!
Qiao Qingyun spotted him!
A person whose interests are paramount will not let his vested interests be damaged no matter what.

It's just to have fun with her. Compared with the last one, he will never do anything to himself.

Qiao Qingyun grasped this point and shouted at Yin Jiuye.

However, this lovesickness, the longer it takes, the more difficult it is to control.

As soon as he got close to Qiao Qingyun, no matter what Yin Jiuye was thinking in his head, he couldn't control his body.

It was firmly controlled by Qiao Qingyun.

Qiao Qingyun naturally enjoys it as much as she enjoys it!

Yin Jiuye was her lifesaver!

She wanted to go out with Yin Jiuye. It is said that this person is a dragon and phoenix in the Wuji Continent, but Qiao Qingyun found out clearly.

As long as she gives birth to a child, she is the mother of Yin's eldest son.

It doesn't matter if Tianwaitian can't get along, it's not bad to go out and be the wife of the local emperor!
Qiao Qingyun didn't know the horror of Murong's family background at all, and all she wanted was to dream about the happy life after going out with Yin Jiuye.

In Tianwaitian, she is the saintess of the Qingsheng Church. For Nie Jin's face, Qiao Qingyun may still have some appeal, but after going out...

The Promise Continent and Tianwaitian are completely different worlds!
It's just that right now, Qiao Qingyun, who is so complacent with her own methods, is just deceiving herself!
But the day before the city gate was closed, a group of people in black robes hurried out of the city.

When Yun Yi came over, he was a little curious.

But the person in the middle of the black-robed man felt familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

(End of this chapter)

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