Chapter 1371 Crystal God Stone


The little milk cat is indeed talking about the Mountain of Dead Souls, so there is nothing wrong with it!

Probably not here.

Li Huan put away his things and left with Yun Ling. In order to avoid being exposed, he didn't stay long at all, and he didn't ask about other things.

Li Huan himself was in a daze, this time he was mistaken for a messenger because of a mistake.

Yun Ling: "What is this in your hand?"

Yun Ling looked at the things in Li Huan's hands, and Li Huan told him about his time in the Devil's Eye.

Yun Ling: "Little Baozi! Why do you always do such dangerous things!"

Li Huan: "It's all over, let's see what this is."

After Li Huan and Yun Ling walked away, he opened the box, and inside were stones one by one.

Li Huan took out a piece to check, but there was nothing special about it except for the blackness.

Li Huan: "What kind of messenger are you talking about? What do you want this stone for?"

Yun Ling picked up one, and suddenly crushed it with force in his hand, revealing a crystal red stone inside.

Li Huan only felt an extremely pure spiritual energy attacking him.

Li Huan's soul absorbed this thing instantly.

Li Huan only felt comfortable all over, but his cultivation had skyrocketed!
Li Huan was amazed: "What is this!"

Yun Ling: "It may be the legendary spar stone."

Li Huan: "What is the Crystal Crystal?"

Yun Ling: "The Crystal God Stone is said to be used for cultivation in the God Realm. This kind of thing can enhance the power of the gods. It is a must-have thing for the gods. It is as precious as a monk's spirit stone."

Li Huan: "So, these are crystal crystals!"

Yun Ling squeezed a few more, all of which were red.

Yun Ling absorbed a few, and the rest were absorbed by Li Huan.

Yan Qing was greedy and ate one too.

Like the little milk cat, Yan Qing can directly eat such spiritual things.

Li Huan: "So, the messenger went to various cities to collect this?"

Yun Ling nodded: "Although I don't know what the rune in your hand means, but you can pretend to be a ruling class among them. If I guessed correctly, this so-called messenger is a powerful force in the Dead Soul Mountain." central figure in it."

Li Huan: "In that case, we have to quickly go to other cities to collect these stones and inquire about the news of the little milk cat."

Yun Ling nodded: "They should have an agreed time to collect, so we must be quick!"

Li Huan and Yun Ling hurriedly set off, and soon arrived at another city. With previous experience, Li Huan turned into an ordinary person this time and inquired about the messenger's origin.

It's a pity that the people in the city don't know what to ask.

Li Huan had no choice but to give up, it seemed that this place was too remote, so they were all wandering spirits, and they couldn't get in touch with these things at all.

In this way, the more mysterious it is, the greater its power!
The only advantage is that Li Huan can pretend to be one of them!
Li Huan and Yun Ling were still wearing masks, and the city lords of these cities didn't know their looks, they just looked at the runes in Li Huan's hands and obediently handed over the things.

Li Huan and Yun Ling searched for several cities in a row, but apart from the crystal stones they collected, there was no news of the little milk cat.

Li Huan looked at Yun Ling: "It seems that we still need to go to a bigger city to find it."

Yun Ling: "Use up these first. When you get to a big city, the people who sit in the town have higher cultivation levels. Your cultivation level may be exposed."

Li Huan nodded, listened to Yunling's words, and continued to use the crystals he had collected. Li Huan's cultivation had been promoted from the early stage of the God Transformation Realm to the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm.

Li Huan: "I don't know, what is the organization of this emissary, using this crystal to practice, I feel that my cultivation can fly!"

Yun Ling: "This is because you have just started using it. After a long time, after the cultivation base has improved, the promotion speed will slow down. The crystal stone also has a level. At that time, you will have to find a more advanced crystal stone. It is possible to cultivate."

Li Huan: "The red one is the lowest, isn't it?"

Yun Ling nodded.

Li Huan's heart that had just swelled was instantly suppressed by Yun Ling's words!
Li Huan: "I haven't been happy for a while! I'm back to my original shape!"

Yun Ling stretched out his slender hand, and scratched Li Huan's nose: "Damn buns! You can't go to heaven! How many people can be promoted to a small realm in just a few days? You are like this, and you still complain, you How do you let those thousand-year-old monsters live?"

Li Huan's eyes lit up in an instant, and he looked at Yun Ling expectantly: "Really? Then praise me for being amazing! Come praise me!"

Yun Ling smiled dotingly: "My little bun is the most powerful person in the world! Very powerful!"

Li Huan was instantly overjoyed: "You are also amazing!"

Looking at Li Huan's smug expression, Yun Ling couldn't help pinching that soft and waxy face back and forth.

Li Huan opened Yun Ling's hand dissatisfied: "What are you doing!"

Yun Ling: "Knead the dough!"

Li Huan: ...

And I'm a dough!
Li Huan walked forward angrily, Yun Ling caught up and pulled Li Huan into his arms.

A voice like the sounds of nature sounded in Li Huan's head: "You can only knead the dough for me! Knead for a lifetime! No, knead for generations to come!"

Yan Qing: This dog food came without warning, I'm full!

Yun Ling came over with a look, and Yan Qing closed his eyes instantly, and entered the mode of pretending to be dead.

Yun Ling squeezed Li Huan's delicate chin, and kissed him gently.

Li Huan: "Are you sure you want to be in this desert? It's so empty, if someone sees it, wouldn't it be..."

The picture is so beautiful...

Yun Ling smiled evilly: "There is no one around for a hundred miles."

Li Huan: "You..."

Before Li Huan could finish speaking, Yun Ling pushed her away.

Yun Ling: "Who told you to seduce me!"

Li Huan: ...

what did I do!
I didn't do anything!
It's a pity that Yun Lingquan couldn't see Li Huan's astonishment, and he looked begging for favor.

Li Huan: "You asked for it yourself, don't say afterwards that I am a beautiful man who adjusts breath in broad daylight!"

Yun Ling: "Please train me! I can't wait!"

Li Huan: ...God can't wait!

Li Huan instantly turned into a big bad wolf, and began to attack Yun Ling, the little white rabbit.

Yan Qing: I'm going blind!

In broad daylight! !
No, there is no sun here!
I missed it!

After a while, Li Huan looked at the person in his arms, and looked at himself with aggrieved expression.

Li Huan: "You asked for training yourself!"

Yun Ling: "Then you should be gentle!"

A pair of star-like eyes kept flickering in his arms, and his eyes were full of looks of begging for favor.

Li Huan possessed himself and kissed Yun Ling's beautiful eyelids.

Li Huan: "You are the most beautiful!"

Yun Ling: "You teased me first! This time it's me!"

Li Huan: ...Didn't it just end? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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