Chapter 1390 teasing
Li Fang looked at the devilish energy in front of him, it seemed that someone had really entered it!

He Ruixi is right, someone took away the Qilin that he could subdue immediately!

Qilin is a holy beast, as long as he can get it, maybe he can use it to go to the God Realm!

The God Realm is an existence that is not known to be much higher than this plane.

Li Fang refused to give up on Qilin, and chased after it from the evil spirit.

Li Huan has been in for a while, walking in the dark devilish energy, Li Huan only feels that there is a pair of eyes looking at him, but he doesn't know where it is!
This feeling of being voyeurized invisibly is really not good.

After Li Fang came in, he realized that he was thinking too naively. There was dark devil energy in all directions, and it was impossible to tell which direction people were going.

Just when Li Fang didn't know what to do, he suddenly saw a light in front of him!

Li Fang stepped forward, and sure enough, he found someone there!

Li Huan felt someone approaching suddenly, and immediately extinguished the Nine Phantom Bone Fire in his hand.

Li Fang lost his direction in an instant, and Li Fang rushed forward to find that there was nothing.

Li Huan walked a certain distance cautiously, and sure enough, he came after him!
However, the dark devil energy has the effect of blocking the consciousness, and with the blurred vision, it is not easy to catch yourself.

Li Huan could not be affected by the dark devil energy, but his mental energy was consumed a lot, and the Nine Phantom Bone Fire helped Li Huan devour the dark devil energy.

Li Huan suddenly realized that there was someone not far in front of him!

It's Lifang!
Li Huan took out his dagger and prepared to sneak attack, but just behind Li Fang's side, Li Fang's figure was suddenly blocked by the devilish energy!
Li Huan lost her direction in an instant.

It was very difficult for Li Fang to act in the devilish energy, and when he was about to lose his hold, he suddenly saw movement in the direction to his left.

Li Fang stepped forward quickly, but found that the person was gone again!

Li Fang was a little out of breath.

Li Huan just lost his target, but Li Fang suddenly appeared again!

Li Huan stepped forward again, ready to sneak attack.

Li Fang's cultivation base is not low, and if he wants to succeed, he must hit it with one blow.

Li Huan was ready, but when he stepped forward, he was blocked by a large amount of demon energy in an instant!

When the devilish energy dissipated, Li Fang had disappeared.

Li Huan vaguely felt a little strange, the next few times, it was still like this!

Coupled with the feeling of being spied on before, Li Huan always felt that someone was watching him and Li Fang.

After Li Huan noticed something was wrong, he finally found the source of his spiritual power after another time.

Li Huan found that Li Fang appeared in front again, but this time Li Huan did not step forward, but ran towards the direction he sensed directly!

After exiting the demonic air mass, there is a wall behind.

Li Huan realized that the thought power he felt before was coming from behind this wall!
Li Huan is now a Tiannian teacher, extremely sensitive to mental power and mind power, Li Huan's induction can't be wrong.

Li Huan checked the wall.

The thought power inside has disappeared.

But Li Huan has been confirmed, so there must be a way to get in!
Li Huan doesn't know what's inside, but the person who can be so far away and can play around with Li Fang must not be an ordinary person!

Li Fang is here, as long as Li Huan is caught, he must be dead!

Li Huan realized that this thought power was not malicious, so he decided to go in and talk about it!
Li Huan finally found a flaw in the wall!

This is a wall that can only be entered according to a specific footwork, and it is also one of the formations!

Li Huan started walking according to the formation he had deciphered.

The thought force inside appeared again, but Li Huan ignored it and was about to finish walking.

As long as the footwork is done, it should be the way in. There is only one way to enter, and only by following a specific footwork.

When Li Huan took the last three steps, the devilish energy suddenly disappeared.

"It's here!"

Li Fang was pleasantly surprised, and finally found someone!
Li Huan didn't look back, and speeded up, only one step away!

Li Fang: "Just don't look back? Hand over the unicorn! Don't turn around and beg for mercy!"

Seeing that the people in front were still moving forward, Li Fang felt a sense of being provoked, and immediately stepped forward, ready to catch Li Huan.

Li Fang reached the corner in one step, extremely fast.

But Li Huan has already taken the last step: "Go in!"

Li Huan left without looking back.

While Li Fang was dumbfounded, when he reached the position where Li Huan was just now, he thought that he would be able to enter through the wall just like the people in front of him.



Li Fang only felt that his head was a smashed watermelon, and it exploded with a bang!

The speed was too fast, and the moment it hit the wall, the headache exploded.

Li Fang looked at the wall, obviously just disappeared from here!
Why not!

Li Fang was furious, and finally found someone, but he still didn't catch him!
Just a little bit!
But it didn't work!

What is behind this place? Although Li Fang has been here before, he never knew that he could go in behind this place.

Li Fang is not a formation master, he doesn't know how to read formations, so this wall is like a blocked mountain, which cannot be crossed.

Li Fang was furious, and finally decided to use the most stupid method.

hit the wall.

Li Fang took out a hammer and used all his strength to smash it towards the wall.


There was a loud noise, and the wall shook, but there was no damage at all.

Reluctant to give up, Li Fang started hitting the wall again.

But every time it was useless, after a little bit of damage, the wall would be repaired by itself, just like it was before the damage.

Li Huan has already entered, and there is a small house inside.

Li Huan opened the door and went in. There was nothing in the yard, it was empty.

Li Huan walked in, ready to knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

No one responded.

Li Huan decided to go in and have a look, the previous thought power came from here.

After Li Huan came in, he saw a child locked in the room.

Four eyes facing each other.

Li Huan: "Who are you?"

"who are you?"

The little doll said the same as what he said.

Li Huan: "I asked first, so you talk first."

"Do not say!"

A powerful spiritual force is like a majestic ocean wave, hitting Li Huan on this small stone.

Li Huan's shock almost turned him into a fool.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Li Huan used the Buddha statue to absorb the thought power.

Li Huan: "It was you just now?"

The little doll didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Li Huan thought for a while, and took out a box of dim sum: "This is something delicious I made! You can try it!"

While Li Huan put something into her mouth, she handed the box to the locked doll.

The little baby looked at Li Huan suspiciously, and Li Huan demonstrated the eating action again.

Li Huan also took a piece of snack, put it in his mouth and began to eat.

After looking at it, the little doll took the box and swallowed everything in one gulp.

Includes box.

Li Huan: ...

My throat hurts just looking at it!

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(End of this chapter)

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