Chapter 1404
When Li Huan felt Liwang City, Liwang City was still not lively, full of people.

Li Huan: "What kind of happy event is this?"

Passerby A: "You also came to see the fairy?"

Linglin: "What fairy?"

Passer-by B: "You don't know this! We have a messenger sent by the God of Resentment in Liwang City, who is called a beautiful fairy! Today the fairy will distribute crystal stones in the city! There are people who go early, and those who go late It's gone!"

Linglin: "Free God spar? Such a good thing?"

Passerby C: "Get out of the way! It's blocking me! Oops! I won't be able to occupy a good position for a while!"

Li Huan: "When did the fairy come?"

Passerby A: "It came down yesterday! Many people have seen it, it just fell from the sky and landed directly in the city lord's mansion. Not long after, the people in the city lord's mansion said that the envoy of the god of resentment came, this time to choose the next blessing of people!"

Passerby B: "This fairy is really a lucky star! She is also beautiful and kind-hearted! The blessings of the God of Resentment are all random! But she has a designated place!"

Passer-by C: "That's right! Of course it's different for the confidant messenger of the God of Resentment!"

After Li Huan finished listening, he exchanged glances with He Ruidong and Ling Lin.

The three of them instantly had a tacit understanding that Fang Li must be in the city.

Li Huan: "Then let's go and see what this fairy looks like."

Although Li Huan already had guesses in his mind, he still wanted to confirm with his own eyes that it really was Murong Xueying.

Because Li Huan was wearing a mask, Murong Xueying couldn't recognize her.

Plus there are so many people, Li Huan can hide and mix in the crowd, compared to the aloof Murong Xueying, it is like sand falling in the desert, there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Huan looked at Murong Xueying who was meditating in mid-air, and had to say that this guy has grown up pretty well.

In such a short period of time, the power of resentment has been cultivated to such an extent!

If counting from Murong Xueying's disappearance, it only took a few months, and there were some delays in the middle. In such a short period of time, she was able to release her thoughts, and Murong Xueying's talent is not bad!

Unexpectedly, even if her cultivation base is abolished, her mind power can still be awakened by her. With mind power, she can become a mind teacher!
However, the difference between Nian Shi who cultivates the power of resentment and ordinary Nian masters is that the power of resentment is too dark!
Before Li Huan was under the holy lake, he saw Qin Song do such cruel things to his teammates in order to get enough of one of the grievances.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, there will be retribution!

It's just that the God of Resentment doesn't seem to have any retribution, and he stepped into the land of the gods as he wished!
Achieved a class leap.

Li Huan looked at Murong Xueying, she was absorbing the power of resentment.

Murong Xueying absorbed the power of resentment and became a mind teacher like a resentment.

Li Huan is also a psychic master, but the biggest difference between her and the psychic masters here is that all the power of resentment will be purified by the soul-suppressing beads, and what Li Huan absorbs here is still pure psychic power!
The power of resentment can easily lead people into a situation beyond redemption.

If you kill too much, there will be a day!

Everyone was squeezing towards Murong Xueying.

He Ruidong: "This is the person we met on the road before. From the looks of it, she should have reached something with Li Fang. I don't believe there will be any trusted envoys who resent God!"

Ling Lin: "The worst thing is that the statue of the Resenting God is lost. It would be easy to find the statue of the Resenting God!"

If Li Huan wants to go back, he must cancel this so-called decree of resentment to God, otherwise, with so many cities, Li Huan will not be able to get out!

He Ruidong: "Let's sneak into the city lord's mansion first to inquire and watch."

Linglin: "Take the God spar and go!"

Li Huan: "Stay outside and take back our share, He Ruidong and I will go in and investigate!"

Ling Lin: "Excellent! Don't worry, I will help you get the God spar!"

Ling Lin assured himself that he would complete the task with a face full of confidence.

Linglin's cultivation base is not high, so he followed Li Huan and the others into the City Lord's Mansion. If something happened, Li Huan would be tied up instead.

Li Huan and He Ruidong agreed on a meeting place, and set off from two different directions.

Li Huan entered the City Lord's Mansion and quietly walked towards the inner courtyard.

There is no one in the city lord's mansion!
Not even a guard.

Li Fang has not been here for many years. It stands to reason that there should be a new city lord living here. If Li Fang wants to regain the rights of the city lord, he should bring all the forces of the former city lord under his command.

But there was no one in the yard.

Even the guards disappeared, which gave Li Huan an extremely strange feeling.

Li Huan uses invisibility to hide herself.

After walking through several courtyards, there was no one there. Li Huan walked forward for a while, and finally found something wrong.

Li Huan saw some signs of fighting on the door, and after walking in, there were fresh corpses inside!
Li Huan walked to the innermost part, pushed open the door, and there were even more miserable scenes in the room.

Everyone, big and small, was poisoned!
It looks like it's Li Fang's handwriting!
It should be to drive all the people in this mansion here and then directly poison them to death!
Li Huan took a general look at the people in the whole mansion, and there were hundreds of people who had died not long ago!

It should have been killed when Li Fang came!
Simply not human!

But Li Huan searched around but couldn't find Li Fang's figure.

Too many people died in this yard, and the resentment was a bit heavy.

Li Huan took a look at these grievances, and if there were none, they slowly gathered in one direction.

Li Huan followed the direction where the resentment gathered.

In front is a formation, which is well hidden, if you don't pay attention, it is very likely to be ignored.

After Li Huan approached, he found that Li Fang was inside, this formation was not simple, Li Huan didn't dare to approach easily, if he alarmed Li Fang, it would be troublesome.

First look for the statue of the god of resentment.

Li Huan walked around and didn't find anything amiss. Since Li Fang had the statue of the God of Resentment, he would definitely find a place to hide it and use it later!

However, it is not easy to move the statue of the resentful god, so he must find a hidden place to hide it. Li Huan himself observed the power of resentment, some of them converge towards the place where Li Fang is, and some of them go to another place up!
If the God of Resentment needs to restore control here, it needs the statue of the God of Resentment to absorb the power of resentment!

Therefore, following these powers of resentment should be able to be found.

Li Huan followed for a distance, and found something was wrong beside a dry well in the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Huan felt the sinking of the power of resentment, it should be here!
After Li Huan jumped down the dry well, he crawled away a pile of dead leaves, revealing a part of the statue of the Resentful God!

Hiding in such an inconspicuous place, it is thoughtful!
But Li Huan still found it with her own perception!
(End of this chapter)

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