Chapter 1396 Last Wish
Qin Song: "You guys are stupid! I'm not vicious! If you can help me achieve great things, you will die! If I didn't know you well, I wouldn't want to do it! That's enough resentment! Your death is honorable!"

Li Huan saw clearly that the runes that appeared in Qin Song's hand kept hitting the restriction.

The trapped person, while the body is stiff, is pulled out of the soul alive.

Seeing this scene, Li Huan felt horrified. Thousands of living souls were continuously gathered under the influence of these runes!
The power of resentment suddenly grew after the soul!

Those powers of resentment continuously gathered toward Qin Song in mid-air, and Qin Song began to absorb these powers of resentment to practice.

In just a short moment, Li Huan discovered that after Qin Song absorbed the power of resentment, his cultivation base continued to grow.

Qin Song: "Sure enough, your power of resentment is more abundant! Good! Once we get to know each other once, I will let you help me practice life after life!"

The rune in Qin Song's hand kept flickering, and the souls of the people who were still on the lake just now were drawn out one by one.Gather the power of resentment.

After Qin Song absorbed the continuous power of resentment, he began to cross the catastrophe!
Li Huan saw it clearly!

This is crossing robbery!Qin Song is about to transform into a god!
To use the lives of so many people to help him transform into a god!

The power of resentment turns into a god, into a god!

Qin Song is the God of Resentment!

Li Huan finally remembered why he always looked familiar to Qin Song!

It's the God of Resentment!

Li Huan, the statue of the God of Resentment, has seen it before!
Qin Song is the God of Resentment!

The God of Resentment is Qin Song!

But Qin Song in the picture is obviously not as powerful as he is now!

After stepping on the corpses of so many people, he achieved his own path to becoming a god.

Bloody and vicious.

After Qin Song crossed the catastrophe, he searched Yuan Hu, but found nothing.

Qin Song was furious: "Why not!"

Before Li Huan saw Yuan Hu touching his chest, he should have hidden something, but why didn't Qin Song search for it!

Those spirits that have been pulled out are constantly drifting, constantly breeding the power of resentment.

Soon, they all turned into wraiths.

The resentful souls kept attacking Qin Song, and they still remembered that it was the man in front of them who killed them.

Qin Song snorted coldly: "Let you be used by me for life after life! Damn it!"

Qin Song threw Yuan Hu's body away and went up into the air.

Print in the air.

Qin Song finally searched all of this generation!
Almost turned the lake over!

But still haven't found the so-called map.

Qin Song: "Damn it! If you don't hand it over, you will live here forever and become resentful souls forever!"

After Qin Song's voice fell, the lake began to freeze.

The entire lake froze, and the bodies of those people were immersed in the bottom of the lake, frozen here forever.

After Qin Song left, Li Huan only felt that he saw something extraordinary!
The Resentful God back then was not a real Protoss!

It's a person who turned into a god after the cultivation of the human race!
The method of transforming gods he used was full of blood!
Just when Li Huan was about to leave, runes suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake. These runes continued to gather and turned into a complete spell!

Qin Song has already left, what's the matter with this spell?

Li Huan looked at his hand, and the complete spell on his hand also lit up!

The mantras on the lake continued to gather together, and finally formed a complete mantra.

At the same time, the mantra in Li Huan's hand, after being lit, suddenly left his palm, and after being enlarged, it merged with the mantra on the lake.

Li Huan was amazed.

After a while, a map appeared on the lake.

Li Huan stepped forward and took the map.

After the map tentacles disappeared!

Li Huan took a look, and actually ran to the space by himself!

Yun Ling was awakened by this movement.

Yun Ling: "Is this a divine treasure?"

Li Huan: "What is Shenzang?"

Yun Ling: "The legendary gods will fall, sometimes they will fall into the world, and the place where the fallen gods are located is where the gods are located. There must be the inheritance of the fallen gods here. This is the real gods. !"

Li Huan looked at the map, and this is what Yuanhu and his party should have escorted back then.

It's a pity that someone calculated it!
Qin Song did such a thing back then and successfully survived the catastrophe. Afterwards, he must have gone to the God Realm, what resentment to God!

He's just a wolf-hearted person who hurt his companions!

The curse words in mid-air kept flickering.

It seems that this is the origin of the complete mantra!

It is the magic spell transformed by thousands of lives, not Qin Song's!

Therefore, Linglin and their runes are incomplete, because they were all given by Qin Song!

And the one in Li Huan's hand was the result of Yuan Hu's resentment.

Li Huan reached out!
The moment he touched the curse word, a strong force of resentment attacked Li Huan!
Li Huan felt like his head was going to explode!

Sensing the threat, the soul-suppressing orb spun quickly, absorbing the resentment that attacked Li Huan's consciousness!
A resentful soul suddenly appeared in midair.

The resentful soul looked at Li Huan, and Li Huan looked at the resentful soul.

It's Yuan Hu!
It's still there after all these years!
Yuan Hu: "You are the second person to come here."

Li Huan thought about it, the first one should be their former captain that Ling Lin mentioned.

Yuan Hu: "This rune carries our curse."

Li Huan looked at his hands, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Li Huan: "Can I not?"

Yuan Hu: "You don't want such a powerful force?"

Li Huan: "All spells have backlash!"

Yuan Hu looked at Li Huan, but didn't speak.

Li Huan: "So, can I not? It's a coincidence that I got this, I didn't want it myself."

Yuan Hu: "If you can fulfill our wish, this mantra can give you a great fortune!"

Li Huan: "But I don't..."

"Promise him!"

Before Li Huan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yun Ling's voice!

Yun Ling's voice came from space.

Li Huan: "Okay! Tell me, what is the request!"

Yuan Hu: "You saw it too! We want Qin Song to die!"

Li Huan: ...

Regional level missions!
After thousands of years, Qin Song has already become a real god!

Li Huan, who has just turned into a god, is still a false god, and he doesn't even know where the gods are. How can he kill him?

If he didn't believe in Yun Ling enough, Li Huan would have doubted it, and was cheated!
Yuan Hu: "I won't let you down!"

Li Huan felt like a dumb man eating coptis.

Yuan Hu: "We are waiting for you here!"

Li Huan: "How do you know if I killed him or not?"

Yuan Hu: "We naturally have our own way."

Li Huan: "The one in front must have failed in the assassination! What's the result? Can you remind me?"

Yuan Hu: "What do you say!"

Li Huan: ...

Yuan Hu: "It's actually not difficult! You are better than him."

Li Huan: "It means there is no comfort."

Yuan Hu: "What you have, he doesn't have. You are not fighting alone. After completing the task, you will be pleasantly surprised!"

Li Huan: ...

Can this kind of surprise be avoided?
(End of this chapter)

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