Chapter 1389 Ten Underground Floors
As soon as Horuixi finished speaking, Li Fang sent his hand away.

In order to protect herself, Horuixi guessed wildly in desperation, but it worked!
So Horuixi stepped up again: "Uncle, someone must have followed me in before! Look at the marks on my head! I can't beat myself on the back of the head! Uncle! It must be someone else!"

Li Fang thought about the possibility that Horuixi said.

He Ruixi's cultivation base and level, he couldn't be more clear.

Super long play is the strength of the seventh floor, and this ninth floor is what he managed to get back and use for himself!

For such a long time, there is no holy beast under his control.

It's only a little bit close, as long as all Qilin's vigor is weakened, it can be subdued by hand!

But right now, the unicorn is gone!

The badly injured unicorn was gone!

In order to successfully subdue Qilin, Li Fang kept using poison to minimize his attack power.

Seeing that it was about to succeed, but was cut off!

How can Li Fang not be angry!
Li Fang: "I have changed the formation, as long as that person is still there, he will definitely not be able to get out! This formation is not something ordinary people can see clearly."

Li Fang was about to start searching, when Li Huan looked, all the way up was gone, only one way down, and the passage on the last floor was still there.

Li Fang: "Let's go!"

Horuixi: "Uncle, are you not arresting people?"

Li Fang: "All the passages to go up are blocked, and no one can go out except me! As long as he breaks the formation, I can sense it! Wait for him to fall into the trap!"

Horuixi followed Li Fang up.

Horuixi: "Uncle, what's behind this? Why isn't this road sealed off?"

Li Fang: "That's hell, you can get in, you can't get out!"

Fang Li didn't say anything, but his expression said, the last level, there is no return.

Horuixi followed Li Fang away, and when Li Huan came out to follow up, the opening of the formation where they went out just now had disappeared!
Li Huan heard it just now, as long as the formation is broken, Li Fang will notice it.

Li Huan had no choice but to wait here.

But not long after, Li Huan discovered that the formation was tightening!

Top down!

It's getting narrower and narrower!As long as Li Huan touched the formation, he would be discovered immediately.

Li Huan took a look, there was no other place to hide except to go down!
But there is a dangerous breath below!

I don't know what it is, even standing at this intersection, Li Huan can feel something is wrong.

Li Huan hesitated for a moment, but finally went down.

It's okay to go down, but here, if caught by Li Fang, there is only one dead end.

Li Huan decisively went down to the last floor, the tenth floor underground.

The passage down was extremely dark, so Li Huan had to be careful.

The tenth floor seemed extraordinarily narrow and long. Just when Li Huan was in doubt, a little green light suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's a ghost!
It turned out to be a ghost!
Before Li Huan walked in, the ghost pounced upon smelling the scent.

Li Huan can only dodge, invisibility is useless to ghosts.

The first one found Li Huan, and in just a few breaths, a dense crowd of ghosts came.

Li Huan couldn't dodge in time, and was almost eaten by a ghost!

Li Huan is also a soul body at the moment, if a ghost bites her, her soul may be damaged!

Li Huan's hand instantly lit up with flames!
Nine Ghost Bone Fire!
As soon as the flames came out, the ghosts had no choice but to step aside, but these ghosts were not afraid of Li Huan, and followed Li Huan all the time.

It seems that the ghosts here are a little more advanced.

Li Huan walked inside, this long passage was full of ghosts.

The more inside, the more ghosts, and gradually the devilish energy began to appear. Could there be demons in the dead soul mountain?
Li Huan walked forward, walked to the end, and finally reached an open place, where there is a dark devil energy, Li Huan tried to extinguish the Nine Phantom Bone Fire in his hand, but as soon as there was a trace of extinguishing, the ghost behind him immediately stepped forward and prepared Eat up the joys and sorrows at any time!

It looked like he hadn't eaten for many years, so when he saw a living person, he went crazy with hunger.

Can't wait to rush over, Li Huan couldn't help igniting the Jiuyouling's bone fire, but the Jiuyouling's bone fire continued to burn, consuming a lot of energy.

Li Huan could feel that his mental power was being consumed continuously.

The dark devil energy in front of him blocked his sight, Li Huan couldn't see what was inside, he only felt danger ahead, but Li Huan didn't know what it was.

On the other side, Li Fang has been carefully checking all the formations, but still found nothing.

But Horuixi swears firmly that she was knocked out!

In order to make Li Fang believe in him, He Ruixi even made an oath to the Dao of Heaven, and the formation of the oath of heaven and earth was formed.

Only then did Li Fang believe that He Ruixi was really knocked out!

Horuixi himself didn't expect to trigger the Heaven and Earth Oath Formation!
Therefore, I was indeed knocked out before, instead of just shirking responsibility and talking nonsense.

Li Fang checked all the floors again, the red golden leopard was gone, and the unicorn was gone too!
Not even the guy who knocked out Horatio.

Li Fang looked at the intersection of the tenth floor, wondering what he was thinking.

Horuixi: "Uncle, you must have escaped! In this way, wouldn't you be dead?"

Li Fang didn't speak, just stared at this road, this last place was not built by him!

But it has always been here!

I also moved here when I found out that it was unusual to use the power here to help me complete the trapped beast experiment.

So, in fact, it's not that the tenth floor of the ceremony has never been there, but it's just blocked by ghosts every time.

There are so many ghosts inside!

Moreover, the ghosts are also very powerful. If they are not careful, they will be bitten. After such a bite, it will be difficult to recover after more than ten years.

Li Fang hesitated for a moment, it would be a pity if the red golden leopard was lost, but Qilin, that is a holy beast!
Even the God Realm can't find a few, if only they could be controlled!
Li Fang finally decided to go to the tenth floor underground in order to retrieve Qilin.

Hearing the sound of fighting, Li Huan guessed that Li Fang had come.

Li Huan was about to push away the devilish energy, but it was too strong, so Li Huan could only use the bones and fire of the nine ghosts to move forward slowly.

The dark devil energy completely blocked the line of sight. After Li Huan entered the dark devil energy, the ghosts stopped following, and kept walking forward as usual.

When Li Fang rushed over, he was holding the dying Horuixi in his hand.

There are too many ghosts here, the first time Li Fang came in, Li Fang couldn't get in smoothly, and the second time Li Fang directly used He Ruixi as a shield to block the ghosts.

When Li Fang came over, Horixi had already been eaten by the ghost and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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