Chapter 1320 Signing
As Li Huan spoke, he asked one of them to say what he wanted.

The elixir merchant hesitated.

Li Huan: "This time it doesn't count, just tell me, as long as you can say it, I can do it!"

Li Huan's confident tone made the elixir dealers a little nervous.

Why is this young man's aura so strong!
So, what he said is true?

How could they not know the value of customized elixirs.

If what this young man said is true, then he is the person Nie Jin is looking for recently!

Right now, my own strength is not enough, so I want to win them over to fight against the Blue Holy Church?

This way, the person's motives are clear!
Li Huan is a conspiracy to let you know my plan, but the conditions I offer are invincible!

Just see if you have the guts!

The elixir dealers discussed it and mentioned the efficacy of a poison that was needed.

Li Huan only rested in the cubicle for a while, and then came out!

In fact, in space, Li Huan has been refining for several days.

When the elixir merchant was waiting, he was very anxious, but Ding Yuan was guarding outside, and none of them could approach.

The more this happened, the more anxious I became.

Because poison customization is really too profitable!
Every time before, the auction price was sky-high.

When Li Huan came out, everyone looked at him nervously.

Li Huan: "This is what you want!"

The elixir merchants quickly took the medicine from Li Huan's hand and studied it carefully.

"it is true!"

"So, what he said is true!"

"You can't go wrong!"


Almost everyone's minds began to spin rapidly.

Thinking about the pros and cons of this for them.

Li Huan was not in a hurry, and waited for them to discuss the results. If today's matter fails, once these people go out, someone will naturally notify Nie Jin immediately.

With the opportunity lost, Li Huan still has the possibility of exposing himself. Therefore, if these people disagree, Li Huan will not kill them, but he will imprison them until he completes the task and defeats the Qingshengtang, then he will release them .

Li Huan dared not take any risks.

Nie Jin's cultivation base is higher than his own, and his strength is much stronger than his own.

Li Huan had to use a strange trick to win.

The elixir merchants discussed and discussed, but they couldn't get over it.

Nie Jin has been here for so many years, naturally there are several good elixir dealers, and with them, there will always be voices of opposition.

But as long as today's matter is done, no matter how good they are with Nie Jin, they won't be able to betray Li Huan!
Because it concerns their own vital interests!
It's almost time for Li Huan to see, and he threw out a bigger news: "Poison customization, this business, as long as you agree to stand on my side, I am willing to pay [-]% of the income, which will be shared equally with you! But you will pay for the medicinal materials! How about it?"

"What! Fifty percent! Are you sure?"

Elixir Merchant No. [-] exclaimed.

No. [-] elixir merchant: "Do you know what [-]% means?"

Li Huan: "Naturally! This is my sincerity. I not only have the capital to be arrogant, but also full of sincerity. If you cooperate with me, I can guarantee that everything is clearly visible! How?"

An old fox like Nie Jin must be calculating and calculating when dealing with these people!

These people have been in the mall for a long time, so naturally they are all good people!

Li Huan has just arrived, and if he wants to gain their trust in the fastest way, he can only resort to conspiracy!
A conspiracy with the best interests!

My abilities are here, and so are the conditions I give, you can figure it out yourself!
Li Huan: "How?"

The last condition given by Li Huan is really too tempting!

Poison customization represents a sky-high price!
Even if it is [-]%, it is worth a lot!

Fifty percent!
It's equal to a split!

They only need to produce a little medicinal material!
They were merchants who were doing medicinal materials business in time, so this cost is nothing at all!
So, in this way, the elixir merchants are all excited!

Li Huan: "But... I have a condition! All of you must sign a contract. As long as one person disagrees, I will leave Nancheng immediately! You also know that Nie Jin is looking for me all over the world! If you leave this door, If someone betrayed me, wouldn't I lose more than I gain!"

Li Huan put the matter on the bright side.

If you sign a contract, then sign everyone, [-]% of the income, everyone will share equally, everyone will be closer to Baimutang's camp, as long as there is one person who disagrees, the contract will be void.

Sure enough, as he said at the beginning, everyone can only choose one path!

Either Qingshengtang or Baimutang!

As a result, even the few elixir merchants closest to Qingshengtang had to be tied up with Li Huan's Baimutang.

Moreover, Li Huan didn't need to take action by himself to stare at them and betray him!

Because all the interests of the person who signed the contract are involved!

The rest of the elixir merchants will help Li Huan keep an eye on them!
Otherwise, they would have no chance of contacting Qingshengtang and exposing Lihuan!

This is related to the interests of their entire Elixir Merchant Association.

Once it's done, Li Huan won't even have to worry about following her.

Just don't take it too easy.

Li Huan's action directly caught the eyes of the elixir dealers!
How could they not see Li Huan's thoughts.

Elixir Merchant No. [-]: "Heroes come out of youth!"

No. [-] elixir merchant: "I underestimated you. It's no accident that Baimutang has become so big in such a short period of time!"

The elixir dealer: "Hall Master Bai, this conspiracy is really eye-opening!"

Li Huan: "How? I don't think anyone will refuse [-]% of the income, right?"

The elixir merchants didn't speak, but they were already too excited!
But if you don't take Joe at this time, after signing the contract, there is no room for negotiation!

Li Huan sneered, but she didn't care, this was originally one of her plans!

Li Huan: "I know what you are worried about. In this way, all poisons are customized by the Spirit Medicine Merchant Association. I make orders three times a month! Whether it is promotion or sales, how about going through the Spirit Medicine Merchant Association on the books? Like this First of all, [-]% of the book is in your hands, and I want to do something, and you are clear about it, right?"

Their last hesitation was dispelled by Li Huan!
They are afraid that if Qingshengtang is liquidated in the future, and Baimutang has been enlarged, they will get nothing from [-]% of their income.

At that time, if the Baimutang family is dominant, wouldn't the right to speak be controlled by this person!
Judging by his means, it's really amazing!
At that time, maybe the entire Elixir Merchant Association will be swallowed by Bai Mutang!

Then they have nothing to do.

But right now, if Li Huan puts the custom-made poison business under their noses, they can't hide anything from them. In this way, [-]% of the profit will be guaranteed!
The elixir dealers were all moved, and after a symbolic discussion, they agreed!

Li Huan: "Then sign the contract!"

(End of this chapter)

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