The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 1319 Elixir Merchant Association

Chapter 1319 Elixir Merchant Association

In just a few days, Baimutang has always been far ahead of Qingshengtang by virtue of the speed of new medicines and the cheap price.

The guys in Qingshengtang were very anxious, but in order to prevent Nie Jin from punishing him, the shopkeeper kept it secret.

This scene lasted for more than ten days, and all the passengers from Qingshengtang ran to Baimutang.

Ding Yuan laughed heartily when he saw the endless stream of people coming to buy medicine.

Sure enough, the hall master is more powerful.

Ding Yuan: "Master, if this continues, will our Baimu Hall soon surpass Qingsheng Hall?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Probably because of the situation in the east city, Ding Yuan thought that the south city would be taken soon.

Baimutang didn't act because Nie Jin didn't know anything about Baimutang.

If they really make a move, it will definitely be a tough battle here.

Nie Jin has been in Qingshengtang for so many years, and Nancheng is the headquarters of Qingshengtang. How could it be so easy to defeat Nie Jin.

The success of Dongcheng is only because Dongcheng is not the headquarters of Qingshengtang. Moreover, Li Huan caught the conflict between Murong Xueying and Qiao Qingyun, which made Yin Jiuye very busy.

Only in this way can the Green Holy Church be squeezed and closed down successfully.

But Li Huan didn't think that Nie Jin would let Li Huan trick him so easily.

If it's just a price war, Baimutang does have an advantage, but this is Nie Jin's territory, even if the price of Qingshengtang is not as cheap as Baimutang, it is still extremely easy for Qingshengtang to defeat Baimutang.

Li Huan: "Ding Yuan, please help me make appointments with all the elixir dealers, and just say that Lord Baimutang is asking to see you."

Ding Yuan rarely saw Li Huan with such a serious expression, so he hurried to prepare.

Ding Yuan's actions were really quick, and when he came back in the evening, he told Li Huan that they could meet tonight.

Li Huan nodded: "When I was leaving, you looked at the Qingshengtang. If they sent someone to Nie's Mansion, you should send someone to tell me."

Ding Yuan: "Okay, hall master, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this little matter."

Li Huan nodded in satisfaction.

If the elixir merchants show some face, Li Huan will happily cooperate with them.

If you still want to be neutral and neither side will offend, then don't blame Li Huan!

After all, if Qingshengtang and Baimutang really fight, it must be to the death. This is the only choice for Li Huan to complete the task, and there is no other possibility.

Instead of letting Nie Jin seize the opportunity in this kind of thing, it is better to take the initiative to attack!
late at night.

Li Huan tidied up and took Ding Yuan to the Elixir Merchant Association.

This is the place where the elixir merchants communicate and discuss on weekdays, and there are also some transactions between the elixir merchants before.

Usually it is resolved by the Elixir Merchant Association.

Therefore, even if the Qingshengtang grows to spread all over Tianwaitian, there is still no way to control the upstream medicinal materials.

Because when they confront the enemy, they are all in unison.

Li Huan had never met the elixir dealers here before, but the first meeting today was to change their neutral position for so many years for Bai Mutang.

The elixir dealer thought that Li Huan was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers and was arrogant.

Li Huan: "Then I must choose your team today?"

No. [-] elixir merchant: "Sorry, then there is nothing to talk about."

No. [-] elixir merchant: "Young man, do you think that with a little achievement, you can walk sideways?"

Elixir Merchant No. [-]: "This world is not yours alone!"

Li Huan: "But, if you don't join the team today, you won't be able to get out!"

Elixir Merchant No. [-]: "Oh! What a big tone!"

The elixir merchants didn't believe at first that Li Huan had the guts to trap all of them when they met for the first time.

But soon they discovered that they really couldn't get out!

The elixir dealers were very angry: "Young man, aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

Li Huan: "I'm afraid! I'm afraid that you are in the wrong team and sacrifice your life in vain."

"Arrogance! Let us go quickly, otherwise, you will never get all the medicinal materials in Baimutang from now on!"

Li Huan: "I'm not discussing with you today, but to inform you, you can only choose one of my Baimutang and Qingshengtang, but the only direction to stand in line is my Baimutang, otherwise, you don't want to go to this gate today." Want to go out!"

"You! You want to try your skills!"

At the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, the man who was yelling at Li Huan was suddenly imprisoned by some mysterious force.

Li Huan: "Don't be angry, I have the confidence to say such a thing, let you see how strong I am!"

Li Huan asked them to report the name of a poison at will, and she could refine it directly in front of everyone, and the refining time for all the poisons did not exceed a quarter of an hour!

Simply take a few breaths.

Li Huan: "Do you know that Nie Jin has been looking for someone?"

Li Huanlu's hand made the elixir merchants still in a state of shock, and they hadn't recovered yet.

Li Huan asked again.

No. [-] elixir merchant: "I heard it, but it seems that someone pretended to be Qiao Qingyun, and it was for the sake of my niece!"

No. [-] elixir merchant: "My news is that it's not just because of this, there are other reasons."

Spirit Medicine Merchant No. [-]: "It seems to be because of some special method of refining poison."

Li Huan's ability calmed down the elixir merchants, and they were no longer annoyed by Li Huan's attitude.

No matter how arrogant a powerful person is, in the eyes of others, it is a matter of course. They call this arrogance.

But people without strength, in addition to being scolded by others, will be labeled as invincible. This is the benefit of strength.

Li Huan's attitude remained unchanged, but the elixir dealer's eyes on Li Huan still changed from anger to calm.

Therefore, when Li Huan asked the question again, they all had a deliberative tone.

Li Huan is very satisfied, strength is the best persuasive power.

Li Huan: "Do you know about the 'poison customization' of the Green Temple?"

No. [-] elixir merchant: "You mean the customization that is hard to find?"

No. [-] elixir dealer: "I heard about it, but I didn't get in the queue."

Elixir Merchant No. [-]: "It seems that this business has ceased recently."

Li Huan: "Do you know why?"

The elixir merchants shook their heads in unison.

Li Huan smiled: "Because I am the one who ordered the poison! I ran away from Nie Jin, and Qingshengtang naturally does not have this business!"


Everyone looked at Li Huan in shock, it seemed that he was no longer joking.

And, this kind of thing doesn't need to be joked at all.

Li Huan: "If you agree to stand on my side, I promise, each of you will get a chance to customize it for free! But you have to pay for the medicinal materials yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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