Chapter 1372 Fake Messenger

Li Huan thought it was over, but Yun Ling had just begun!
Li Huan said that he was fooled!
From Yun Ling's point of view, his previous performance added to the mood of foreplay!

Li Huan had seen Yun Ling's vitality, and begged for mercy before letting Yun Ling let him go.

Yan Qing was locked out of the barrier just like that, and the two of them came out when the flowers were about to wither.

Yan Qing stared resentfully at the barrier inside.

When Li Huan came out, Yan Qing stepped forward instantly: "Did you get bullied just now?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Yan Qing: "I don't believe it! If he bullies you, tell me! I'll help you out!"

Li Huan: "Really not!"

Yan Qing: "Impossible, I heard you begging for mercy!"

Li Huan: ...

This is awkward!
I set up a barrier to block the view from the outside, but I forgot to soundproof it!

Li Huan's cheeks turned red suddenly, and he didn't know how to explain to this [-]-year-old baby dragon what he did with Yun Ling.

Li Huan: "Just kidding! I voluntarily!"

Yan Qing: "Really? What kind of game is that, the game where I kissed the mouth with you before? Is it fun?"

As Yan Qing said, she was about to lean towards Li Huan's face.

Li Huan: ...

It's a pity that Yan Qing is doomed to fail.

Just when Yan Qing was about to get close to Li Huan, a cold air, more chilling than the evil spirit of the Dead Soul Mountain, hit Yan Qing.

Yan Qing was suddenly frozen!

Yan Qing quickly stepped back.

Then he saw Yun Ling coming out of the barrier.

The moment Yan Qing touched Yun Ling's eyes, she unconsciously became smaller!
It was the size of a gecko before, but now it looks like an earthworm.

Li Huan: ...

Yun Ling: "Let's go!"

Satisfied, Yun Ling took Li Huan's little hand and walked towards the next city.

The two walked for many days before they found a relatively larger city.

There is no fixed city lord in the city of the Dead Soul Mountain. Whoever has big fists and high cultivation can become the city lord. The method is also extremely simple, just defeat the previous city lord!
However, under normal circumstances, the cities are far apart, so after becoming the most powerful person in a city, he will become the lord of the city in a short time.

But Li Huan found that no matter who the city lord was, he would respect these envoys and hand over the crystal in the city lord's mansion.

Even the city lord dare not use these spar stones lightly. It seems that the so-called envoy is extremely powerful and has a strong deterrent effect!

In a place like Dead Soul Mountain, it is unknown what kind of power it is that can convince so many vicious people.

Li Huan: "The city in front of us is the biggest one we have encountered recently!"

Yun Ling: "They seem to be afraid of this rune, not you! If you have a chance, you can find out the origin of this rune."

Li Huan nodded.

Li Huan was not in a hurry to enter the city, he just put his hand on the city wall, and the runes lit up!
It seems that all the cities have such runes. The runes on the walls of every city that Li Huan has been to are the same!

These runes seem to contain some kind of mysterious power, that is, they come from the same source as the runes in Li Huan's hand.

But Li Huan still didn't know how to use the runes in his hand.

Before, during the battle, he used the bad luck spell, but the bad luck spell was named by Li Huan himself. Li Huan didn't know exactly what this spell was.

Li Huan: "This rune should have other uses, but I haven't found a way to use it. Why do you think there are so many runes like this in Dead Soul Mountain?"

Yun Ling: "Look ahead to confirm."

Li Huan found that when the rune lit up, it could help him block the evil spirit.

Li Huan found that the city was much larger than the ones they visited before.

This time the city lord was very surprised when he saw Li Huan and the others coming.

City Lord: "You two adults are well!"

Li Huan: "Well! Where are the things?"

The city lord was a little hesitant, as if he didn't want to hand it over.

But Li Huan had already summed up his experience in the previous cities.

Li Huan said angrily, "Where's the stuff? Don't make me say it a third time!"

The owner of the city: "My lord, our Suren City has not always been collected by Lord Ling, why did we suddenly change people?"

The face under Li Huan's mask froze for a moment, who is Lord Ling?
Li Huan had no idea what kind of organization this was, nor what the messenger was.

Unexpectedly, the city lord of this city is actually a related household!

Li Huan: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Seeing that Li Huan was angry, the city lord immediately gave up, nodded and said repeatedly: "Yes! Yes! It's the little one who doesn't know what to do! I'll go get it right away!"

After the city lord brought the box, it turned out to be a box!

This is more than the sum of those taken before!
Sure enough, there are still more big cities!
After Li Huan packed it up, she was ready to leave.

But the city lord stopped Li Huan: "My lords, the journey is far away, how about resting with us for a few days before leaving?"

Li Huan thought it made sense, and was about to agree, but Yun Ling spoke first, "No need!"

After Yun Ling came out with Li Huan, he immediately accelerated to leave.

Li Huan: "What?"

Yun Ling: "Hush! There are people following behind, let's go! Go to a secluded place to solve it!"

Li Huan nodded, sure enough, after they left the city, someone followed them all the time, it seemed that they were sent by the city lord of this city!

There is no reason to be suspicious, this rune seems to be impossible to fake!
Therefore, the city lords who visited Li Huan before saw the rune in Li Huan's hand, and believed it.

After walking a long distance, Yun Ling stopped.

After the person behind him followed, suddenly he was nowhere to be found.

Yun Ling and Li Huan appeared one after the other.

The man was so frightened that his legs went limp.

"I beg the envoy to spare your life! Please spare me! I don't have any malicious intentions, but the city lord asked me to follow you and I'm here! It's not what I want to follow!"

Li Huan: "Why did you send us to follow us?"

Follower: "The city lord said that Master Ling came every time he came to us. This time it is different. I am afraid that I will not be able to explain to Master Ling. So, let me see who you are. When the time comes, Master Ling will ask you. Get up, the city lord is easy to deal with, there is absolutely no malice! Please forgive me!"

The man kept kowtowing on the ground begging for mercy.

Li Huan: "When does Master Ling usually come?"

Follower: "Master Ling usually comes once every ten years, and this is only the ninth year. The city lord didn't expect the envoy to come earlier this time."

Li Huan: "You know how many things we organize, tell me!"

The stalker immediately told everything he knew!

The stalker: "The little one didn't intend to inquire about the envoy! It's the city lord who is familiar with Lord Ling, and these are what the lord Ling told the city lord! We absolutely don't mean to spy on the envoy! Please let the envoy let the young one go!"

(End of this chapter)

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