Chapter 1303 Rolling
Li Yuan: "Yuan Bo, you became a servant yourself, why have you become so familiar with the job of a servant in just a few days?"

Yuanbo: "Oh! I won't talk to you quickly. If you lose, I'll see if you have the face to say such things again!"

Li Yuan: "I haven't seen you for a few days, your nasty temper has disappeared! I'm really curious!"

Li Huan was about to leave, since the man had already arrived, the tiger wolf beast could let him move back by himself!
Looking at Li Yuan's appearance, he just didn't want to produce Yuanshi, so Li Huan naturally wouldn't waste his time!
Li Yuan was really dumbfounded!

My poison master ranking No.9 is already standing here, why don't I compete with myself?
If Li Yuan came to challenge, he would need to pay [-] primeval stones, but if Li Huan offered it on his own initiative, then there would be no need!

Li Yuan has been waiting for Li Huan's invitation, but Li Huan left directly!

Li Yuan: ...

If he left, wouldn't he become a joke in Poison Master Town tomorrow!

For twenty primordial stones, get a tiger wolf beast to hide your identity!

Although this is his original intention, no one can say that!
Li Yuan: "Hey! I am No. 9 in the ranking of poison masters!"

Li Huan didn't look back.

Li Yuan: "I've been very busy recently, so I may not have time to accept your challenge!"

Li Huan didn't look back.

Li Yuan: "If you miss this village, you won't have this store!"

Li Huan still didn't look back.

Li Yuan has nothing to do with Li Huan, the more Li Huan doesn't care, the more he wants to know whether he can win or not!
After all, although Yuanbo is No.10, the difference in strength between them is the smallest in the entire ranking. He knows how Yuanbo lost, and he heard that the loss was very tragic!

Therefore, Li Yuan wanted to know if he could win!
But now that I have said this, and the other party doesn't answer, is it really so powerful?
Don't care at all about beating yourself?
Li Huan was about to enter the room.

In the end, Li Yuan was defeated: "I will compete with you!"

Li Huan immediately turned around: "Lingyu, collect Yuanshi! Start working!"

Li Yuan: ...Why do you feel like you've been fooled?
Li Huan naturally hopes to compete with Li Yuan, such a rare opportunity, but Li Yuan seems to want to compete with himself even more!
Although she hid her thoughts extremely, Li Huan still noticed it!

Twenty primordial stones should not be in vain!

Hence the previous scene.

Li Yuan knew that he was stingy and greedy for money, but today he met his opponent!
Li Yuan: "How do you want to compete?"

Li Huan: "Anything you want!"

In the end, the two decided to start with the tiger wolf.

Li Huan detoxified the tiger wolf first, and then poured his own poison on the tiger wolf, and Li Yuan detoxified it.

Until the other party can't develop an antidote!

Li Huan only took one look, then gave the tiger wolf beast the pill in his hand.

A quarter of an hour later, the tiger, wolf and beast were alive and well.

But when it was Liyuan's turn, Liyuan checked for a long time, but he didn't find any place where the tiger wolf beast was poisoned!

Just when Li Yuan was frowning, Yuan Bo quietly stuffed him with a small note, and then Li Yuan had an idea.

Li Huan knew about it, but he didn't say anything. After all, he lost in the first round, and No.9's face was too embarrassing!

Yuanbo used to hate Liyuan, but when Liyuan fought Li Huan, the enemy's enemy became a friend!

Yuan Bo, a scumbag, betrayed without hesitation.

Liyuan successfully cured the poison of the tiger wolf beast after profound reminders.

Li Huan: "Not bad!"

Li Yuan looked at Li Huan's shining eyes under the mask, feeling extremely embarrassed!
Yuan Bo reminded Li Yuan that the symptoms of the poison were not more serious than Li Yuan, but that he had worked at Li Huan's place for so many days and knew Li Huan's habit of using drugs, so he was able to remind Li Huan.

Li Huan didn't care either, the poisons she refined outside were all basic types.

The real development is all in space.

After Li Yuan was detoxified, he poisoned again, but Li Huan was still able to get rid of it easily!
Even Li Yuan had just given the poison to Tiger Wolf Beast, and Li Huan immediately detoxified it!
Li Yuan: "Why are you so fast! Could it be that you have prepared in advance!"

Li Yuan's words imply that Li Huan cheated!
Li Huan: "You can do it, I have no objection!"

Li Yuan: ...

He...he can't seem to do it!
This discovery instantly shattered Li Yuan's original confidence by half.

Will not!
He is on the list of poison masters!

Not the end, but No.9!
No.9 in Poison Master Town!
Such a result is already very powerful outside!

But right now, Li Yuan became a little flustered!

But looking at Li Huan, he still looked calm and breezy as before, and he didn't seem to be afraid at all, let alone fear, but he didn't feel nervous at all.

Yuan Bo: "You are not his opponent!"

Li Yuan: "Shut up!"

Yuan Bo spread his hands, saying that he had reminded you, but you didn't listen, when the time comes, don't be like me when you lose badly, and then complain that I didn't remind you!

Li Huan: "Three times have already passed, if you still want to compete, pay Yuanshi again! You can also write IOUs like that one! You can also pay off debts as a coolie!"

Li Yuan: "Impossible! How could I lose! I was careless at the moment, come again!"

Li Yuan didn't believe that he would lose, and every time he competed, it seemed that he could almost win!

If it was much worse, he wouldn't be so unwilling!
But it's just a little bit every time, this feeling of not being able to get up or down is the most uncomfortable feeling!
Li Yuan asked to compete with Li Huan again, and Li Huan naturally would not refuse anyone who came, provided that Yuanshi could not be owed!

So Li Yuan emptied his family fortune, and competed with Li Huan from the morning to the next day.

Li Huan: "You lost!"

Li Yuan: "Impossible! Why is it only a little bit worse every time!"

Li Huan: "Oh? That's really a pity!"

Li Yuan: "No! Come again! Come again!"

So Li Yuan competed with Li Huan again under the spotlight of the public, and just like Yuan Bo, he signed the IOU!

The result is still no suspense!

Li Huan wins!

Li Yuan: "I..."

Li Huan: "Look, I treat you pretty well! I found you a companion!"

Li Yuan looked at the direction Li Huan was pointing at, whoever it was if he wasn't profound!

Li Yuan: ...

Yuan Bo: "I warned you before! Why are you still jumping in it! This guy likes to torment people the most!"

Li Yuan: "Just a little bit! You don't know! Every time I'm just a little bit short, I win!"

Yuanbo sighed: "It's only a little bit every time. Do you think there is such a coincidence in this world? Or is it that they are crushing you from the beginning to the end, and you don't know it?"

As soon as the profound words were finished, Li Yuan was struck by lightning!
crush you!
crush you!
crush you!
Liyuan's mind kept circulating profound words.

It seems that it was really... crushed!
How terrifying is this strength!
(End of this chapter)

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