Chapter 1375 Runes
Lord Ling: "I won't let you go!"


Another whip.

Li Huan: "I told you to be honest, why can't you remember!"

Lord Ling: "You court death!"


Another lash of the whip, Master Ling became furious: "You are doomed!"


Another whip.

Li Huan looked at Master Ling with a distasteful look on his face.

Master Ling was about to go mad with anger, and kept cursing at Li Huan.

Every time he cursed, Li Huan whipped the whip.

An hour later...

Li Huan: "Hands hurt! Really!"

Yun Ling stepped forward, whipped the whip with one hand, and massaged Li Huan's palm with the other.

Yun Ling: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Li Huan nodded: "So tired!"

Master Ling: ...

Li Huan looked at Lord Ling whose face was swollen into a pig's head from the beating, and shook his head, he was really stubborn.

Li Huan: "You said you, after teaching so many times, pigs have learned it, why can't you remember it!"

Master Ling: ...I really want to die!

It was me who was beaten!Is it me?

What are you tired of!

What are you hurting!
Li Huan: "Tell me! What's the name of your organization?"

Lord Ling didn't want to speak, but the moment Li Huan raised his hand, Lord Ling shrank his head subconsciously.

Li Huan put his hand on his head and scratched it: "What are you doing! I said I hit you again? Am I the kind of person who abuses private affairs?"

Master Ling: You are!You are! You are!
Li Huan raised his whip again, and whipped it.

Master Ling: "I obviously didn't say anything! Why are you still hitting me!"

Li Huan: "Your eyes speak for themselves!"


Master Ling vomited blood from Li Huan's anger, and then passed out!
Li Huan stepped forward to check: "It looks like he was pissed off!"

Yun Ling: "My husband will touch your heart for you, don't get angry, don't get angry!"

Li Huan: "I'm talking about him! Not me!"

Yun Ling: "I heard you say you were angry!"

Li Huan thought that Yun Ling didn't hear what he said clearly, and was about to explain.

But when Yun Ling's hand touched it, Li Huan instantly understood!

Don't miss any chance to take advantage of this product!
Li Huan opened Yun Ling's hand.

Yun Ling instantly looked at Li Huan with aggrieved eyes.

Li Huan's heart suddenly melted when the star-like eyes stared at him with water vapor.

Li Huan: "Okay! Let's get down to business first!"

Yun Ling immediately entangled him: "Okay!"

Li Huan: "I'm serious!"

Yun Ling: "Is there anything more serious than eating buns?"

Li Huan: ...

It's full of tricks.

In a daze, Master Ling heard something that was about to be blocked by the system, and wanted to open his eyes.

As a result, something hit the head and passed out again.

Li Huan: "What?"

Yun Ling hugged Li Huan's head: "It's nothing! Continue!"

Li Huan: "I clearly heard the voice just now."

Yun Ling: "It's the sound of my heartbeat, listen to it if you don't believe me!"

Yun Ling pressed Li Huan's little head to his chest.

"Puff, puff..."

Li Huan: "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

Yun Ling: "Because, the buns are so delicious!"

Yun Ling leaned down and looked at the little bun under him. His watery lips were pouting, and his soft and waxy face, as his breathing quickened, a nice blush appeared.

Yun Ling: "Give me a little bun!"

Li Huan's already red face turned even redder in an instant!
She lowered her head shyly, then nodded again.

The shy appearance is lovable.

The more Yun Ling looked at it, the more fascinated he became, and he couldn't help but use up all his strength to contribute to Xiao Baozi.

Li Huan: "If we are like this, can we conceive a child?"

Yun Ling: ...

Yun Ling didn't speak, but his movements sped up, as if to prove to the people in front of him that his strength was unquestionable.

It's like being angry, prove yourself!

The frequency was too fast, Li Huan felt a little overwhelmed, so he hurriedly explained.

Li Huan: "I mean we all only have souls now, it's not that you can't do it, oh, take it easy."

Yun Ling: "Don't speak!"

Li Huan pursed his lips and looked at Yun Ling innocently, expressing that he was innocent!
But the more this happened, Yun Ling looked at the white rabbit-like eyes, and felt that he was caught in such bright eyes and couldn't extricate himself.

Yun Ling was fascinated by Xiao Baozi's eyes, attacking the city and territory like an aggression.

Li Huan was emotionally infected by Yun Ling, and only felt that she was about to fall.

The two are entangled together, inseparable.

After a while, Li Huan woke up from Yun Ling's arms.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a face that was all over the country, staring at him.

Li Huan: "I fell asleep."

Yun Ling pinched Li Huan's face, as expected of a bun!
This face is soft!
Yun Ling: "Have you rested yet?"

Li Huan nodded, and looked at Yun Ling with a satisfied face: "Can we get down to business now?"

Yun Ling: "Look!"

Li Huan looked in the direction Yun Ling pointed, and Master Ling was writing something on the ground at the moment.

Li Huan walked over curiously.

All runes!

Li Huan: "What does this mean? Why is he so obedient all of a sudden?"

Li Huan was very surprised, he had been whipped so many times before, his head was swollen, and he refused to say a word.

This time, people will write out all the runes!
Li Huan: "How did you do it?"

Li Huan naturally knew that Master Ling's own conscience could not have discovered it, and it was naturally because of Yun Ling.

Li Huan looked at Yun Ling expectantly.

Yun Ling: "I brainwashed him! It won't last long, so hurry up and remember all these things! When he wakes up, he will disappear!"

Li Huan looked at the densely packed runes on the ground, some of them he could understand, some of them couldn't, but Yun Ling said, they will disappear!

Then memorize them all!
Then slowly digest.

From beginning to end, Li Huan relied on memory to memorize all the obscure runes.

It was a bit difficult at first, but it became smoother very quickly.

Li Huan moved quickly, and quickly caught up with Lord Ling.

Master Ling's eyes were dull, and he kept writing runes, completely unaware that there was a person beside him, and he memorized all the things he wrote.

Master Ling kept writing until he couldn't write, then stopped!
Just after Li Huan finished reciting the last rune, Lord Ling's eyes began to return to normal.

The moment Master Ling woke up, all the runes disappeared!
It seems that these runes are all formed by his spiritual power.

Li Huan memorized all the runes.

After Master Ling woke up, he found that Li Huan was standing next to him, and he was shocked.

Lord Ling: "What are you doing! I won't give in!"

Li Huan: "Cut! As long as you know what you know, I know how to do it! What's so great about it!"

Master Ling: "Impossible! You are lying!"

Li Huan: "What's the difficulty! Why don't we have a competition! If you lose, you have to say whatever I ask you!"

Lord Ling: "Heh! If you lose, you have to let me go immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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