Chapter 1370

But the Mountain of Dead Souls is too big, and there is no end in sight for this kind of void-like space.

As soon as the ghost soldiers were released, they ran around.

Finally, after a few days, I saw a city not far ahead.

Evil Ghost Soldier No. [-]: "We inquired before, this city is called Evil Ghost City, and the name is actually the same as ours!"

Li Huan: "Go back first, let's go to the city to see the situation."

Yan Qing also wanted to enter the space, but Li Huan disagreed.

Yan Qing: "Why can't I rest?"

Li Huan: "The evil spirit here is relatively strong, you must help me block the evil spirit around me."

Yun Ling held Li Huan's hand, and the two stood side by side, they were a perfect match.

Yun Ling: "Let's go!"

Li Huan's current appearance is her original appearance, with exquisite facial features, as beautiful as a fairy.

To avoid trouble.

Before entering the city, Li Huan used a mask to hide his and Yun Ling's appearance.

Yun Ling led her all the way in, and many people in the city looked this way.

Whether it was Li Huan or Yun Ling, there were many people watching, and they seemed to be coveting their faces.

But looking at this temperament and the whole body's style, it is incompatible with the atmosphere of the evil ghost city.

But covered by the mask, no one can see the specific appearance.

Everyone here seems to be spying on them both.

The faces of the people in Evil Ghost City seem to have flaws.

Li Huan and Yun Ling looked around, and soon someone came out.

"You two, take off your mask!"

Li Huan: "Why?"

"Evil ghost city is now under the leadership of our third hall. Anyone who enters here must hand over one of their own things!"

Li Huan took out a few primeval stones: "Is this enough?"

"Heh! I'm talking about something on your body! Can't understand people's language!"

Li Huan instantly understood why the faces and bodies of the people here were missing something, it looked like it was made by the so-called Third Hall Master!
Li Huan: "Why?"

"Only because of this, the strength of our three hall masters is only high! The fist is the hardest!"

Li Huan: "Then what you mean is that as long as whoever is powerful, the position of the city lord is his?"

"It goes without saying that whoever has the biggest fist has the final say! This is the rule of our Undead Mountain!"

Li Huan made an instant attack, these people were all little ghosts, Li Huan was worried that he didn't have any information about the Mountain of the Dead, and someone would come to their door, so naturally he hoped that a powerful person would come out and explain the layout of the Mountain of the Dead to them.

These brats were not enough for Li Huan to beat, so within a short while, Li Huan was beating him all over the floor.

Li Huan: "Ask your third hall master to come see me! I have something to ask him!"

"Wait! You don't know what to do!"

A few people ran away quickly, and Li Huan took a look around, the city was not big, but it was the only one with people walking along this road!

This place should still be on the edge of the Mountain of Dead Souls. Li Huan found something like scriptures on the city wall.

Yun Ling: "From the looks of it, these look like scriptures."

As soon as Li Huan's hand touched the city wall, the rune in his hand instantly lit up!

This was the trace left by Li Huan when he was in the Devil's Eye. Li Huan only wanted this trace to help him use the bad luck spell.

Li Huan looked at his hand. After the rune on his hand lit up, the scriptures on the city wall also lit up!

Li Huan could suddenly feel movement anywhere in the city!
Including the so-called three masters who are coming.

When the greasy-headed Third Hall Master arrived, he happened to see the rune on Li Huan's hand.

Before Li Huan could make a move, the three hall masters knelt down in an instant: "See the envoy!"

Li Huan didn't know what the three hall masters were talking about, it should have something to do with the rune in his hand.

Yun Ling looked at Li Huan, and signaled for Li Huan to follow suit.

Li Huan: "Get up! Your subordinates seem very courageous!"

The third hall master instantly kicked the person who complained beside him to the ground: "You have no eyes! If you don't have eyes, if you offend the envoy, you will be out of your wits."

Li Huan looked at the third hall master on the ground: "Tell me!"

Li Huan didn't know what the so-called messenger was, but it was always right to strike first!
The three hall masters stood up instantly: "Envoy please!"

Li Huan nodded.

Then he was invited to his mansion by the so-called third hall master.

The third hall master carefully took out the food he treasured. He said it was food, but it was actually something to replenish mental power!
It happened to be what Li Huan needed, and what the Mountain of Dead Souls needed was mind power and spiritual power.

Li Huan's subordinates then said, "It's not bad!"

The third hall master saw that Li Huan actually took his own things, and was instantly elated.

Li Huan didn't know what this so-called messenger was, but it seemed to be a very powerful existence.

The third hall master got Li Huan's consent, took out a box and handed it to Li Huan tremblingly: "That's all, we are a small place, it's really hard to collect! I've been saving these for a long time! Please ask the envoy to tell the higher-ups whether I did not try my best on purpose!"

As soon as the rune in Li Huan's hand lit up, he instantly sensed something like something in a box in another part of the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Huan: "Is there really none? If you lie, you know the consequences!"

The third hall master originally wanted to say that there were no more, but when he looked at Li Huan, he broke out in a cold sweat, and the envoy was watching where he hid his things!
The third hall master was so scared that he almost fell down: "I just remembered, there is one more thing, I found it last time, I forgot to put it in! Please wait a moment, the envoy!"

The third hall master hurried away.

When they got to the place where the things were hidden, the third hall master took out what was left.

The people around were reluctant to part: "Third Hall Master, are you really not staying at all?"

The third hall master: "Fate is important, or this is important. I heard that there was a city that hid a little before, and was found by the messenger, and disappeared in an instant! Even the soul was swallowed! This is the most terrifying! I still want to have There is a chance to go to the underworld for reincarnation!"

The man didn't dare to say any more, thinking of the things he had heard before, he was reluctant to let go, and he had no choice but to follow him to deliver the things to Li Huan.

Unexpectedly, these two people are the so-called messengers!
Didn't you say that you come here only once in ten years?
Why is it so long in advance this time.

The third hall master: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't ask why, life is important!"

"Yes, yes, the hall master is still thoughtful."

Li Huan was only satisfied when he watched the third hall master hand over the hidden ones together.

Li Huan: "You did a good job. I will tell the higher-ups when I get back! By the way, have you seen this?"

Li Huan took out the portrait of the little milk cat.

The third hall master took a closer look, and didn't know why the messenger took out a portrait of a wild cat.

The third hall master: "We are Dead Soul Mountain, how could there be such a thing! The messenger is really joking."

(End of this chapter)

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