Chapter 1316 Trust
Ding Yuan: "Hallmaster, Qingshengtang launched a poison a few days ago, which sells very well, but because of the price, the sales volume has been delayed, should we follow up?"

Li Huan: "Have you bought the samples?"

Ding Yuan: "Here, I went to prepare it a few days ago, but because the poison master invited in the hall said that although the ingredients of this poison are not expensive, but because the refining is extremely time-consuming, so even after we follow up, we will not The same can only be sold at a high price, and this Qingshengtang can't compete."

Li Huan took a look at the poison that Ding Yuan handed over.

Li Huan: "You send someone to prepare all the medicinal materials needed for this medicine. Let the news out, saying that Baimutang has this kind of poison and sells it at half price, but you need to come here in advance to arrange the number."

Ding Yuan: "How many numbers are limited?"

Li Huan: "Unlimited!"

Ding Yuan: ...

Seeing that Li Huan was about to leave, Ding Yuan hurriedly stopped Li Huan: "Master, if this medicine is only half the price, it may become a hot item, and there is no limit. If the supply is insufficient at that time, the signboard will be smashed." of!"

Li Huan: "No problem."

Ding Yuan heard Li Huan say it's okay, he's not feeling well.

How could it be all right!
Ding Yuan didn't give up, Bai Mutang came to Nancheng, Ding Yuan put in a lot of effort, he didn't want to watch Bai Mutang being spurned by others.

Ding Yuan: "Master, let's think about it again!"

Li Huan: "No problem."

Li Huan still only had two words, asked Ding Yuan to prepare enough medicinal materials, and left.

Li Huan is going to the Nie Mansion to find out if the matter in Poison Master Town has been exposed, so he has no time to explain it to Ding Yuan.

Ding Yuan followed Li Huan halfway, because of Bai Zhan's relationship, he switched from Qingshengtang to Baimutang.

I don't know that Li Huan said it's okay because he has full confidence, but he just feels that Li Huan is messing around, so when Li Huan came back in the evening, he found that the medicinal materials bought by Ding Yuan were not half of what Li Huan asked for.

Li Huan: "Is this medicine not enough?"

Ding Yuan: "No."

Li Huan: "So we have no money?"

Ding Yuan: "No."

Li Huan: "That's it?"

Ding Yuan looked at Li Huan with the look of an old cadre: "Master, it's better to think about things like unlimited!"

Li Huan suddenly laughed, she had to let Ding Yuan open his eyes, what is speed.

Li Huan: "Tomorrow morning, these herbs will become the latest poison, do you believe it?"

Although Ding Yuan hadn't had time to speak, the expression on his face already said it all.

Li Huan: "Then how about we make a bet? If these medicinal materials become finished products tomorrow, you will have to obey my words in the future! This is the first time and the last time!"

Ding Yuan didn't expect that he just wanted to persuade the hall master, but he was so serious that he wanted to resign voluntarily!
Ding Yuan did not respond.

Li Huan said again: "I know that you are outstanding and serious about your work, but what I want is not only someone who works hard, but also subordinates who obey me. Although I don't come around often, I can tell that you must do your job Got it, you question me because you don't believe me, what I need is someone who completely believes in me, do you understand?"

Li Huan directly pointed out what he meant, lest Ding Yuan go back and think wildly, thinking that he was targeting him.

After all, Li Huan knows Ding Yuan's ability, and Bai Zhan's vision is indeed not bad, but none of the people Li Huan wants to fight is a simple person.

If the chain is lost at a critical moment, there may be a catastrophe. Li Huan has experienced too much along the way, knowing how important mutual trust is, it is something that can save lives at a critical moment.

Li Huan: "I don't want the backyard to catch fire."

Ding Yuan: "It's me in a narrow sense, I'm willing to bet."

Ding Yuan agreed, because Li Huan had made it very clear that if he didn't want to gamble, he would leave on his own.

The bet was not aimed at him, but to let him understand the meaning of what Li Huan did.

Li Huan: "Okay then, order the rest of the medicinal materials to be prepared immediately and give them to me tomorrow morning."

Because of the movement on Baimutang's side, a powerful force like Qingshengtang would probably receive the news in a very short time. With 3 Nie Jin's ability, he would know what Baimutang was doing just by looking at the list of medicinal materials.

Nie Jin wanted to choke Baimutang's throat, it was very simple, just suppress the elixir merchants, increase the price of these medicinal materials, or not allow them to sell these medicinal materials to Baimutang.

Nie Jin must have already known about Baimutang's presence in the East City, so people will definitely pay attention to Baimutang.

The reason for not doing anything right now is because the strength of Baimutang in Nancheng is far behind that of Qingshengtang, so there is no need to waste time on Baimutang.

Once he finds out that Bai Mutang is threatening his own interests, he will take action and get rid of Bai Mutang!

Therefore, Li Huan needs to make adequate preparations before Qingshengtang discovers that Baimutang, a poison like Baimutang, can be made into a hit!

Ding Yuan left with Bai Mu Tang's Yuan Shi, and bought all the medicinal materials according to Li Huan's request.

After Li Huan went upstairs, she went directly to the space and gave all these herbs to Lingyu.

The people in Poison Master Town didn't notice any abnormalities, they only felt that after the opening of the spirit gathering formation that Li Huan mentioned, their cultivation base was improving every day, and their strength also increased much faster.

Li Huan: "This is an extra reward. For every one you refine, you get one primordial stone, and you can get the medicinal materials according to the speed you refine."

Wan Qian rushed over: "Is there any reward? So good?"

In the past, Poison Master Town signed a contract. According to the requirements of the contract, everything was refined for free, and the annual salary was fixed, but now there are rewards for additional poison refining!

What a pleasant surprise!

Li Huan: "As long as you can refine poison here with peace of mind, there will be many rewards like this in the future."

Li Yuan: "Master, it would be great if you showed up earlier, otherwise my daughter-in-law would have already been saved!"

Lingyu: "It's just you! You still want to marry a wife? I never heard that poison masters also get married!"

Li Yuan: "You are you, I am me! I just want to get married! I will marry the most beautiful person in the world as my wife in the future! Then I will open a small pharmacy and live a fairy life!"

Lingyu: "Cut! It's worthless!"

Yuanbo: "Everyone has his own aspirations, not everyone wants to be the top."

Old Ba: "Exactly! I don't think there's anything wrong with Liyuan's idea."

Li Huan: "Is ten days enough?"

"That's enough! Come on, earn extra money!"

Lingyu yelled loudly, and everyone ran over, calling it a bargain!
Ding Yuan prepared a lot of medicinal materials, but they were all robbed when Li Huan just moved in!

Who doesn't want to earn extra money!
The time in space is different from the outside world, so ten days are just a few hours to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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