Chapter 1374 Master Ling

When Li Huan and Yun Ling rushed all the way to the central city, the whole city was full of evil spirits.

After passing here, and walking for a few more days, you can reach Dongmen City, one of the four major cities.

Li Huan still intends to pretend to be the envoy sent by the mysterious organization with Yun Ling.

But just as Li Huan entered the city, he saw a group of people coming out.

There is a talisman in his hand like Li Huan's.

The city lord: "Master Ling, please rest assured, if that person comes again, I will definitely arrest him immediately and notify Lord Ling."

Masked man: "Just remember! I have to go to the next city. If I can catch him, I will definitely reward you."

The city lord nodded quickly.

Li Huan had already arrived at the gate of the city, holding Yun Ling by the hand. Hearing the conversation between the two, he immediately turned his head and prepared to leave.

But Lord Ling suddenly said, "You two! Wait!"

Li Huan ignored the call and continued to move forward.

The city lord was furious: "Master Ling called you, but you didn't stop! Be bold!"

The city lord stepped forward, ready to grab Li Huan and Yun Ling.

Yun Ling instantly slapped the city lord who was chasing after him.

With this palm strength, Yun Ling hugged Li Huan and quickly walked a long way.

Lord Ling: "The masked ones! It must be them! Arrest them!"

With Lord Ling's command, all the people around the city lord immediately mobilized and chased in the direction where Li Huan and Yun Ling left.

A large group of people chased after him.

The master Ling also chased after him.

Yun Ling held Li Huan in his arms, like flying a kite, and led a large group of people into the wasteland.

Seeing that they were about to catch up, but after passing a hillside, the two people in front disappeared.

When Lord Ling arrived, he found that there were no traces of the two people in front of him.

Shouting at the city lord: "Where are the people!"

City Lord: "When we chased here, it disappeared."

Master Ling slapped the city lord on the face: "You chased and lost him. If you can't find him, you don't have to live!"

The city lord knelt down in fright, without any resistance: "I beg the messenger to spare my life! Please spare my life!"

Li Huan and Yun Ling were not far away, watching the situation here.

Li Huan: "It seems that Master Ling is not very powerful, how can he make the city lord so afraid?"

Yun Ling pointed to his hand: "It should be related to the talisman, try it and you will know."

Suddenly an eagle appeared in Yun Ling's hand, and the moment the eagle took shape, it flew towards Lord Ling.

The sharp eagle claws flickered with cold light, as if they were about to tear the person in front of them into pieces.

Lord Ling shot instantly, the rune in his hand flickered, and the eagle disappeared the moment it approached!
Instantly turned into nothingness.

Li Huan was very surprised, it seems that this rune is really not simple, and it seems that only one of the runes is lit up in Mr. Kanling's hand.

Li Huan's hand is a complete one, every time it lights up is a complete spell!

It seems that the power of this person should be related to the rune in his hand!

But Li Huan didn't know how to use it.

Master Ling seemed to have been provoked, and suddenly began to chant a mantra, and a large amount of evil spirit suddenly surrounded him from all directions.

A huge hurricane vortex formed.

And the person who followed the city lord before was caught in the hurricane instantly because he had no time to dodge, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, the city lord retreated instantly, but it was too late and he was involved.


The exclamation dissipated before it could spread.

From a distance, Li Huan saw that the hurricane was constantly stirring up the evil spirits around him. After the evil spirits gathered together, they continuously drew the power of resentment towards the surroundings.

And the power of resentment in the place where Li Huan was located was constantly being drawn away.

Master Ling rushed towards this side in an instant.

Li Huan was very surprised. It seemed that there was some way to perceive where he was!

Before Li Huan could make a move, Yun Ling said, "Look at how he uses that rune."

Li Huan nodded.

Once it has been discovered, there is no need to hide anymore.

Li Huan's figure appeared.

But Master Ling was blocked by Yun Ling.

Lord Ling looked at the person standing in front of him: "Who are you? How dare you impersonate us!"

Yunling said nothing, just start fighting!
He just wanted Xiao Baozi to learn how to use this rune, and the rest has nothing to do with him!
In Yun Ling's eyes, there are only two kinds of things in this world, one is about little buns, and the other is about other things.

Master Ling was very confident in his own strength at first, but soon, he was beaten by Yun Ling without any power to fight back.

Li Huan carefully watched Master Ling's way of attacking, as if he had been chanting a spell.

Li Huan only felt familiar, but he didn't know what method it was.

The runes flickered, and Master Ling found that he couldn't beat Yunling, so he began to use the runes in his hand.

Li Huan saw it clearly this time. The runes are different small runes that appear according to the different spells. These runes have offensive power.

Li Huan looked at the rune in his hand, and tried to chant the spell by himself according to Master Ling's spoken words.

As soon as the spell stopped, the runes flickered instantly.

The densely packed tiny runes bound towards Master Ling.

Master Ling was instantly trapped by the rune in Li Huan's hand.

Master Ling was stunned: "You! Who are you!"

When Yun Ling saw Li Huan approaching, he didn't make any more moves.

And that frightening Lord Ling was captured alive by Li Huan.

The rune was like a fairy rope, trapping Master Ling.

Li Huan: "Is this a binding spell?"

Lord Ling looked at Li Huan in surprise and amazement: "Who are you?"

Li Huan: "I'll ask you first!"

Master Ling: "Didn't you see it! Ask!"

"call out!"

When a whip was drawn, it was Yun Ling holding a whip in the shape of an oxtail, and whipping it on Master Ling's face, a mark instantly appeared on Master Ling's face.

Because they are all soul bodies, the traces are black and linger for a long time.

Pain is real!

Lord Ling: "You actually hit me!"

Yun Ling: "Little Baozi is not something you can be aggressive with!"

What kind of thing are you, the little bun who is not even willing to yell at him!
Yun Ling gave the oxtail whip to Li Huan: "This is a whip specially designed to beat the soul, if he is disobedient and dishonest, use this little leather whip to whip him!"

Li Huan happily took the whip from Yun Ling: "Good!"

Holding a small leather whip, Li Huan looked like a cynical little overlord, and looked at Master Ling with a smile: "I ask you a question, and you answer it. If you don't tell me, I will whip you! If you lie to me, you will be punished." double!"

Lord Ling: "You are looking for death! You dare to beat me!"

"Hey! Crack!"

Another whip.

When it was pulled down, there was another trace of the whip on Master Ling's face.

Li Huan: "Are you still talking back?"

Lord Ling was very wronged, but he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Li Huan: "It's been like this for a long time, so the two whips won't be whipped! After the beating, I still have to say, the beating is not for nothing."

Li Huan looked at Master Ling with a look of disgust, with an expression of thinking about him.

Master Ling was about to vomit blood from Li Huan's anger.

(End of this chapter)

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