Chapter 1315 Eat your rice?

Immortal Ding: "How is it possible! The whole town has terminated the contract, absolutely impossible! Don't scare yourself, how could such a thing happen? Didn't you send a letter before? Reply?"

Xiaoyao Sanxian: "There is no reply. I still feel strange. In the past, the reply should have arrived long ago. What's going on this time?"

When Li Huan found out that something was wrong with this display stand, he had already modified the teleportation array here!
The disadvantages of system control are as obvious as the advantages!

Although people don't have to stay here all the time, if there is any problem, it is impossible to find it in the first place!

Presumably, Xiaoyao Sanxian was too reassured about his enchantment, so basically he would not come to Poison Master Town.

After all, Poison Master Town is really too remote, and he basically lives an isolated life on weekdays. If he didn't really like refining and studying poisons, it would be impossible for him to stay here any longer.

Therefore, Xiaoyao Sanxian has always lived in the Nie Mansion in Nancheng, and will not come here easily.

Even Li Huan, if he hadn't discovered the sound transmission talisman of Xiaoyao Sanxian, he wouldn't have been able to find it here.

It's like a small town independent of Tianwaitian, no one has heard of it.

Because of the winter in Tianwaitian, except for the four major cities, it is uninhabitable!

Therefore, people who cannot go to the city live in groups to keep warm, and no one chooses to live in a place where there is no village or shop behind.

Poison Master Town is the place where Nie Jin, Xiaoyao Sanxian, and Dingxianren came out to oppress poison pharmacists, so the less people know about it, the better it is for them!
Poison masters came out before, but they were exploited in Poison Master Town and had no savings at all. Naturally, they couldn't buy anything in the city. In addition, there were Qingshengtang everywhere. The poison masters who came out thought It is almost impossible to get famous!

Because no matter what poison they refine and sell, the Green Holy Church will have it!

What's more, Qingshengtang is a chain with a reputation and endorsement. Naturally, most people would not buy poison from someone with unknown background, and would only go to Qingshengtang.

After the confident poison pharmacist came out, it was a problem to get enough food and clothing, so he naturally went back.

Therefore, after a long period of time, no one went out, and when they saw that all the people who went out came back, naturally no one would go out again.

Besides, people who go out will not tell others that they are not as good as servants outside, so everyone doesn't know what's going on outside.

And they were sent to Poison Master Town as soon as they entered Tianwaitian.

I don't know much about Tianwaitian.

Immortal Ding: "The journey is long, so it's not appropriate to go at this time, is it?"

Immortal Ding didn't say it clearly, but Immortal Xiaoyao understood.

The person who pretended to be Qiao Qingyun was not found before. If he left at this juncture, once he was found, wouldn't it be Nie Jin who would have to swallow it all by himself? He didn't even know!

Immortal Ding: "How about I accompany you when the matter here is settled?"

Xiaoyao Sanxian was a little shaken at first, but was directly persuaded by Dingxianren's words.

Xiaoyao Sanxian: "Then let's find someone first!"

After all, the value of customizing poisons cannot be ignored!

I really missed this opportunity, I don't know when I will have such a powerful thing again!
Seeing that Xiaoyao Sanxian did not leave, Dingxian felt a little relieved.

After all, if Xiaoyao Sanxian leaves, he will not be able to fight Nie Jin alone!

At that time, even if someone is caught, they still won't be able to get a share of the action.

Immortal Ding had a good plan in mind.

Xiaoyao Sanxian naturally knows Xiao Jiujiu in Dingxianren's heart, but he also wants the ability to customize poisons!

Therefore, Xiaoyao Sanxian convinced himself that it was impossible for so many people to terminate the contract at the same time.

As for these primordial stones, maybe it was because of a system error that Nie Jin's monthly salary was sent to him!
After all, Nie Jin also used the teleportation array to contact Poison Master Town!
After much deliberation, Xiaoyao Sanxian only thinks that this might be the most reliable one!
Xiaoyao Sanxian looked at so many multi-element stones and decided to put them all away, as if nothing had happened.

In order to be sure, Xiaoyao Sanxian also went to inquire whether the primordial stone distributed to Poison Master Town today has been withdrawn from the warehouse.

"Master Nie came to pick up a few boxes of primordial stones a few days ago. We don't know what they were used for."

Xiaoyao Sanxian: Of course you don't know, but you are not qualified to know about Poison Master Town!

In order not to expose Poison Master Town on weekdays, the three of them seldom go to Poison Master Town.

This is the foundation for Qingshengtang to continuously obtain huge profits!

To put it simply, it is a commercial secret!

The highest level of commercial secrets!

After Xiaoyao Sanxian inquired clearly, he put away all the primordial stones here with peace of mind, and took them as his own.

As for whether the poison pharmacists in Poison Town have worked hard for a year, and whether they get the reward they deserve, it doesn't matter to him!
After Xiaoyao Sanxian took Yuan Shi under his command, he suddenly felt better.

I also don't want to go to Poison Master Town to check it out!

After all, he had swallowed these primordial stones privately, if he went there, wouldn't he be interrogated by the people in Poison Master Town!
Not only can't go, but also can't let the two of them go!
Otherwise, his embezzlement of primordial stones will be exposed!
Xiaoyao Sanxian is indeed Li Huan's god assist!
Li Huan and Yun Ling rushed back all the way, and the journey was uneventful.

Li Huan: "Don't you know about the Qingshengtang? It's been so long."

Yun Ling: "They are stupid! They are even more stupid than you!"

Li Huan: "You are stupid!"

Yun Ling: "Could it be that the concubine has not been trained for a long time because she has been on the road recently, and she thinks that the king's husband is not strong?"

Li Huan's face flushed, this bastard pestered himself cheekily every day, and he was not at all ashamed: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Yun Ling picked up Li Huan and walked upstairs: "I don't know? I have plenty of time, so I can help you review."

Li Huan: "Let go of me! Yun Ling! Let me go!"

Yun Ling: "Don't let go!"

Ding Yuan originally brought a group of people from Baimutang in Nancheng to welcome Li Huan, but in the end he was stuffed with dog food in the hall.

Boy: "Shopkeeper, hall master, this is..."

Ding Yuan: "Ahem! No one is allowed to say what happened today!"


When Li Huan went downstairs again, it was already the second day, and anyone who knows it will understand it!
After all, the head of their family was carried upstairs yesterday!
So Li Huan found that all the guys in Bai Mutang were staring at her.

Li Huan: "You?"

Li Huan wanted to ask them what they were looking at, she had just washed her face, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

As a result, before Li Huan finished speaking, everyone started to pretend that they were busy and didn't secretly look at Li Huan.

Li Huan: ...

So obvious, am I blind?
Ding Yuan: "Hall Master, don't worry, I have already instructed them yesterday, and in the future, if you see something like this, you should treat it as if you didn't see it!"

Li Huan: "Why?"

It's just being carried upstairs.

Male unmarried, female unmarried!
Have you eaten your rice?

Can't see anyone anymore?
(End of this chapter)

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