Chapter 1302 Backstage
No. [-] melon eater: "What's going on!"

Melon Eater No. [-]: "The life of a monster is not life!"

No. [-] of the people eating melons: "That's right! I didn't see the poisoning, so why can't I save it!"

No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "Is there anyone like you?"

It was the first time Lingyu saw such a scene, she didn't know how to deal with it for a while, she could only look at Li Huan helplessly.

Yuanbo is very happy, telling you to torture me!

This time you will be punished!


Live it!

Yuanbo still didn't think it was a big deal, and followed the crowd to booing: "That's right! The life of a monster is also a life! How could you throw the poisoned tiger wolf out like this! Isn't this way too inhumane?"

Lingyu: "Yuanbo, you have no place to speak here!"

Yuanbo: "If you can do it by yourself, don't let others tell you it's not possible. Everyone agrees, right?"

The people who eat melons look at it, and you yourself can't see it, and now you are even more confident.

Eat melon No. [-]: "That's right! Look at what your own people have said, this is wrong!"

Eat Melon No. [-]: "You can't just ignore death, you are amazing!"

Gua No. [-]: "Could it be that you can't cure this poison?"

Yuanbo wanted to speak, but Li Huan just glanced at him, then Yuanbo closed his mouth, not daring to say a word.

Li Huan looked at the noisy crowd, and sneered: "Okay! I can save you, but don't forget my rules. There is a competition, twenty primeval stones! I can save tigers, wolves, and beasts, but you can save this primeval stone." out?"

As soon as Li Huan's words came out, the scene was instantly quiet!
Twenty primordial stones!
Oh my God!
We are here to eat melons, whoever eats melons will pay so much money!

As soon as money is mentioned, the people who eat melons start to shut up, you look at me, I look at you, no one is willing to speak first.

But the melon seeds are all ready, if there is no melon to eat, wouldn't the melon seeds be wasted!

Oh, what a pity!
Yuan Bo: "Could it be that the life of a tiger wolf is not worth even twenty primeval stones? You just refuse to save yourself, what excuses are you looking for!"

Lingyu: "Yuanbo, shut up, you have no place to speak here!"

Yuanbo: "If you don't like it, you have to say it. If you don't do anything, you won't allow others to say anything!"

Li Huan: "Then you get this primordial stone?"

Profound: ...

Li Huan: "You said it yourself, the life of a tiger wolf is more expensive than twenty primordial stones!"

Yuan Bo was bullied by Li Huan, his face turned red, and he hesitated for a long time: "I have no money!"

Lingyu: "Yuan Bo, you are too shameless!"

Seeing that there is still a turning point, the people eating melons said again: "It's already at your door, how can you not save it! This is a life!"

Li Huan: "Since you strongly demand it, I will save it."

As soon as the melon-eaters heard something interesting, the small benches that had just been put away were moved out again, and the melon seeds in their pockets began!

But Li Huan's next sentence directly made the people who eat melons rush to their foreheads!
Li Huan: "Free medical treatment is not impossible, but the outpatient fee can be waived, so I can't afford the antidote! Since you are the ones who strongly ask for help, you should pay for the refining of the antidote. It’s okay! After all, it’s a life!”

Li Huan responded with their own words, using their spears to attack their shields.

When the melon eaters heard this, they threw the melon seeds in their hands angrily, but in the end, they gave in!
No. [-] melon-eating crowd: "Tigers and wolves are monsters, and monsters also eat people!"

Melon Eater No. [-]: "That's right, even if you save the man-eating monsters, it won't help much."

No. [-] of the people who eat melons: "I have been poisoned, and if I come back at such a high price, if I want to eat us for revenge in a blink of an eye, wouldn't it be..."

For a while, those who were clamoring to uphold justice for the tiger, wolf and beast all of a sudden deserved to be treated.

Li Huan sneered, as long as these people don't involve their own interests, they are more fair and just than anyone else. Once their own interests are involved, the speed of changing faces is as fast as riding a rocket!

Li Huan: "Oh? Then, is it hopeless?"

The people who eat melons don't speak, Yuan Bo sees that it's a dead end, and feels upset, such a good opportunity is gone!

So angry!

Li Huan glanced at a certain place. For so long, he just wanted to know who brought this tiger wolf here!

Although Li Huan was talking, his mental power had been checking this area.

In the direction she was looking, there was a spiritual force that had been paying attention to this direction. If Li Huan guessed correctly, the person who sent the tiger wolf beast was there!

Li Huan: "It's already here, why don't you come down and sit down?"

Li Huan suddenly spoke to the air somewhere, everyone was very surprised.

But there was a quick response from the other side: "I didn't expect that the poison masters who have been on the list in full swing recently turned out to be such a money fan! I really can't see it!"

The corner of Li Huan's mouth raised slightly, and he chuckled, "Everyone!"

"Ha ha!"

A laugh came from far and near, and soon came to everyone.

"It's Liyuan! The existence of No.9 on the list of poison masters!"

"It turned out to be him! So he sent this tiger wolf beast?"

"You can't go wrong!"

Li Huan looked at the person in front of him, a jade crown and green shirt, she was a beautiful woman, but someone who couldn't give up even twenty primordial stones, Li Huan was not interested.

Li Yuan: "Why, you don't want to see me?"

Li Huan: "Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you, you are too stingy, I don't like it!"

Li Yuan: ...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yuanbo laughed and leaned back, thinking that he had never seen such a funny scene in his life!

Li Yuan has always relied on his face to be a little more handsome than other poison masters, and has always regarded himself as a young man, but now his character is exposed in front of so many people!

Liyuan is good everywhere, but greedy for money!
Normally, no one would say anything, but Liyuan always took advantage of it and didn't suffer any disadvantages. After a long time, everyone began to have opinions!
But because of his low cultivation base, he never dared to say anything!
Being exposed by Li Huan this time, Yuan Bo couldn't hold back instantly!
Liyuan glanced at Yuanbo dissatisfied: "You are defeated, what's so funny!"

Yuanbo: "I'm defeated, that's an honest defeat! It's not like you, you want to make some kind of temptation with tigers, wolves, and beasts, and you don't dare to come forward. I said Liyuan, are you reluctant to part with Yuanshi, or do you feel that your cultivation Why can't you compare with others?"

Although Yuan Bo was defeated by Li Huan, Li Huan's strength was indeed impressive. He was forced to work as a servant under Li Huan, but he still admired Li Huan's strength!
So, this person is weird, I don't need to be convinced by you, but if you can help me suppress my enemy, then the person who was originally not convinced will instantly become my backer!
(End of this chapter)

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