Chapter 1405 Erase Coordinates
There is a power in the statue of the God of Resentment that Li Huan had not discovered before, presumably this is the decree of the God of Resentment promulgated by Li Fang with the help of something before!

Li Huan urged Soul Eater Art, and the power of thought hit on this power.


There was a broken sound, and the thing in the middle of the statue of the Resentful God shattered!
At the same time, all the major cities disappeared after receiving the order of the God of Resentment!

"Is this cancelled?"

"Looks like it is!"

"Then this person is not arrested?"

"It may have been solved by the messengers!"

There was a lot of discussion on Dead Soul Mountain for a while!
Li Huan wanted to take the statue of the God of Resentment for his own use, but he couldn't do it.

Yun Ling: "Bring it in, I'll help you!"

Li Huan was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately moved the statue of Resentful God into the space.

The power of resentment on the statue of resentful god immediately spread, and Li Huan was surprised: "No!"

The space is all the Qi of origin, and cannot be polluted by the power of resentment!
Yun Ling made a seal with his hands, and instantly transformed into a circle, enclosing the statue of the Resentful God.

Seeing Yun Ling constantly chanting something, Li Huan could feel the power of resentment gathered in the statue of resentful god gradually dissipating.

But soon, a powerful force seemed to forcibly block Yun Ling's movements.

Li Huan: "Are you resenting God?"

Yun Ling nodded, with a dignified expression: "Securing the gate of space! No force can let him in!"

Li Huan was amazed that the strength of the Resentful God was so strong!You can even find the space for divorce!

Yun Ling: "The coordinates in this statue will bring him here. You guard the door. The distance is too far. His hand can't reach so far. I will erase the coordinates as soon as possible. At that time, you will engrave yourself Whatever you want is fine. As for this face, just carve it into my shape!"

Li Huan: ...

Why not like me!
Yun Ling seemed to have a feeling: "If I put it here with you, if I'm not here, you can see me every day!"

Li Huan: I can't find a reason to object!

But Li Huan thought about it, and shook his head: "I'm going to be placed in the imperial city, and when I go to the God Realm in the future, I can still contact Yun Ni and the others! It's not because I miss you!"

Yun Ling: ...Little Baozi doesn't miss himself!

So sad!
Li Huan: "When will I miss you! From now on, you can't go anywhere except by my side!"

Yun Ling's originally resentful expression instantly became arrogant again.

Li Huan: "Hurry up!"

That power is near!

Li Huan began to arrange formations outside the gate of space.

The gate of space has always been controlled by Li Huan alone!

But as Li Huan's cultivation grew and he experienced more things, he realized that this was not the case!
The door of space is the key to entering the space. If you can get the approval of the door of space, you can still enter here!

For example, Yunling!

Such as bun face!
And Li Huan's contracted beast!

The space will increase and become more solid with Li Huan's strength, but the space is not as solid as the top level.

If Li Huan's strength exceeds Li Huan's tolerance, the other party can already forcibly break into the door!

Wrathful God's cultivation is unfathomable, if he senses the coordinates here and forces his way in, all of Li Huan's secrets will be discovered by Wrathful God!

Besides, there are temples like Taiyi Palace inside!
This is Li Huan's biggest secret!

Never let anyone know!

Li Huan nervously arranged all the blocking formations he could think of outside the space gate.

Yun Ling is stepping up to eliminate the coordinates on the statue.

The power of resentment is too strong!
There is still a long distance, Li Huan can feel the feeling of suffocation.

I don't know what the God Realm is like.

What kind of existence is the Resentful God in the God Realm?

While thinking about it, Li Huan caught his attention.

A strong coercion came, and Li Huan felt that he was about to be out of breath.

Li Huan used the Soul Devouring Art, and hit all the mental power on the formation!
After coercion, the power of resentment is ten thousand times stronger than any power of resentment that Li Huan has ever seen!
This is the real power of God?

Yun Ling said that the distance is long, so when he got here, he should have been diluted to less than one ten-thousandth of his strength.

But with this power, Li Huan still needs to go all out!
It is still very difficult!

In front of the powerful force, Li Huan felt his insignificance for the first time.


Li Huan was hit by this force, his stomach was hit, and he vomited blood.

Li Huan clenched her teeth, desperately resisting.

Li Huan: "Yan Qing! Divine Phoenix!"

Yan Qing coiled up his body in an instant, blocking the door of space.

Shenhuang also sensed a powerful force, constantly exuding simplicity, and blocked Yan Qing's body.


Because of the strong resistance of Shenhuang, the blade of the sword keeps buzzing, which shows that the pressure it bears has reached a critical point!
Shenhuang's sword was continuously shaken by the power of resentment from the God of Resentment.

Li Huan immediately blessed Shenhuang with all her aura, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Li Huan: "Just hold on for a while!"

The cloud order has already started, it will take a little time!
But in just a few breaths, to Li Huan, it seemed as long as a century!

Yan Qing: "It hurts me to death! My dragon scales are about to shatter!"

Yan Qing's entire body was outside the gate of space, and he was under the greatest pressure.

Li Huan saw blood beads continuously oozing from under Yan Qing's dragon scale due to the huge pressure.

Li Huan: "Yan Qing, do you want to eat roasted whole lamb! As long as this time passes, I will immediately roast the little white lamb you have been coveting for a long time!"

Li Huan's space raises a lot of spirit birds. These are the dry food that he prepared for himself when he fled outside. In addition, the little milk cat loves to eat, so Li Huan raised a lot on the mountain of space.

When Yan Qing was in the space, he kept drooling at the spirit birds on the Lingshan Mountain.

Upon hearing Li Huan's words, Yan Qing immediately became excited: "You're serious! Don't go back on your word?"

Li Huan: "Naturally it is true! Persistence is victory! Do you want it?"

Yan Qing: "That must be done! I have never eaten something so delicious! I must persist!"

After being beaten up by Li Huan, Yan Qing felt all the energies!
Li Huan put his thoughts on Yan Qing's body to help him resist.

But the power of this resentment is not only powerful, but also has the effect of bewitching people's hearts!
The power of resentment is constantly eating away at Li Huan and Yan Qing's spiritual power.

In Li Huan's mind, the things that made him remember deeply in the past kept appearing!

But Li Huan quickly activated the Soul Restraining Orb and suppressed the power of resentment!
But Yan Qing's copper bell-like eyes gradually turned red under the influence of such resentment!
Li Huan yelled inwardly: "Yan Qing! Yan Qing!"

Li Huan gathered his mental strength, trying to pull Yan Qing back.

(End of this chapter)

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