Chapter 1395
The bearded man gritted his teeth: "Qin Song won't harm us! Let's go!"

A group of people walked in the direction that the person just left.

Li Huan thought for a while and followed.

After walking a certain distance, Li Huan saw a familiar tree by the lake!

This is not the entrance of Linglin and their organization!

So, this is the former holy lake?

Compared with the current holy lake, the previous appearance here, although there was a lot of ice and snow, was considered a pleasant scenery.

After the bearded and his party walked to the lake, they found that the lake was frozen!

"Captain! The lake is frozen now, you can pass!"

Pharmacist Li suddenly stood up: "There is a time for this frozen lake to be frozen. There are so many of us, so we should be careful! If we go to the center of the lake, we will fall into it!"

"Hey! Crack!"

There is a signal ahead.

The bearded man: "It's Qin Song, he's in front, let's go! Now that he has found the way, let's go! Tell everyone, hurry up! Don't be caught up by the monsters behind!"

Pharmacist Li: "Captain, be careful!"

The bearded man: "Qin Song won't lie! Let's go! Li Yaoshi, send out a signal and tell the people behind us that we have arrived at the ice lake, let them wait before setting off."

Pharmacist Li sent out a signal according to the bearded man's instructions.

Not long after the group left with the spiral whiskers, the monsters behind them came after them!
The monsters didn't dare to go to the ice lake, hesitated for a while by the lake, and then dispersed!
After the monsters dispersed, Li Huan saw more people coming from behind!
"Did the captain signal that he had crossed the lake?"

"That's what it said, let's follow and go out together!"

"That's right. I've been outside for such a long time. Now I just want to finish this task as soon as possible and go back to sleep for a few days."

Li Huan took a look, the people walking in front should be the pioneers, and there was a team of 500 people in the back.

Li Huan followed this group of people forward.

Li Huan was at the end, and just as she walked up, she realized that something was wrong. The ice by the lake had already started to melt!

There are so many people, I'm afraid they will have trouble getting through!
Li Huan knew that something must have happened ahead, so he hurried forward to check the situation.

By the time Li Huan caught up with the bearded man, they had already met, but it seemed that things were not going well.

The bearded man was covered in blood, and he started fighting with someone.

The bearded man: "Qin Song! You betrayed us! I believe you so much in vain!"

Qin Song: "Who told you to hold the map of Shenzang in your hand!"

The bearded man: "Oh! It's too naive to want to take us down just like that!"

A person beside Qin Song stood up: "Yuanhu, don't be stubborn! Our choice is the right one, stop being stubborn!"

Yuan Hu looked at the people on the opposite side. There were 600 people on his side, but 1000 people came from the other side, all of them were elites. After this calculation, his side had no chance of winning.

Yuan Hu looked at Qin Song: "Wolf-hearted! I will kill you today!"

Qin Song sneered and backed away.

The people around Qin Song stepped forward to fight Yuan Hu.

Li Huan thought about the situation on the lake when he came up before, and why these people didn't notice it.

Li Huan walked to the edge and found that the man named Qin Song had set up a formation here!
This is the phantom array!

Make the people inside become irritable.

Li Huan took a look, Qin Song turned out to be a formation master!
This phantom array blinded everyone inside!

The ice on the lake has disappeared here, but the people inside are still fighting, with no intention of standing up.

But this Qin Song left after setting up the formation.

Li Huan always felt that Qin Song looked familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he met him.

After Qin Song left, Li Huan wanted to remind the people inside, but found that no one heard what he said.

It seems that here is not the same time as myself.

Li Huan is here and can only watch.

It seems that these people are familiar with each other, but for some reason, their own people are fighting with their own people!
However, if this continues, the people inside will fall into the lake and drown!

Even if it wasn't drowned, it couldn't be taken out!
In this phantom array, there are restrictions.

After a while, someone finally noticed something was wrong, but it was too late!
The ice on the lake continued to disappear, and the people who were still beating just now fell like dumplings that fell into the water.

"Help! Help!"

There were cries for help one after another, and thousands of people were all soaked in the water. They went out first, but they couldn't get out!

Qin Song, who had left before, reappeared in mid-air, looking at the people at his feet calling for help, with a natural expression.

Yuan Hu found Qin Song: "Qin Song! Why are you outside! How did you get out!"

With the captain's exclamation, everyone's eyes turned to midair.

"Qin Song! Save us! Save us!"

"Qin Song, how did you get out! Tell us how to get out!"

"Save me! Save me! I don't want to die here!"

Qin Song looked at the people under his feet, but there was no movement at all.

The person who fought with Yuan Hu before looked at Qin Song: "What's wrong with you! Why did you even count us! Let us out!"

Everyone was surrounded by Qin Song's restraint and trapped in the very center of the lake. The water was icy cold and their limbs would soon become stiff.

Once stiffened, a person cannot move.Can only watch myself sink!

After a long time, a few people with low cultivation could no longer hold on, unable to move, and sank.

Li Huan looked at their desperate eyes and gradually disappeared on the lake.

Yuan Hu: "Qin Song! You let us all die!"

The person who fought with Yuan Hu didn't believe it: "Qin Song! Didn't we agree that we will go together when we get the map! What do you mean now!"

Yuan Hu: "Oh! You can't see it! He wants us all to die! So that he can steal the treasure alone! When you left before, you did it on purpose! You said that this route is safer, you have already prepared it, right? You also prepared the medicine! You deliberately forced us here!"

Qin Song: "At this point, I will let you all understand! I did it all! Hand over the map!"

Yuan Hu: "Oh! Hand it over, I'm afraid we will die sooner!"

Qin Song: "That's natural!"

"Qin Song! Why! We are all your teammates!"

"Thousands of lives! How did you do it!"

"Qin Song, let us out!"

Qin Song: "I'm about to die, and there are still so many words!"

Qin Song suddenly drew a few runes on his hand and hit the restriction.

The runes lit up, and everyone felt that their souls were about to be drawn away!
The soul is stripped from the body alive!
Worse than death!
Yuan Hu: "Your cultivation level! Your previous performance was also to show weakness! Such a vicious mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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